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  1. #1

    Funny character names

    You know any vulgar, perverse, clever, funny or ambiguous names that won't get your character immediately flagged for rename or your account banned?

    I wanna know them.

    I'll start and list my own little collection. (I use most of these on retail, others currently only on PTR/BETA)

    Paladin: Bubblecum (this one might get me into trouble)
    Undead Rogue: Shambleshag
    Tauren Warrior: Gloryhorn
    Undead Priest:Rottenfapple
    Deathknight: Stdisease
    Bloodelf: Shelfelf
    Tauren: Moobs

    inb4 bowjob
    Last edited by mmocb78b025c1c; 2014-10-04 at 12:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Pretty sure that most of those will get your char flagged for rename if someone reports them.

  3. #3
    I've used them for months now :P

  4. #4
    male elf: HoldMyPurse

  5. #5
    Warchief Tydrane's Avatar
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    One of my characters' names is an anagram of something pretty low-brow. It's a troll, so use your imagination.

    I'm actually the only person to use that name, too - nobody else has intentionally or accidentally used it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steampunkette View Post
    Didn't help that he had Sky Admiral Warcrimes McEvillaugh flying his airship for him.
    hi im tydrane from dranasuss

  6. #6
    Scarab Lord 3DTyrant's Avatar
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    Seen a Shammy with the name and title combo of: Fartnugget of the Four Winds. Made me chuckle for a couple of moments. Not sure what ever happened to him/her, not seen said person on my server for a while.
    Shath'mag vwyq shu et'agthu, Shath'mag sshk ye! Krz'ek fhn'z agash zz maqdahl or'kaaxth'ma amqa!
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  7. #7
    The Lightbringer Zathrendar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragn View Post
    male elf: HoldMyPurse
    If it were funny, maybe. It's just a dull, rehashed stereotype.
    Start trying to work out who deserves what, and before long you’ll spend the rest of your days weeping for each and every person in the world.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by dragn View Post
    male elf: HoldMyPurse
    only funny because its not offensive to anyone. the op ones are just bad.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Taftvalue View Post
    I've used them for months now :P
    Still possible that they simply didn't get reported yet. Of course I might be wrong - but I just can't imagine GMs NOT changing names like Bubblecum, Stdisease or even Shambleshag.

  10. #10
    My shaman's name is Drbadtouch.

    Back in cata my main was a warrior named Disorder which people found funny because I was always starting shit in trade chat.
    Last edited by Zaelkath; 2014-10-04 at 01:54 PM.
    It would be dark inside my head...if not for the fires...

  11. #11
    What I'd like to know is why there are so many level 14 twinks called 'Whalesecks'. I've seen at least 6 I'm sure

    An honorable mention goes out to Worgandonor, and most people with gnome puns tbh

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  12. #12
    Sprinklefart It's the name of my Death Knight

  13. #13
    got a DK named hollowcaused lul

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by ButterBeast View Post
    got a DK named hollowcaused lul
    Yes, you are indeed a 'lul'. And OP, you are, what, 12?

  15. #15
    Plot twist: Someone is going to armory and report all the names mentioned in this thread.

  16. #16
    Undeadbutthead (think the guy had to remove one of the T's or some vowels or something to make that work)

    There was a Salty Choklitballz on my server once (again can't remember exact spelling but you get the idea). That was one of the best.

    A Frodolagginz and a Bilbolagginz who ran around together on my server (both gnomes, of course).

    I've also seen the various assortment of Pandaren names like Hooflungpoo, Mihunglow, etc.

    When BC came out, my friend made a female blood elf named kockgobbler and almost got to level 50 before they made him change it.
    Last edited by Ciddy; 2014-10-04 at 03:20 PM.

  17. #17
    What you need is a female dwarf (or gnome) named Rightheight.

  18. #18
    Legendary! Rivellana's Avatar
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    None of those are going to get "immediately" flagged for a name change. That would require people to report them, and the more people that see them, the higher likelihood that they'll be reported by enough people to be seen by a GM. So...the higher in level you get, if you hang around in major cities, if you do lots of battlegrounds or dungeons on them.

    As someone who commonly reports bad names (yeah, I don't wanna hear about it...I'm old and have no sense of humor, I have children, I don't let my own play under the recommended age but I know other people do), I can tell you most of yours would definitely be reported. There are plenty of people like me who report bad names like that.

    I'm not sure I understand why people want to chance it? Sure, Blizzard will only make you name change at first, but if you keep getting those warnings on your account, they will add up and and eventually you'll end up with a ban.

  19. #19
    Reported the name Cameltoe and the guy changed it too Mooseknuckle.
    Made me laugh and I gave up.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Taftvalue View Post
    I've used them for months now :P
    had hornybum for 3 years when they made me change it

    most my toons end in bum, lazybum, homelessbum and was hornybum for my shaman but after the 3 years i had to change it to shamanbum. made me sad and almost wanted to quit
    Last edited by lazybum; 2014-10-04 at 06:57 PM.

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