The seasons are not by a "Month" standing... It is measured by the Equinoxes and Solstices (Position of the Sun in relation to the equator).
For the Northern Hemisphere
First Day of Full = Fall Equinox (Sun passes North to South over the equator) = September 23rd, 2014
First Day of Winter = Winter Solstice (Sun is the farthest south of the equator) = December 21st, 2014 (Shortest day of the Year)
First Day of Spring = Spring Equinox (Sun passes South to North over the equator) = March 20th, 2015
First Day of Summer = Summer Solstice (Sun is the farthest north of the equator) = June 21st, 2015 (Longest day of the year)
For the Southern Hemisphere
First Day of Spring = Spring Equinox (Sun passes North to South over the equator) = September 23rd, 2014
First Day of Summer = Summer Solstice (Sun is the farthest south of the equator) = December 21st, 2014 (Longest day of the year)
First Day of Fall = Fall Equinox (Sun passes South to North over the equator) = March 20th, 2015
First Day of Winter = Winter Solstice (Sun is the farthest north of the equator) = June 21st, 2015 (Shortest day of the Year)
Fanboy (Fanboi):
1. A term used towards someone when a person disagrees with the said someone on a subject, person, place, thing, company, or product line and they are not smart enough to debate their counterpoints or facts, so they resort to childish name calling in hopes of shaming others into silence and thus them winning through dominance.* 2. A term used as a taunt/peer pressure technique to shape popular opinion through shame and humiliation.
In Australia we just run by months.
Dec - Feb Summer
March - May Autumn
Jun - Aug Winter
Sept - Nov Spring
Though I'm pretty sure any advertising will just go by what is accepted in that country(USA).
I've always said that WoD will be released at least 4 weeks prior to Blizzcon. They want Blizzcon to be a celebration for the anniversary of Warcraft/WoW and also to introduce new things, not have people still hanging for WoD when they would of already learnt so much about it. They've learnt from their mistake in MoP beta where people were burnt out on the game before it had even released and they've always said WoD beta would be smaller and more targeted.
If that was the case I might be able to see WoD before Basic.
I hooooooooope this is the date! The sooner the better! When we're not doing our weekly clear I just play hearthstone or Heroes Alpha. I want to like be excited to play wow again.
Can't believe some of you actually believe WoD could be out in two months.
Seriously, have you seen the beta? It needs more than 2 months, thats ignoring 6.0 as well.
The alpha/beta is in no way progressing at a pace that would remotely allow it to be released within 2 months. We are going into week 6 next week with only 2 zones released. MoP had its third leveling zone released (on top of the Pandaren zone) by 6 weeks into beta, and that beta lasted 6 months. Raid testing will probably take about 3 months on its own and doesn't seem to be anywhere near imminent. They said earlier this week that they want to enable addons at about the time raid testing starts, but they are a ways out from that point.
I think if they really get their asses in gear and push for an expedited release, they might be able to have it ready for November 18. I think that is the best reasonable case scenario at this point, and it could just as likely be pushed right up against that December 20 deadline.
Fanboy (Fanboi):
1. A term used towards someone when a person disagrees with the said someone on a subject, person, place, thing, company, or product line and they are not smart enough to debate their counterpoints or facts, so they resort to childish name calling in hopes of shaming others into silence and thus them winning through dominance.* 2. A term used as a taunt/peer pressure technique to shape popular opinion through shame and humiliation.
Yep, that date is not happening, the beta would need to move waay faster. It will take atleast 4 months from now to release no doubt. Its not just possible to push testing that fast to release in like 2 months from this point. Even if they have like all content done internally theres no way to test every zone, every dungeon/hc dungeon, every raid boss and fix everything in that time.
We also don't know how much internal work has been done.
- - - Updated - - -
November is the almost 100% not going to happen as that's when Blizzcon is, it will either be a couple weeks/month before Blizzcon or a month after, unless the wheels fall off and it slips into 2015.