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  1. #41
    The Insane Kujako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Didactic View Post
    What would happen in that case is you'd have people with MBAs flipping burgers.
    No, no. The people with MBAs work at Starbucks.
    It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire shakes, the shakes become a warning.


  2. #42
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    I see people are unfamiliar with the concept that injecting the proletariat with money ultimately causes that money to be spent on goods and services, creating revenue for businesses and creating demand for more jobs.

    Some still operate under the old, tired, false rhetoric that starving people of income will magically make jobs appear, and that the sudden decrease in circulating capital from actually REMOVING the minimum wage will in no way negatively affect people's spending money and thus business income.

    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  3. #43
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tedbuckland View Post
    Why don't we just print $100 trillion and give it out to everyone so they can pay their rent for years!

    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  4. #44
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lenonis View Post
    And your posts have me convinced you have no empathy or ability to see anything outside of your own life circumstances.

    You can sit there are go "I'm the only one who knows the truth" all you want. Doesn't make it true.

    If nothing else, the fact you assert that you feel like you are one of the few who has "spent a day in the real world" is actually just proving the opposite.

    EDIT -- And really, what is so offensive about the idea of a full time job providing enough income to be self-reliant and not require government assistance? I really don't understand why that seems to be so offensive to people.
    It's like this weird paradox. "We don't want people to be on government assistance" and "We don't want people to be paid a wage where they can take care of themselves without government assistance".

    It's as if sociopathy is more prevalent than we thought, and some people just simply want to watch ghettos, shanties, nobility, and peasantry to all become things again.
    “Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
    Diary of Anne Frank
    January 13, 1943

  5. #45
    $425 won't even get you a single room rental with a shared bathroom and no kitchen facilities where I live. The bare minimum for a studio in a part of town I wouldn't even drive through let alone live in is ~$900. That's just for the walls, electricity, water, sewer and trash pick up are all extra.

    Good luck affording that on $7.25/hr.
    Quote Originally Posted by Djalil View Post
    I am ACTUALLY ASKING for them to ban me and relieve me from the misery of this thread.

  6. #46
    Elemental Lord Rixis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MerinPally View Post
    Hmm $10.10 sounds right if living costs are the same as in the UK which they aren't, they're lower. That works out as £5.98 as minimum wage, and minimum in the UK for a 21 year old is £6.31. Currently you're at $7.25 which works out as far lower.
    UK is up to £6.50 in October, and they want to try to get it to £7.00 next year too.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by The Batman View Post
    I see people are unfamiliar with the concept that injecting the proletariat with money ultimately causes that money to be spent on goods and services, creating revenue for businesses and creating demand for more jobs.

    Some still operate under the old, tired, false rhetoric that starving people of income will magically make jobs appear, and that the sudden decrease in circulating capital from actually REMOVING the minimum wage will in no way negatively affect people's spending money and thus business income.

    yep. Rising minimum wage will create jobs.

  8. #48
    terrible decision by a terrible party, we need to stop acting like we are surprised. really if these clowns could they would lower it to 1 cent an hour and they would still have idiots around bitching it is to high it needs to be lowered

  9. #49
    10.45 per hour here.
    I think our PPP is about 85% to USD right now (Correct me if I'm wrong) which is equivalent to roughly 8.80 USD.

    So theoretically Canada's "mostly 10 "is kind of low vs. the proposed increase to 10 in the US.

    If the US was at 10 then that should translate to increasing to an average minimum wage of 11.75 across Canada.

  10. #50
    Immortal SL1200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Virtua View Post
    Raising a family is tough, I apologize for offending you with my statement. However, again I think it comes largely down to your area on the topic of minimum wage. The cost of living in my area is so low that I honestly think you'd be just fine off of $7.25 an hour full time. It would be rough, but I know it is manageable as I have worked with plenty of individuals who have pulled it off.

    Another reason I'm a bit worried about a "one solution for all" plan with minimum wage that the federal government wants to implement is that it can have disastrous effects on certain communities. When I was really young, the minimum wage was $5.15/hr. When they bumped it to $6.00/hr or something along those lines, my employer at the time got rid of a few people, then over time they slowly eliminated positions in anticipation for the increase to $7.25/hr by not refilling them as people quit.

    I know it's a sensitive issue for some people and I understand some individuals really do need that increase, but you have to be careful with providing one solution for thousands of communities.
    There isn't a family that lives in this country that could live effectively on 7.15 an hour without welfare. I don't care where you live.

    My health insurance policy alone is $700.00 a month. Do the math, that's to cover me and 2 kids.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Kujako View Post
    You're responding to someone who described being poor and unskilled as a "lifestyle choice". Why bother?
    Being unskilled _is_ a choice. Who is prevented from learning a trade? There still exist numerous jobs in trade fields in the US which are not being filled today. That said, I don't believe that raising the min. wage is the answer, but I don't know what the answer is either. Manufacturing used to support a huge portion of US workers and no longer does today. It's ma hard problem, not everyone can work white collar engineering/sales/management/whatever jobs.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Chingylol View Post
    $10 an hour is nothing. My one bedroom apartment in a semi shitty area costs me $1200 a month total, and that doesn't include internet or heat. If I worked a minimum wage job fulltime at $10 an hour, I wouldn't even be able to cover it. (1600 gross minus about 500 for taxes).

    I live one mile where this takes place:

    NJ sucks.
    Ahh Lakewood. I have been there fellow NJ resident. It fucking sucks lol. I bet those dudes got robbed for drug money or something and then ran people over. Looks like the white chick ran over and tried to steal the phone out of his hand in the beginning of the video.
    Last edited by lockedout; 2014-04-30 at 08:46 PM.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Tinykong View Post
    $10.10 per hour for minimum wage seems high to me, considering that's roughly the pay for most entry level trade skill jobs.
    That's actually kind of pitiful. There's a ton of trades up here that you can go straight from a 2 year tradeschool diploma to making over 20 dollars an hour. That's entry level, and without over time.

