1 Hit should never happen.
2-3 should be depending on model size with most bosses working for 3 hits.
Atm for our scaling :
TMI is haste/vers>mastery>crit
DTPS is vers/mastery>haste/crit
DPS is Haste>crit>mastery>vers
So for combined probably something like Vers/Haste > Mastery > Crit
TMI: http://www.sacredduty.net/theck-melo...ence-document/
DTPS: Damage Taken Per Second
TMI moreso has to do with the smoothness of damage intake, whereas DTPS does not take smoothness into account.
Both are important in different ways. Optimizing for TMI means you get spiked out less, optimizing for DPTS means that healers will have to heal you less overall over the course of the fight. I'd probably put a bit more value into TMI during progression so you don't get bursted down.
It's also worth noting that unless your healer is some kind of robot, better TMI might result in less overhealing than better DTPS, because people tend to panic when the tank's health is ping ponging.
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So, seems like a balanced build would be haste/mastery.
The balanced build will be haste/vers>Mastery>fuckoffcrit
Wouldn't that just be balanced for TMI and DTPS, with vers being the worst stat for dps? I'm just going off what you posted, as I don't have exact stat weights, but mastery seems to be good-mediocre for all 3, while vers and crit are kind of like opposites of each other with crit being worse overall.
Hows the current build for prot comparing with druid guardian in terms of survivability, dps, and quick threat?
At T75 I'm seeing:
Hand of the Protector - basically reduces CD on primary self-heal from 15 seconds to 10 seconds
Knight Templar - gives you 20% DR and enhanced movement every 22 seconds (rather than movement only every 45)
Final Stand - total immunity without losing threat for 8 seconds every 5 minutes (maybe once per boss fight on progression?)
I'm kind of leaning toward the first, thinking I'll use it the most and get used to it as part of my rotation. Self-heals every 10 seconds rather than every 15 sounds solid. I'm guessing MDPS won't miss seeing my elek pop up more often.I would love to play with Final Stand, but don't see getting to use it nearly as often.
"I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"
It's actually considerably less than that. Because of the artifact trait that reduces the CD on Forbearance causing abilities for each forbearance you have up. So between BoP, LoH, BoS and DS, You're looking at SIGNIFICANTLY reduced CD on bubbletaunt.
Also worth nothing, Hand of the Protector isn't as good as it seems, because while the cd is shorter, IIRC it's not effected by all the talents/spells/traits that buff LoTP. So yes it's a shorter cooldown, but it's also a much weaker heal.
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Ah ok... So you're thinking Final Stand? It's certainly the most dramatic option. If we can consistently use it for every boss fight, even in dungeons, that would be fun to play with.
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Final Stand seems like it would be especially awesome for huge trash pulls.![]()
"I Am Vengeance. I Am The Night. I Am Felfáádaern!"
Final Stand is the most incredible oh shit button, especially if you have coordination. Pull a bunch of shit, blow your short term cooldowns, as soon as those are running out start the AoE stun rotation, when those are running out, bubble. If you don't suck they'll basically be dead by that point.
LOtP, at least right now for me, is fucking worthless. It's like trying to put a band-aid on 6 inch diameter hole through someone's chest. Worth using but not worth speccing to improve at this time. Maybe once I have all the shit that improves it. The reduced CD and DR on the pony is nice, but there's a few reasons why I think it's hard game changing. Final Stand gives us the single most retarded cooldown in the game. Keep in mind we no longer deal reduced damage while bubbled as well. Final Stand is my go to talent in dungeons, and I don't even have the reduced CD thing yet.
Last edited by OrcsRLame; 2016-07-10 at 11:03 AM.
Check out the blog I write for LEGENDARY Indie Label Flicknife Records:
Blog Thirty is live! In which we discuss our latest releases, and our great new line of T-shirts.