The only people who conflate "inflation" with "printing more money" are people who have no idea what they're talking about and no clue as to how economies function.
It isn't true, and no source will back you up on that meaning.
If we're discussing economics (and we are), the economic definition is the one we're using.You are either misleading people or you think the economic definition has more affect than the other definition does.
When you invent a "new" definition, as you have, what you're doing is demonstrating a lack of comprehension, not making a legitimate point.
And all this is completely irrelevant to the thread topic, which is about raising the minimum wage. Which has nothing to do with changing the money supply, directly. There is nothing about increasing the minimum wage that in any way translates to "government printing more money".
Please point out where I said that? That's right, I never did.
What I said is that people should show the slightest inkling of personal responsibility. You opposed to "I had a baby so now my company has to pay ME more."
They hired you, not your family.
So, no, I did not advocate people dying in gutters. I suggested that people attempt to improve themselves. I don't know, maybe you just enjoy people that depend on others for things.
Forcing corporations like walmart pay a wage so their employees won't have to go on foodstamps won't cause more inflation than exists already. Which generally sits somewhere between 0.5-3% (ish) depending on how the economy is doing. It'll cause a slight smaller profit for the top people. Who don't spend the money they get since it's practically impossible for them to spend it.
The Waltons are a bigger problem to the US economy due to sitting on cash than raising the minimum wage is.
The government prints more money to keep the economy going. To keep spending happening. Because if they didn't do that the treasured "market economy" that the conservative-farright-libertarian part of the US political spectrum values to much would stop working.
The reason the economy is unstable is because it's essentially anaemic; supressed wages have severely curtailed buying power, which in turn has flattened demand. One of the only things keeping it growing is the fact that the Federal Reserve is expanding the money supply to encourage people to spend.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
That would be "indirectly".
Raising the minimum wage is not the "government printing more money". If you want to take a stand against inflation, opposing the minimum wage hike cannot help you with that goal, and it is a move that seeks to reinforce the harmful effects of the inflation you're supposedly attacking because of your opposition to that harm.
You should be for raising the minimum wage if you think inflation is a bad thing.