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  1. #1

    Issues with OQueue.

    1. Not being able to control when the window updates. It makes it a giant pain in the ass when things jump around.

    2. Not being able to filter full groups. Why the fuck am I forced to look through a list where the entries are dancing around and half of them are grayed out anyway?

    It's atrocious. I love the core of it but it's ungodly to use at times.

    EDIT: See the second post. Aquamonkey and Ronburgundy gave an answer and I learned something. This is how this forum should be, except with me being less of a douche. This topic turned into something useful. I'd say it's info that should be readily available in-game for OQ users, but it's not, and the addon is going the way of the dodo in a few months anyway, so this is a very useful reference for now. It'd be cool if a mod could either rename it to "Issues with OQueue" or close it. The former would be much more beneficial. Thanks, folks.
    Last edited by tss; 2014-05-17 at 07:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dextroden View Post
    You are a carbon copy of what you long so hard to fight in the streets. An extremist. Someone so desperate for strife to prove you are the ubermensch, err, Real American.

    Alt lite. Sounds like you're having an alt fright. Unable to sleep at alt night. Maybe you should relax and fly an alt kite. Go down to the diner for an alt bite. You shouldn't be treating people with alt spite. Eventually, everything will be alt right.

  2. #2
    The Insane Aquamonkey's Avatar
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    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.

    I'm gonna copy Ronburggundy's post so this info is more visible:
    Filtering Voice:
    -Right click a voice option to hide groups with those that kind of voice chat.
    **Don't want to see skype? Then right click skype to grey it out.
    **The above applies to language settings as well.

    Full groups:
    -Check the "Qualified" check box to hide groups with a full waitlist.
    **we cant hide "full groups" because for each kind of premade type, there is a different concept for full group. Some types might not even have a full concept.

    List jumping around:
    -Use filters to reduce the # of groups you see at any one time.
    -Hold the shift key to pause the list from moving.

    Reporting a player:
    -On the premade tab, right click a users colored square or portrait to bring up their options. There you will have a ban option.
    -You can also access a full list of people who come / go from your group via the "book icon" on the upper left of the addon. Right click a person name to get the same sub menu popup.

    Grey wait list buttons:
    -The group is in a instance, battleground, arena etc.
    **You cant wait list for these groups until they leave the instance. We don't want people trying to DDOS a RBG or Arena leader with wait list request while they are in battle.

    Leave a waitlist (de-waitlisting):
    -Left click the red x next to a waitlist button to "de-waitlist".
    --Left click (de-waitlist)
    --Right click (add premade leader to ban list)

    I'd also like to add that you can sort the window by the various categories.
    Last edited by Aquamonkey; 2014-05-16 at 11:28 PM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.
    Shit. Thanks.

    I still don't understand why we can't actively filter full groups... If you have the logic available to grey it out, you should have the logic to disclude it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dextroden View Post
    You are a carbon copy of what you long so hard to fight in the streets. An extremist. Someone so desperate for strife to prove you are the ubermensch, err, Real American.

    Alt lite. Sounds like you're having an alt fright. Unable to sleep at alt night. Maybe you should relax and fly an alt kite. Go down to the diner for an alt bite. You shouldn't be treating people with alt spite. Eventually, everything will be alt right.

  4. #4
    Brewmaster Neotokyo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.
    OH MY GOD.... I love you

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Herradura View Post
    I still don't understand why we can't actively filter full groups... If you have the logic available to grey it out, you should have the logic to disclude it.
    For those who are making OQ groups, just click none and update and that will remove your listing.

    Last edited by IKT; 2014-05-16 at 07:24 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Primohastat View Post
    That toxicity is normal in WoW. Even classic. And it comes from this what so called elitism, spreading everywhere. Average player say that classic is piss easy and every aspect can be done with minimal effort. But right after that, the same player ignites with rage when someone wants to apply that minimal effort

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.
    LOL, thank you The amount of times I've accidentally joined the wrong queue...

  7. #7
    Should update the title and thread now that one of your "atrocious" issues is not actually an issue

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by c313 View Post
    Should update the title and thread now that one of your "atrocious" issues is not actually an issue
    That yellow button in the corner is atrocious.

  9. #9
    Elemental Lord Sierra85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.
    good tip! this should be more spread knowledge haha

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.
    you just changed my life

  11. #11
    I dont mind seeing full groups as it lets me keep an eye on them, if they wipe or progress to a boss I need and loose a member I can be on the waiting list to nab that spot.