  14. #54
    Dreadlord Joathen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stormdash View Post
    Odd, this conversation has me convinced I am one of only a few participating who has spent a day in the real world trying to make ends meet for myself and for people depending on me -- which doesn't happen for anyone running a business by overpaying for the value of labor, or by someone finding the first minimum wage job they get and assuming that never moving up to anything better is someone else's fault.
    This is cute. You're cute. You're also evidently retarded- so it'd never work between us.

    There are people out there who are working two full-time minimum wage (or close enough to Min. Wage,) jobs so that they can pay for certifications and credit hours, because having a skill set doesn't get you hired in this day and age- the papers to prove it do, and those papers cost more than just time. I'm sure those people would appreciate the added padding.

    Which is why I find your absurd level of mental deficiency almost enchanting- you've almost achieved a lemming level of stupid.

    I hope you get hit by a truck when you next walk out the door.

    Last edited by Endus; 2014-04-30 at 09:28 PM.

  15. #55
    I'm personally hesitant to take the line that it is better for the economy that you increase the minimum wage. I would rather that effort be spent on getting those who are low wage earners trained with marketable skills so that they employment potential goes up and they are lifted out of minimum wage by training.

    Case in point: Place I worked at before was a customer service center, doing back office work. One of the women I work with was a late 30-something college graduate with a business degree. She made about 31k a year at her current job. The entire office was shut down and she lost her job. She filed for a retraining grant, got a CDL and now makes 72k a year. I saw her a few months ago, driving a new car, and fairly happy, though she went from working 38 hours a week (long story don't ask) to 65 hours a week.

    I personally would rather that the government work through business that only pay their workers minimum wage and though private or public social workers find ways of training each one with marketable skills to increase their earning potential.

    Which works better for the economy. Getting a guy who current makes $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week($290 a week), but who will be at that spot forever because he has no other skills or training someone to be say a plumber, electrician, CDL truck driver or some other skilled labor field, where he makes $15-18 an hour, working 50+ hours a week ($825 a week, at $15 an hour with OT after 40).

    Just checking my towns classifieds we have 8 CDL positions, 10-15 oilfield specialized positions, two IT positions and a bilingual sales position. Lowest wage is one of the IT positions at 40 grand a year salary. Common denominator? Skilled labor each one of them.

  16. #56
    I got a 2% pay boost.... (before taxes!)

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Biged781 View Post
    Being unskilled _is_ a choice. Who is prevented from learning a trade? There still exist numerous jobs in trade fields in the US which are not being filled today. That said, I don't believe that raising the min. wage is the answer, but I don't know what the answer is either. Manufacturing used to support a huge portion of US workers and no longer does today. It's ma hard problem, not everyone can work white collar engineering/sales/management/whatever jobs.
    Well there is plenty of money to go arround to put the entire world out of poverty. It's really just doing it.

  18. #58
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raeph View Post
    I'm personally hesitant to take the line that it is better for the economy that you increase the minimum wage. I would rather that effort be spent on getting those who are low wage earners trained with marketable skills so that they employment potential goes up and they are lifted out of minimum wage by training.

    Case in point: Place I worked at before was a customer service center, doing back office work. One of the women I work with was a late 30-something college graduate with a business degree. She made about 31k a year at her current job. The entire office was shut down and she lost her job. She filed for a retraining grant, got a CDL and now makes 72k a year. I saw her a few months ago, driving a new car, and fairly happy, though she went from working 38 hours a week (long story don't ask) to 65 hours a week.

    I personally would rather that the government work through business that only pay their workers minimum wage and though private or public social workers find ways of training each one with marketable skills to increase their earning potential.

    Which works better for the economy. Getting a guy who current makes $7.25 an hour, working 40 hours a week($290 a week), but who will be at that spot forever because he has no other skills or training someone to be say a plumber, electrician, CDL truck driver or some other skilled labor field, where he makes $15-18 an hour, working 50+ hours a week ($825 a week, at $15 an hour with OT after 40).

    Just checking my towns classifieds we have 8 CDL positions, 10-15 oilfield specialized positions, two IT positions and a bilingual sales position. Lowest wage is one of the IT positions at 40 grand a year salary. Common denominator? Skilled labor each one of them.
    Alright, for the last time.

    Increasing people's qualifications simply saturates the market, meaning qualified workers end up doing minimum wage jobs with no net change.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Biged781 View Post
    Being unskilled _is_ a choice. Who is prevented from learning a trade? There still exist numerous jobs in trade fields in the US which are not being filled today. That said, I don't believe that raising the min. wage is the answer, but I don't know what the answer is either. Manufacturing used to support a huge portion of US workers and no longer does today. It's ma hard problem, not everyone can work white collar engineering/sales/management/whatever jobs.
    Education in the US is for-pay. If you come from a low income background then chances are you'll stay that way.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  19. #59
    10.25 an hour here in Canada with 1BR rent ranging from 1k to 1.6k a month.

    If you make minimum wage you should be living with roommates or co-dependents. It is a bullshit argument to say my rent is 1000 a month, I need wages raised. Living beyond your means is what put the U.S into an economic mess.

  20. #60
    The Insane Masark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biged781 View Post
    Being unskilled _is_ a choice. Who is prevented from learning a trade? There still exist numerous jobs in trade fields in the US which are not being filled today.
    Actually, no. There's more unemployed people than there are job openings in basically every sector. And construction is one of the bad sectors as that goes, with about 8 unemployed for every job opening.

    Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
    What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Howard Tayler
    Political conservatism is just atavism with extra syllables and a necktie.
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