You're still not clear on what you say. Either you're implying that the media uses social issues for entertainment which is a really bold and horrible statement to make and thus you are advocating Blizzard to do the same horrible thing or you are implying that anything that isn't current has no relevance, which is demonstrably wrong to several magnitudes of degrees.
Good, a generic "don't worry we're nice" letter to get the idiots who make up these problems to stop. Probably the best way to deal with these self righteous social crusaders, don't address them, just pat them on the head like the petulant children they are and assure them it's ok until they quit complaining.
We have an universe where the main two factions that are focused upon possess such totally pro-social justice driven races as.. the xenophobic, purple elves that kill anything different from them that enters their forests, a species of tusked, fur-covered people that haven't advanced in over 10 millennia, aside from one specific group, and aside from yet another specific group, that entire species enslaves women and sees them as nothing but trophies.
And how could we forget the green-skinned, war-mongering species, that sees honor and worth only in the strength of an individual, and feels like dying on the battlefield is the greatest honor ever.
Those people and their buddies seem like totally great guys to insert gay and transsexual characters into, huh? A bunch of xenophobes, mudhut savages, and those that respect only based on strength?
Or how about the straight-out medieval-age humans. I mean.. those'd just be great at accepting that kind of shit.
I mean.. that totally would make sense, right?
This is why people say "Don't push your shit where it doesn't belong.". WoW is driven mainly by species that, by all means, would probably execute transsexual or gay characters. And now you want to insert those types of characters simply because you are too shallow to connect with anything but those characters. I could accept it if they did it for Draenei, or Pandaren. But otherwise, gay acceptance and transsexual acceptance is totally out-of-character for most of the Warcraft universe's driving species and cultures. Yes, that sounds shitty, but that's the world they've created. One based on tropes and older cultures.
Ah yes, I forgot. Because the Tumblr audience is the only audience that matters.
Last I checked Transformers 4 is one of the greatest grossing films of all times.
As is The Avengers and other superhero movies.
Are these all super diverse, super PC and super designed to your little cloud of Social Justice? Not at all.
They're fun movies that are made to be enjoyed, not made to fill quotas for clucking 20 ton hens.
Well, ISIS wants to have representation maybe a few quests where we have to blow up a church or something just so that they can have representation aswell. Oh, and NAMBLA I think they are called? That group that thinks it is there right to have sex with little boys....should they get representation aswell? They are after all apart of the real world.
Last edited by xskarma; 2014-07-10 at 02:12 AM.