    Every week I do Sha of Pride, I have the weapon but I do it anyways in hopes a warforged weapon drops, I have 90% bis and I don't care to fool with garrosh pugs to get that bis weapon. If I see a group on Noroushen that is full I will apply to their waiting list, if they wipe I'll join, down nouroshen and get my shot at Sha of Pride. If they beat Nouroshen and someone has to go I can take their slot.

    I would like however to be able to filter out flex and heroic groups. Flex shows up with a yellow Soo, Normal shows up with a green Soo and Heroic has a red Soo so I'd like to see it filter out difficulties I have no interest in.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Herradura View Post
    1. Not being able to control when the window updates. It makes it a giant pain in the ass when things jump around.

    2. Not being able to filter full groups. Why the fuck am I forced to look through a list where the entries are dancing around and half of them are grayed out anyway?

    It's atrocious. I love the core of it but it's ungodly to use at times.
    Sup guys, here to bash an add on that I have no idea how to use.

  13. #13
    The fact that so many people don't know about shift key preventing refresh is still a point against the addon.

    OQueue is a wonderful idea but extremely poorly executed. It's bloated by pointless features and not particularly user friendly.

  14. #14
    My pet peeves with oQueue are:

    1. No way to report a player, only to manually enter the name in your own personal ban list, which isnt very useful since my keyboard doesnt to Cyrillic; est.

    2. No way to cancel a signup if you accidentally click it.

    3. Karma being pretty much redundant.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Drutt View Post
    The fact that so many people don't know about shift key preventing refresh is still a point against the addon.

    OQueue is a wonderful idea but extremely poorly executed. It's bloated by pointless features and not particularly user friendly.
    It's funny when you see people repeating criticisms verbatim against something, you know they're just playing the sheep.

    OQueue isn't perfect and I don't expect it to be. Some guy has come along and jerry rigged a system that wasn't intended for this purpose and made it worked. I hope Blizzard reward him and send him Beer!

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquamonkey View Post
    Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.



    i love you

  17. #17
    Is there a way to filter OUT certain voice/language requirements? Basically I only want to see groups with Mumble or Vent. I can select only Mumble or Vent, but not both. But I really just want to get rid of Skype groups.

  18. #18
    My main issue with oqueue is that its designed for a groupdown perspective for PvP.

    I'd find it personally more useful if players could queue their characters for respective roles and current raid locks and/or search for a specific boss without dealing with the 'fluff' of descriptions and such. All I really need to know about a group is their leader's particulars, the boss & difficulty they're on, and the average ilvl of the group.

    It would certainly cut down on the amount of information transmitted.

  19. #19
    Field Marshal Ronburggundy's Avatar
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    Filtering Voice:
    -Right click a voice option to hide groups with those that kind of voice chat.
    **Don't want to see skype? Then right click skype to grey it out.
    **The above applies to language settings as well.

    Full groups:
    -Check the "Qualified" check box to hide groups with a full waitlist.
    **we cant hide "full groups" because for each kind of premade type, there is a different concept for full group. Some types might not even have a full concept.

    List jumping around:
    -Use filters to reduce the # of groups you see at any one time.
    -Hold the shift key to pause the list from moving.

    Reporting a player:
    -On the premade tab, right click a users colored square or portrait to bring up their options. There you will have a ban option.
    -You can also access a full list of people who come / go from your group via the "book icon" on the upper left of the addon. Right click a person name to get the same sub menu popup.

    Grey wait list buttons:
    -The group is in a instance, battleground, arena etc.
    **You cant wait list for these groups until they leave the instance. We don't want people trying to DDOS a RBG or Arena leader with wait list request while they are in battle.

    Leave a waitlist (de-waitlisting):
    -Left click the red x next to a waitlist button to "de-waitlist".
    --Left click (de-waitlist)
    --Right click (add premade leader to ban list)

    /start rant

    If i didn't address some of the whining please let me now. I'm sure there is already a solution. There are already solutions to 90% of the things people complain about. But they fail to find out the information on their own. With every new version there is a popup with 16 hints. Most of the information i listed here is listed in those hints. But hey, people just hit the x and close the window. Don't blame me if they can't figure it out when they dismiss the information we literally popup right in their face.

    We also have a good deal of information on our forums. Along with a dozen or so youtube videos with detailed tutorials. But people can't take the 5 to 10 minutes to find this information.

    Yes we are lacking a formal FAQ / list of slash commands. But users cant take the time to read the popup hints you get right in your face in game, so why should i believe they will take the time to find / read the FAQ.

    /end rant
    Last edited by Ronburggundy; 2014-05-16 at 04:41 PM. Reason: Spelling / fat fingers

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by aquamonkey View Post
    hold down "shift" to pause the window.
    give this man a medal

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