Hold down "Shift" to pause the window.
I'm gonna copy Ronburggundy's post so this info is more visible:
Filtering Voice:
-Right click a voice option to hide groups with those that kind of voice chat.
**Don't want to see skype? Then right click skype to grey it out.
**The above applies to language settings as well.
Full groups:
-Check the "Qualified" check box to hide groups with a full waitlist.
**we cant hide "full groups" because for each kind of premade type, there is a different concept for full group. Some types might not even have a full concept.
List jumping around:
-Use filters to reduce the # of groups you see at any one time.
-Hold the shift key to pause the list from moving.
Reporting a player:
-On the premade tab, right click a users colored square or portrait to bring up their options. There you will have a ban option.
-You can also access a full list of people who come / go from your group via the "book icon" on the upper left of the addon. Right click a person name to get the same sub menu popup.
Grey wait list buttons:
-The group is in a instance, battleground, arena etc.
**You cant wait list for these groups until they leave the instance. We don't want people trying to DDOS a RBG or Arena leader with wait list request while they are in battle.
Leave a waitlist (de-waitlisting):
-Left click the red x next to a waitlist button to "de-waitlist".
--Left click (de-waitlist)
--Right click (add premade leader to ban list)
I'd also like to add that you can sort the window by the various categories.