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  1. #81
    Bloodsail Admiral TheDeeGee's Avatar
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    And the Female uses a 1:1 Copy of the Human Seathed Hip Weapon Animation.

    They are static now and don't swing around anymore when running.

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by ujx View Post
    They also butchered the run animation. Now all races run like they have something up their ass.
    The old models run like they have something up there ass, the new ones run like they actually have weight to them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I love all the models so far, it's a little unsettling some still are missing half their hair styles and/or faces, but I love them all...

    except the night elf male, I didn't like them before, now I hate them more. They just are so silly and dumb looking right now.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Siberia View Post
    They're probably working. You know that thing they're paid to do. They don't owe anyone explanations or timelines, they're a nice to have - sure, but do people appreciate them? No. They just complain further.
    Actually they do owe players an explanation. Especially when they say one thing and do another. Then there's the whole matter of them dealing with paying customers.

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by det View Post
    Blizzard should have left it at the old models...they were so blurry and incomplete they left everything to the imagination of the players. Now the models are somewhat crisp and clear ...everyone has something to point at and complain.
    People aren't complaining because they're crisp and clear, they're complaining because they look different than what they are used to.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by StrayFox View Post
    People aren't complaining because they're crisp and clear, they're complaining because they look different than what they are used to.
    And they shouldn't look different. The update was supposed to be 'Your character but HD' Most of the new models, but especially the Night Elf Male look nothing like our old characters.
    Last edited by mmoc30274401ab; 2014-10-18 at 08:07 AM.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarithus93 View Post
    And they shouldn't look different. The update was supposed to be 'Your character but HD' Most of the new models, but especially the Night Elf Male look nothing like our old characters.
    No, they also said they were going to stylize them and adjust their posture and movement to look like it was created with today's tech. It was not supposed to be a high fidelity mirror image, they said the spirit of your character should be recognizable, not the actual 1:1 shape and pixel. At first it was only going to be models and not animations in any way, then Pandaren created a paradigm shift the Worgen and Goblin just opened a door to in terms of style in both exaggerated animation and model fidelity.

    They told us for the last two years this was happening, it's exactly what I expected. It's exactly the message I was given.
    I guess my blind love for Blizzard is the issue here. We were told to "think Pandaren" in the very first Tweet on the matter in September of 2013 if my brain calendar serves.
    Last edited by Yig; 2014-10-18 at 11:07 AM.
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  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Yig View Post
    No, they also said they were going to stylize them and adjust their posture and movement to look like it was created with today's tech. It was not supposed to be a high fidelity mirror image, they said the spirit of your character should be recognizable, not the actual 1:1 shape and pixel. At first it was only going to be models and not animations in any way, then Pandaren created a paradigm shift the Worgen and Goblin just opened a door to in terms of style in both exaggerated animation and model fidelity.
    They only turned the male nightelf more extreme ("stylized"), for some other races they even explicitely stated that they corrected proportions and posture to be more natural and less extreme and that's just what they did just that. So your entire "paradigm shift" argument has no ground whatsoever, because the extreme animation/posture/proportion changes have only been applied to the male nightelf.

    They told us for the last two years this was happening, it's exactly what I expected. It's exactly the message I was given.
    I guess my blind love for Blizzard is the issue here. We were told to "think Pandaren" in the very first Tweet on the matter in September of 2013 if my brain calendar serves.
    "Think Pandaren" for the most of us means: in terms of polygon count and animation details, not to follow a similar animation/character style. You really wouldn't want to have true humanoids animated similar to stylized/humanized animals (i.e. bears, wolves and whatever goblins are based on)

  8. #88
    I saw somebody in-game state that male night elves look like they're made of play-dough and I find myself in firm agreement. It describes their current predicament rather nicely since they lack the same attention to detail and the definition/polish that some of the more intricate new models have.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarithus93 View Post
    And they shouldn't look different. The update was supposed to be 'Your character but HD' Most of the new models, but especially the Night Elf Male look nothing like our old characters.
    i don't mind them looking different when that different is better.

    the old run animation wasn't that bad, it wasn't great, the old walk animation was horrible, the new walk animation is cool. i don't particularly hate the new run animation, i don't think it's Elfy though.. think Legolas and the high elves in the hobibt and LotR, they run like they could run on water, light and swift, that they can leap on to the tree tops in a bound [/quote]

    but i still don't like how they hold their hands ot their head when casting some spells, like they have a migraine, they need to make that part look better or different.

