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I've tested every form of WoW in its beta. Unless we've been given an early alpha version to play with and they have a much, much further advanced beta to release to us soon, there's absolutely no way the game would be ready by September. Now the leveling content would probably be fine, but that's not what I'm worried about.
We still haven't gotten to test any of the real level 100 content, which is where the bulk of the game matters to most of the players. With a new raid size for Mythic, and flexible sizes for LFR, Normal, and Heroic, there absolutely has to be testing done on this. Blizzard needs to see how heroic guilds will handle the changes. Blizzard has admitted on many situations that players will discover sneaky ways to do encounters that they never imagined, like Dark Simming Wrack on Sinestra or completely ignoring a phase on Ra-Den, two bosses that were NEVER tested by players before they were released. Another example would be at the start of SoO where heroic guilds were killing Norushen by stacking and burning, never sending anyone down because you could beat the enrage timer by dropping a healer or two for dps and having a couple of shadow priests run Divine Star. That was even suggested multiple times during testing and Blizzard ignored it, only to later change it on live after they saw it was actually possible. And that was all on sizes and difficulties we've had around for a while.
Mythic will be a whole new beast. Raid comp balance will be huge. Players will find ways to min/max the number of healers needed that Blizz may not forsee. It all requires testing. To think otherwise would be silly, and to think they'll have enough testing done in the less than three months to the alleged release is almost as silly.