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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    3. Many of the people who supported Obama (poor people and lower middle class people) still cant afford to buy houses or have had their homes foreclosed on, and many people who can afford to buy a decent home arent Obama supporters to begin with.
    ...and so you think they're going to elect the party that started the whole catastrophe in 2007 that put their homes and lifestyle in jeopardy in the first place?

    Quote Originally Posted by Orlong View Post
    4. Most people who already had healthcare insurance before the ACA, saw their premiums rise dramatically or their plans got worse or were forced into different plans with higher out of pocket costs (copays and deductibles)
    No, most people didn't, most saw a reduction and got covered when they couldn't be covered.... stop lying.

  2. #42
    Bloodsail Admiral WillFeral's Avatar
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    Until the idiots in this country can get past just "left and right" and skin color this country is going to stay fucked up and only get worse. Educate yourself and understand both people running for election and actually know what they stand for.
    Here come the Irish.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Kujako View Post
    It is meant to pull in votes. That's kind of the problem. They pander to their "base", which these days is a bunch of lunatics. Just go back and watch the republican candidate off from 2012 and pay attention to what insane things get the most applause.
    Exactly. Both John McCain and Mitt Romney were very moderate Republicans before they ran for president. Unfortunately to win Republican primaries implicit bigotry towards minorities and the poor are expected.

  4. #44
    Blademaster chadadams14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    I keep telling everyone they should make me president of America. Or like, the world. Would be hella dope. I'd do well good.
    I'd vote for you

  5. #45
    The Insane Kujako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mvallas View Post
    No, most people didn't, most saw a reduction and got covered when they couldn't be covered.... stop lying.
    He's kinda right. Most "working adults" had/have insurance provided by their employer. I think the figure was around 48% of such people had coverage, and another 5% had third party coverage. Then you get into those on medicaid etc.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.


  6. #46
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    best thing can happen to the Democrats is GOP wins Senate and retains House. That way, in 2016, they'll roll the Presidency and probably the House and Senate....give the GOP 2 years of House/Senate control, with Obama veto...and you'll see the GOP shoot self repeatedly.
    Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixx View Post
    I really don't get why that works. Once they secure the nomination, they should be able to go back to moderate status. That would attract independents and I kind of doubt diehard Republicans would vote for someone else, even if they aren't entirely thrilled with their candidate.
    Republican strategists are stupid. They think the key to winning a general election is "catering to the base." I don't think they understand what a "base" is.

  8. #48
    If there's one thing I've learn from political science it's that polling numbers can be completely wrong. I'm sure if Obama ran again for president he would still win.

  9. #49
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nixx View Post
    I kind of doubt diehard Republicans would vote for someone else, even if they aren't entirely thrilled with their candidate.
    The risk isn't that they would vote for someone else but rather that they'd just stay home.

    Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
    Me on Elite : Dangerous | My WoW characters

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Fexus View Post
    Exactly. Both John McCain and Mitt Romney were very moderate Republicans before they ran for president. Unfortunately to win Republican primaries implicit bigotry towards minorities and the poor are expected.
    Republican Suicide Cycle:

    1. Intelligent Moderate Republican becomes candidate (McCain/Romney)
    2. Far-right electorate claims that said candidate is too moderate, particularly on social issues.
    3. Candidate tries to portray themselves as very conservative despite personal beliefs to appease the far-right in order to win the primary.
    4. Candidate wins primary, but has now alienated all moderate voters for the presidential election.
    5. Candidate scrambles to appear moderate again to regain lost electorate while still trying to maintain far-right base.
    5. Candidate loses.
    6. Repeat next election.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam the Wiser View Post
    If there's one thing I've learn from political science it's that polling numbers can be completely wrong. I'm sure if Obama ran again for president he would still win.
    This is quite true - how many polls and posts did Vyxn make during the 2012 election basically saying Obama was going to loose by a landslide against Romney.

    But, what can you expect from somebody who still refuses to believe the Koch Brothers currently fund the Tea Party. :P

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nixx View Post
    Weird. It's pretty consistently been the Republicans in my life that always screamed at me about how it's crucial to vote every election and I'm a shitbag if I ever think the choices are so bad that it doesn't matter who gets elected. I kind of figured that was just some sort of minor Republican view.
    For decades I used to buy into the whole "They're both the same" and "It's a choice between the lesser of two evils" and the more recent south park idiom "A choice between a giant douche or a turd sandwich".

    ...then Bush Jr happened.

    That was the moment when I learned how damn important my vote was, and how distinctly different the parties were.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Erin View Post
    I keep telling everyone they should make me president of America. Or like, the world. Would be hella dope. I'd do well good.
    You'll never be president of the US as long as I live here, Frenchy!
    Quote Originally Posted by Oneru View Post
    Back in Molten Core in Vanilla, about 20 people up and the rest still being ressed. Cidet, our rogue, goes in stealth and moves up to Ragnaros. About 5 seconds later, Ragnaros aggroes and starts killing all of us again. Everyone is pissed and I whisper Cidet "wtf happened?!". All he replies me is...

