Originally Posted by
Anarch the Subduer
Evidence and research has been provided over these pages. Like I predicted and already pointed out though, when evidence is provided people just dismiss it by claiming the source is unbiased or wrong. So no, go find your own evidence if you like evidence so much. It's not my job to educate you, I'm merely expressing my own opinion and the matters I've been educated in and have experience with.
Yes, market trends show that 'diversity', display of gay acts and characters, are becoming more and more standard for popular media to not be considered old-fashioned and bland by the general market. And sadly most of you haven't figured it out yet that the OP is the perfect example of that. The fact that someone felt the need to write such an elaborate letter about it, and the fact that Blizzard felt the need to reply to it in a compliant manner.
To me there are two sides to the coin:
1. Demands!
Yeah and no, demands are only a side-effect of a product not living up to expectations anymore. There'll always be a complaint about everything, but these complaints about lack of diversity have only intensified over the past year, indicating that the product is shifting away further and further from meeting market expectations.
2. Appeal
This is where the real action is at. Wether people complain or not, there'll still be a matter of appeal of the product. If the product doesn't live up to modern expectations then this will be felt by reduced sales. This has nothing to do with complaints but just with the reality of things. If some people are having a harder time to immerse themselves into WoW, then this will be reflected upon sales and popularity of the product. The complaints are only a side-effect of the reality that the product is shifting away from minimum expectations and lacking in appeal.
There don't need to be complaints or demands, the company themselves will feel it well enough when their sales drop. The complaints are just something that will happen, no matter what. I'm sure there are some people out there who might be complaining about all the gay characters and colored people in their WoW, but their complaints have not received any attention, have not intensified and are not in line with social and market expectations and trends, thus on the whole wisely get ignored.