So I'm working on some powershell homework. my objective is to use an array to create two users in active directory in an OU. The information for these users is supposed to be in a txt file that I created. I can't get it to create the second user. Any help I can get would be greatly appreciated.

This is what I have:

$arytext = get-content -path "C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\labfinal-1.txt"
$strClass = "user"
$intUsers = 2
$strName = "cn=Jon Archer","cn=Picard"

$objADSI = [ADSI]"LDAP://ou=FinalExam,dc=jdcomp,dc=local"
for($i=1; $i -le $intUsers; $i++)
$objUser = $objADSI.create($strClass, $strName)
$objUser.put("GivenName", $aryText[0])
$objuser.put("Initials", $aryText[1])
$objuser.put("SN", $aryText[2])
$objuser.put("DisplayName", $aryText[3])
$objuser.put("Description", $aryText[4])
$objuser.put("TelephoneNumber", $aryText[5])
$objuser.put("Mail", $aryText[6])
$objuser.put("streetAddress", $aryText[7])
$objuser.put("l", $aryText[8])
$objuser.put("st", $arytext[9])
$objUser.put("postalcode", $arytext[10])
$objUser.put("C", $arytext[11])
$objuser.put("co", $arytext[12])
$objuser.put("CountryCode", $arytext[13])