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  1. #421
    Used to play LoL in the past here are my picks.

    Hecarim/Draven, I just like the way the play
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  2. #422
    Probably Thresh atm, so many plays you can do.

  3. #423
    Draven baby because he is a super star... plus he hits REALLY HARD haha

  4. #424
    Lux! its nice to be far away and E/R someone to death without ever getting into their attack range.

  5. #425
    Currently malphite because using his R correctly on stacked enemies turns the tide every time no matter how fed their mid or adc is.
    Just so satisfying champ with his aoe wave clears and decent poke.

    Tahm kench is my 2nd champ, i love to pick him vs yasuo + riven mains who spam the shit out of their mastery icon. Tahm kench is just annoying to lane againts and i love how the enemy laner gets tilted by him.

  6. #426
    Up until 3 weeks ago it was Morgana, Before that Vel'koz and Before that it was Illaoi.

    Now i've moved onto swain, I just love the tankiness of a brusier with the constant damage, so many ways to build the big bird man (ranging from full off-tank to pure Damage) that he fits into a lot of team comps.

    also being one of the lesser played mages (at least at my ELO) means a lot of people don't have the knowledge on when and where to harass him etc.

  7. #427
    The Unstoppable Force Super Kami Dende's Avatar
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    Leona. Because DO YOU EVEN PRAISE THE SUN!

    But seriously, I love her Kit and find her extremely fun to play when I have a decent ADC.

  8. #428
    Morgana for me!!! I've used Morgana + banner of command to climb since season 5! Best part is that she's ungankable as long as there's E available~

  9. #429
    When I do play now it's Thresh,

    I really, really like him. My most fond memory of a game was a terriable one. The top laners were equal to each other. equal deaths and kills. Our mid laner was alright, but he was just hard countered so his kills were coming from bot / jungle hunting. Jungler was trash, ADC fell behind and got really, really salty. He was playing sivir I think and was on 0/5/0, he fell to low hp, so was their ADC he decided to chase. I knew he wouldn't catch him and I knew their jungler must of been near. So I went with him.

    Lo and behold, he throws his Q hits the ADC and doesn't kill it, jungler comes in, I'm like run, he contuines to chase, he's out of range, Q off CD so I had a choice, let him keep running and both of die with no kills, or both of us die and I get the kill. Obv I took the kill, used my chain, went in and Q. got the kill and got out through the jungle.

    This guy starts raging hard that he could of caught up (he had no boots). So I said look sorry but I don't think you could of, it was either get the kill or nothing. It worked out for us.

    Anyways it happenes again, so I took the kill because he couldn't catch her, I tried throwing the lantern, chaining to the adc, and he ran past it >...>. so again he rages and eventually falls to like 0/10/2.

    Now he's raging hard, so I politely said, look we're losing I'm getting tired of your shit, play the best you can or I'm taking over as ADC. He raged. We carried on, he died, so I said that it, I'm taking over.

    In 5 minutes I had more farm and was up to 7 kills, this guy decided to rage in all chat, so was getting shit for his performance and getting shit for a thresh doing more.

    The best bit?

    I had the tanky sup item, lichbane (or trinity can't remeber) deadmans plate, mobi boots, that little portal item and warmogs I think was the last item - I did not do a ADC build xD.

    That's why I play thresh, he's a beast and if you build the above (or what ever I had something similar to that) the moment you break combat, theres no fucker in the game that can catch you, besides sion, Sivir comes close under ulti but is it mobi boots which runs faster out of combat or when retreating or something? with those you'll escape ach time, especially building up 100 stack of deadmans

  10. #430
    Used to be Soraka, but with the nerfs she's got and Galio's rework I'm heavily leaning towards updated Galio Support. So much fun!

  11. #431
    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Healer View Post
    updated Galio Support
    I've tried it. Before you can do anything, you or your ally dies.

    Galio's kit match his theme perfectly - a sloooow colossus is what he is. But in-game it just doesn't work. I prefer old Galio tbh.

  12. #432
    I'm currently playing on SP more often and I'd like to say that I kinda am more towards Thresh now~ haven't been using him for awhile but somehow I just manage to do a little better on him than other champs >_<... I think his CC is really great~

  13. #433
    If I'm playing Jungle I'm maining Ivern and Lee Sin.
    First one is a pain in the ass early game with the invades and late game with the utility.
    Second one is just God with a kill and the snowball.

    If I play Support my main is Brand. It's just to fun

  14. #434
    I'm loving Azir mid now (at least trying him out more often), I still pretty sad on the part where I can't soldier towers anymore and I'm feeling the nerf on rylai's slow

  15. #435
    So random assassin/range female dexterity/agility hero

  16. #436
    Having too much fun with GP currently.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  17. #437
    Quote Originally Posted by bestellen View Post
    female hero
    female ftw xD

  18. #438
    Quote Originally Posted by flyingspacesheep View Post
    I'm loving Azir mid now (at least trying him out more often), I still pretty sad on the part where I can't soldier towers anymore and I'm feeling the nerf on rylai's slow
    This is a running joke in my group for league. We have a guy who loves Azir mid, we started our group around 2 years ago now, and every time theres a major patch and a fair few smaller ones, he always gets a nerf, we've had some good laughs at his expense

  19. #439
    Quote Originally Posted by Rotted View Post
    This is a running joke in my group for league. We have a guy who loves Azir mid, we started our group around 2 years ago now, and every time theres a major patch and a fair few smaller ones, he always gets a nerf, we've had some good laughs at his expense
    Hah, I used to not use him cos I was a 1-trick banner morgana mid pony till I climbed to my desired rank and decided that I should learn more about the game. So before that I was pretty happy on his nerfs since it didn't affect me in any way until I started out >_>....

    At first the knockout was removed, so you can't stop channelling spells or give that little bit of edge in fights, then they nerfed the dmg...... it was still ok then they took out the ability to cast soldiers on towers.. then they lowered R's wall time to 3s on all 3 levels... then my final straw was Rylai.. ugh this is depressing..

    I make videos for fun but I went crazy at one point and deleted it all cos "it's irrelevant now" (I'm regretting it now but I'm just restarted on making videos).. my favourite item (banner) got reworked, one of my fav champs got nerfed pretty bad and now... I kinda feel that it's not very "worth it" to get rylai anymore..... pffft.. so I'm now trying to learn Azir all over again (I'm now still 50-50 on rylai but searching up probuilds, I think it's either skipped or build as a 3rd item) sigh....

  20. #440
    I'm new to LoL, been playing about 2 months now. My main is Zed because....well he's Zed Still need more champs to do Ranked, but I'm on the verge of a Mastery 7 on Zed, fwiw (not a whole lot I take it). I love the gameplay of timing Shadows and Shurikens perfectly and pulling off crisp outplays. It's alot of fun.

    The downside is people ream me if I'm not putting on an LL Stylish performance. I've never gotten more crap for playing a particular champ!

    My 2nd choice is Nasus, I usually do pretty well with him.

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