1. #1

    What does "Through Monday" mean to you?

    For the last two weeks on the Blizzard Launcher it has stated that the Gaze of the Black Prince buff would run "Through Monday" June 30th. Only if you happened to click through to the Blizzard website would you see that "Through Monday" actually means "through 9:00am Monday".

    Since I took the launcher at it's word and interpreted "through Monday" to mean all the way through Monday I was royally pissed off to find the buff gone this morning. I planned to dedicate today to working on the miserable drop grinds required by the Legendary quest.

    I find myself thoroughly bored with WoW at this point and just wanted to finish a couple of things I'm in the middle of before unsubbing. Adding in extra frustration at this point is likely to just get me to give up now.

  2. #2
    The Patient Myrwyss's Avatar
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    Im not sure what region you play,but on EU im currently online and still have the buff.

  3. #3
    I would say it includes all day Monday.

    Office hours being Monday through Friday means 5 full days for instance.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrwyss View Post
    Im not sure what region you play,but on EU im currently online and still have the buff.
    It will be "through Tuesday" on the EU realms so it will probably be gone within the next ~8 hours :/ (just basing this on that it's +1 day, as US has their reset on Tuesdays and EU on Wednesdays)

  6. #6
    Free Food!?!?! Tziva's Avatar
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    Colloquially "through Monday" means it ends sometime on Monday, that you've crossed through the threshold into Monday. The term doesn't usually mean for the full duration of (otherwise it would have been "all through Monday" or another phrasing), although 9am is kinda early into it. That's kinda lame, but I don't think worth getting upset over.

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  7. #7
    "Wednesday through Monday" means something starts on Wednesday and runs through to the following Monday. To my knowledge there's no implication that it includes all day Monday, though I don't think it excludes it either.

    In Blizzard speak though, things tend to start and end at the same time ... so start and end at 9am, for instance.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Aliessil View Post
    "Wednesday through Monday" means something starts on Wednesday and runs through to the following Monday. To my knowledge there's no implication that it includes all day Monday, though I don't think it excludes it either.

    In Blizzard speak though, things tend to start and end at the same time ... so start and end at 9am, for instance.
    Makes sense. But in this case, the launcher, which is what I'm seeing everyday just said a date through another date and didn't specify a time at all. It was only if you clicked through to their website that any specific time was mentioned.

    True that it's not worth getting angry over. I'm just on my last legs with WoW right now so any additional frustration hits hard. I think I'll hold off on getting the cape on another character because I really really hate going back and doing ToT LFR just for a chance at a secret or rune.

  9. #9
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Kind of strange that EU is ahead of the US in time, and it's Tuesday 1:30 am and I've still got the buff on while doing my professions run. You'd expect us to have allready lost it before the US, not after.

  10. #10
    Considering monday is still before the weekly reset, it seems obvious that the buff will last until then.

    EU will keep it until Wednesday, whereas US will lose it after today.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrwyss View Post
    Im not sure what region you play,but on EU im currently online and still have the buff.

    That is because we got it a day later. DERP.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraineth View Post
    Considering monday is still before the weekly reset, it seems obvious that the buff will last until then.

    EU will keep it until Wednesday, whereas US will lose it after today.
    You seem to have missed the part where the buff in the US is already gone. It went away at 9:00am this morning, the 30th. It didn't last through the day which was my whole complaint since the launcher announced it as lasting "through Monday".

  13. #13
    be glad you're not on oceanic servers... the buff went up a day late. So we ended up a day less buff time than US

  14. #14
    First of all, I don't go by vague things like that. I look at the date and time it will end, because they always list it.

    Second of all, don't wait to do something until THE VERY LAST DAY OF A TWO WEEK EVENT to do it and then get butt hurt that something happened and you missed your chance. That is your own fault for being lazy and not taking advantage of it.

    I also find it amusing you call it an extra frustration. It was a limited time perk. You weren't nerfed for having missed out on the event (again, your own fault) you are just back to normal and didn't get the benefit of taking advantage of the event. You should be grateful they gave you the opportunity to get it done faster in the first place, not be angry at them because you screwed around until what you thought was the last day and missed it.
    Last edited by Dasani; 2014-07-01 at 03:14 AM.
    I like ponies and I really don't care what you have to say about that.

  15. #15
    They said when it was going to go away. Had two weeks with a unexpected bonus buff.

    I think it should be forever in panda land but i do think they gave you a chance to take full advantage of it.

    Maybe a new buff is on the way and it will be sweet action come tues reset.

  16. #16
    For me "through Monday" means it ends 11:59 pm server time, or it should. Rarely works that way though.
    READ and be less Ignorant.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Tziva View Post
    Colloquially "through Monday" means it ends sometime on Monday
    That's absolutely not what it means colloquially. "Through Monday" means all the way through Monday.

    Now, this can mean different things depending on context - for example a sale at a business running "through Monday" would end when the business closes Monday evening, but sure as hell not before then.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aliessil View Post
    To my knowledge there's no implication that it includes all day Monday.
    That's precisely what it implies. You're not "through" something until you're on the other side of it. By definition you are not through Monday until Monday is over.

  18. #18
    Free Food!?!?! Tziva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kerchunk View Post
    That's absolutely not what it means colloquially. "Through Monday" means all the way through Monday.

    Now, this can mean different things depending on context - for example a sale at a business running "through Monday" would end when the business closes Monday evening, but sure as hell not before then.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's precisely what it implies. You're not "through" something until you're on the other side of it. By definition you are not through Monday until Monday is over.
    I don't want to get into a huge semantics debate, but it depends on the start of the time frame.

    If someone is referring to a sale that happens on Monday, and the sale lasts "Through Monday" then that implies it does last all of Monday since in that context it's saying it lasts throughout the day.

    However, if one says something lasts "Wednesday through Monday," it does not necessarily imply that it lasts the full duration of Monday, only that it starts sometime Wednesday and lasts long enough to cross the threshold to when Monday begins, not that it will continue on until Monday has totally completed. If that's what one means, for clarity one would typically phrase it "all through Monday" or just use some kind of alternative phrasing altogether ("sale lasts days X, Y, Z" implies full days for all).

    It's ambiguous wording, so it was sort of dumb to use, and regardless of the meaning it is pretty lame to end it at 9am, but the phrasing absolutely does not necessitate that the day is completed.
    Last edited by Tziva; 2014-07-01 at 04:44 PM. Reason: week does not count down backwards, stupid tziva

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  19. #19
    Well, if you go Through something it means you are going through it.. obviously, If you said "Im going through a tunnel", would it make sense to stop before you enter the tunnel?
    Through Monday means until Monday night at 11:59pm, lol.

    And its not hard to create computer systems that can accurately use time.

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