    "Target has no pockets"

  13. #53
    Unsurprising. More people are wising up to his inferior performance. Sarcasm aside though, I think at this point the population is so hostile and divided between liberal and conservative that no president will ever have a super high approval rating again, at least not for long. Not that it matters.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by diddle View Post
    Republican Suicide Cycle:

    1. Intelligent Moderate Republican becomes candidate (McCain/Romney)
    2. Far-right electorate claims that said candidate is too moderate, particularly on social issues.
    3. Candidate tries to portray themselves as very conservative despite personal beliefs to appease the far-right in order to win the primary.
    4. Candidate wins primary, but has now alienated all moderate voters for the presidential election.
    5. Candidate scrambles to appear moderate again to regain lost electorate while still trying to maintain far-right base.
    5. Candidate loses.
    6. Repeat next election.
    I don't know why people keep saying McCain or Romney are Moderate.

    Hell, the last video of McCain saying they should get rid of the Arizona law allowing discrimination against Homosexuals had him saying everything from "Causes a bad economy" to "reduces tourism appeal" and everything EXCEPT saying it's flat out morally wrong. As if the potential tourism prospects and income were more important than flat-out discrimination against gay couples.

  15. #55
    Left wing. Great social policies. Terrible economic policies. Result: happy people but the economy is broke at the end of the term.

    Right wing. Mean social policies. Prudent economic policies. Result: left wing's debt paid off but at a social cost.

    Voting patterns: Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right.

    The cycle goes on. Same in almost every country. And people are too stupid to see past the next government.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by xenogear3 View Post

    stock market, job market, real estate and health care insurance are at all time high.
    ... but so is inflation. Our dollar buys far less than it did 6 years ago and the vast majority of us have not gotten adequate pay raises to make up for the increase.

    Next time you visit a grocery store have a good look at how expensive things have gotten.

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Nixx View Post
    I voted for Jill Stein and will probably continue to vote for the Green Party. Let me tell you about votes not mattering.
    But your vote did matter... you still chose an option that was NOT more conservative idiocy and was still a vote away from Bush.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by jtstormrage View Post
    Left wing. Great social policies. Terrible economic policies. Result: happy people but the economy is broke at the end of the term.

    Right wing. Mean social policies. Prudent economic policies. Result: left wing's debt paid off but at a social cost.

    Voting patterns: Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right - Left - Right.

    The cycle goes on. Same in almost every country. And people are too stupid to see past the next government.
    ...were you even conscious during 2007? o_O

    ...left wing's debt!?! LEFT WING'S DEBT!?! Clinton had a surplus! The Bush Policies introduced a payout to bailout the banks they helped destroy themselves thanks to republican deregulation. Now conservatives place the 3 tril debt on Obama while turning the cheek to where it REALLY came from - and willfully ignore that Obama's current policies are not adding any extra debt whatsoever.
    Last edited by mvaliz; 2014-04-29 at 04:25 PM.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by mvallas View Post
    I don't know why people keep saying McCain or Romney are Moderate.

    Hell, the last video of McCain saying they should get rid of the Arizona law allowing discrimination against Homosexuals had him saying everything from "Causes a bad economy" to "reduces tourism appeal" and everything EXCEPT saying it's flat out morally wrong. As if the potential tourism prospects and income were more important than flat-out discrimination against gay couples.
    McCain was a moderate Republican. His presidential bid may have done irreparable damage. Also, and I say this in all sincerity, I think he's beginning to lose some of mental faculties. Romney had a very high approval rating as governor of a very blue state. He passed into law a healthcare bill for Massachusetts that was the template for the Affordable Care Act.

  19. #59
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mvallas View Post
    I don't know why people keep saying McCain or Romney are Moderate.
    There's a difference between "moderate for a Republican" and "moderate".

    Obama's a moderate conservative, though he's been leaning slightly more left the last few months or so than he has been during the rest of his Presidency. The Republicans are a far-right party, however, so a "moderate" from their point of view is still far-right.

    And really, the issue with McCain and Romney wasn't their politics. With McCain, it's that he picked Palin of all people as his running mate. Even at the time, it quickly became apparent how little vetting they'd done, and that spoke to his campaign's capabilities, to his detriment. With Romney, it's that he tried to be everything to everyone, and exposed that he stood for nothing, for no one. There's conservative right-wing candidates who have a shot. I liked Huntsman, during the last election's primaries. Still do, though he got pruned REALLY early. Gary Johnson's Libertarian, but I think he's a decent bloke. The issue isn't conservatives, or even Republicans, it's the base they've decided to appeal to. They're following their base, rather than leading them, and that's a serious problem.

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by mvallas View Post
    This is quite true - how many polls and posts did Vyxn make during the 2012 election basically saying Obama was going to loose by a landslide against Romney.

    But, what can you expect from somebody who still refuses to believe the Koch Brothers currently fund the Tea Party. :P

    - - - Updated - - -

    For decades I used to buy into the whole "They're both the same" and "It's a choice between the lesser of two evils" and the more recent south park idiom "A choice between a giant douche or a turd sandwich".

    ...then Bush Jr happened.

    That was the moment when I learned how damn important my vote was, and how distinctly different the parties were.
    none because not one poll showed that and would love for you to post one poll that did show that

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