  10. #90
    It's just the legs. Male Night Elves should have a wider stance (legs farther apart) and the legs should be parallel to each other. Just turn off the new model to see what I mean.

    If Blizzard fixed the legs (which are currently using the male Human legs) then the entire model would come together. The face could use a little more work, but other than that, everything from the waist up is pretty solid.

    Even the bouncy run animation is starting to grow on me. But dem legs doe...

  11. #91
    That ridiculous running animation and the Wig hairs are the worst offenders to me. By far. Night elves aren't supposed to be:

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  12. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by Extrakt View Post
    Fix the running animation and give us a decent beard option and I am happy.
    well, i'd say, fix the low rez body graphcis, they look so bad or less sharp, fix some of the old faces to look younger, if we're going by female night elf and blood elf standards we shouldn't even have one old looking face, ora t most 1 or max 2 judging by blood elf male standards.

    finish other animation corrections, like that hands to head migraine cast still looks weird, change the poistion to look cooler, but that's more stylistic than anything else, still lots of actual things that aren't complete, incomplete emotes, roar with no teeth showing, low fidelity body grpahics, too many old looking faces etc..and now they've come out with this

    Sorry about that, it's not intentional. We're still looking through and collecting feedback, and of course still have the Blood Elf update to go. We don't really consider anything in the game as "done", it's a constantly moving and changing and evolving game. In addition to going through stylistic feedback, there are a number of items that are simply bugs we'll be addressing, like facial feature options clearly not matching up (most obvious being Undead eyes appearing where no eyes existed before).

    If you have any threads/images/videos you think encapsulate your feedback particularly well, feel free to share them. Can never have too many links.
    esseentially "apart from major bugs" there finished, we'll continue updating in the long run like we update everything over time, but we're done.

    it's liek druid cat form/bear form, we'll get to it eventualy, we update all things, same with moonkin form or ghost wolf form, keep waiting

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by c000 View Post
    Draenei male faces look completely off too. they are more 'rounded' and soft. the old model have much stronger, sharper facial features. like cheekbones. the new Draenei male models also have much smaller lips compared to the older one.
    Absolutely. My paladin draenei looked serious and almost threatening, he now has a big drunkard nose and looks like a Botox-gone-bad face:



  14. #94
    Herald of the Titans Urti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stormgust View Post
    "Think Pandaren" for the most of us means: in terms of polygon count and animation details, not to follow a similar animation/character style. You really wouldn't want to have true humanoids animated similar to stylized/humanized animals (i.e. bears, wolves and whatever goblins are based on)
    Goblins aren't based on any animal, just popular consensus (DnD, etc).
    "Stop being a giant trolling asshole." - Boubouille
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  15. #95
    That looks like complete crap. I thought these were supposed to be improved models, not lower-res models for people with crappy graphics cards. Wth, Blizz? I hope that they don't release it like that. The old models look like the new and improved ones compared to that.

  16. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by EnigmAddict View Post
    well, i'd say, fix the low rez body graphcis, they look so bad or less sharp, fix some of the old faces to look younger, if we're going by female night elf and blood elf standards we shouldn't even have one old looking face, ora t most 1 or max 2 judging by blood elf male standards.
    Well I have to say they did it all right with faces since their goal was to attain the original feel because most of Nelf faces looked old/wrinkly/grumpy. I only used 2 faces and there still are only 2 young faces even with update. But as they said they will add new faces/hairstyles/customization in future, Since taurens females have 4 face options and human female like 20. They said they would like to even that out even if just a few more additions it's something to look for in the future.

    Aah, but I have to mention that I am as well not impressed with the posture and texture detail. And guys check their hands from different angles at one point they still look like giant shovels that lack smoothness other models have.
    Last edited by mmoc37ada281b3; 2014-10-21 at 04:02 AM.

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