Hi guys, apologies if this topic has come up recently (I did search the forums but couldnt find it). I decided to resub yesterday after not playing for about a year. I have all classes between 80-90 the majority at 90. I have never ever healed on any class but I decided to give it a bash as something a bit different.
Whats the common consensus for the easiest healing class to learn. From just casual research without any player feedback I would guess at a shaman. Ideally I would prefer to play as an undead so if monks or priests (D/H) are easy then that would be preferable. Obviously I dont expect to be amazing from the get go as I've never healed before so I imagine they all take a while to master.
I'm pretty much going to be just LFR etc to begin with until I feel comfortable with the class. I imagine vuhu/grid is a must?
Any additional hints and tips would be much appreciated.