In fact as far as I'm aware the UK is the only european nation that outright bans guns for civilians.This is why people ban guns. Gun supporters don't know what guns are.Shotguns I'll give you (provided you're allowed 12 and larger gauges... because I mean... come on...) but not .22s.
That infographic was not a "list of countries likely to go bankrupt". And many of them are less likely to do so than the US, despite higher minimum wages and so on.
Not only does it not support your claim, but the correlation you're claiming to see doesn't even exist in the data it presents.
Warning : Above post may contain snark and/or sarcasm. Try reparsing with the /s argument before replying.
What the world has learned is that America is never more than one election away from losing its goddamned mindMe on Elite : Dangerous | My WoW charactersOriginally Posted by Howard Tayler
Yet they have no issue giving themselves pay raises now do they? I guess bribes alone just can't cut it these days.
Would be better if they gave tax deductions to people working minimum wage who live in urban areas where cost of living is high instead.
Live in NYC = 20% deduction on income taxes
Live in the middle of north dakota = 0% deduction
And then raise the tax property tax on business with lots of minimum wage jobs in urban areas to pay for it.
Last edited by mmocff76f9a79b; 2014-05-01 at 06:10 PM.
I rent an apartment for less then $500 a month where I live. I'm not blind to the fact you can't apply a set rate on anything with the way everything varies across the US. That's exactly the point I'm arguing, because that's exactly what the minimum wage is, a set rate across a country as varied as the US. An increase in the minimum wage would likely be catastrophic in my area, and I'm not remotely joking when I say that. That's the part the Democrats just really either don't see or choose to ignore since a ton of their constituents ARE from areas that will likely see less of a bad impact from it and more of the beneficial side of it. It's also why you see most of the lower cost of living, midwestern states like mine go Republican, and fight things like this.
Exactly. Those who say that the cost of burgers would double if wages doubled assume that the ONLY cost of making a burger is the labor (one worker) who takes ONE HOUR to make ONE burger. It disregards the cost of materials, franchising, utilities, etc. all of the other costs that AREN'T labor. It then assumes that ONE product X (burger) takes ONE HOUR to make for ONE WORKER.
They're throwing all reality and facts out the window in favor of rhetoric that sounds good. But rhetoric has always been more warm and fuzzy to conservatives than cold hard facts.
“Terrible things are happening outside. Poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart. Men, women, and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared.”
Diary of Anne Frank
January 13, 1943
Yes, and my 'Woman's right to choose' & 'Organized religion is a societal evil' positions get me booted out of that club, so where does that land me? My point wasn't let them die, you ignorant post skimming twit, my point was that people DO die, and acting like it's the end of the world is just going to blow problems out of proportion. OBVIOUSLY I don't think we should just cut welfare and let nature take it's course, our entire society would begin to breakdown, only completely idiotic right wing lunatics actually think that could work.
We need to take steps to curb some of the abuses of welfare, find ways to increase the available jobs for unskilled individuals that will allow them to get some training and develop transferrable skills (that's a tough one, I know), reduce the ways for corporations to essentially buy and sell political power, and put more spending money in the hands of the poor and lower middle class.
I know Republicans like to cite 'trickle down economics' but frankly that doesn't work in a global economy. Corporations and billionaires can just as easily invest their money overseas as they do here. If you give a low income American family an extra $500, there's about a 98% chance that money will be back in circulation, spent on goods here in America, within 2 weeks. So, personally, I think we NEED welfare, the money ends up in the same place either way, it just circulates a bit more because of it. The problem, to me, has more to do with government overhead than it does with giving assistance to people who need it.
Druidjezus' Law: "As the length of any online discussion increases, the probability that [insert any topic here] will be mentioned approaches 1, duh."
I am the Druid Jesus, and I approve of this message.
In fact as far as I'm aware the UK is the only european nation that outright bans guns for civilians.This is why people ban guns. Gun supporters don't know what guns are.Shotguns I'll give you (provided you're allowed 12 and larger gauges... because I mean... come on...) but not .22s.
The greater good, projections said up to 500,000 jobs could be lost. But 15% of the population is considered in poverty, or 46,500,000. A minimum wage increase would half that.
As for the 'catastrophic' effect you think it would have, pretty sure businesses would prefer to remain functioning at a minimum increase to operating costs, versus firing staff and not being able to function.
Last edited by TheTaurenOrc; 2014-05-01 at 06:15 PM.
Starting minimum wage hasnt kept pace with inflation maybe, but people who were making minimum wage when it became $7.75 arent still making minimum wage unless they are a shitty worker or are constantly job hopping. If you got hired at $7.75 when it became minimum wage and stayed at that company, youre likely making at LEAST $10 now and probably more with promotions. Its only people getting their first job or shitty workers who get a new job every 6 months that are actually getting minimum wage. In fact places like McDonalds give out raises after 90 days if you stay there that long, and work harder than just enough to get by, so those formerly minimum wage earners ARE getting raises to adjust for cost of living unless they are shitty