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    Highmaul Mythic Guild Progress, Hotfixes for December 9th

    <img src="" style="margin-bottom:-2px; margin-right:0px; vertical-align:bottom"> <b><a href="">Legendary Workshop Stream</a></b><br> <img src="" style="margin-bottom:-2px; margin-right:0px; vertical-align:bottom"> <b><a href="">Goblins vs Gnomes has Released in North America & Europe</a></b><br> <img src="" style="margin-bottom:-2px; margin-right:0px; vertical-align:bottom"> <b><a href="">Dec 9 Hero Rotation Update, From the Bullpen: Heroes and Villians</a></b>

    Highmaul Mythic Guild Progress
    Today started the race for world first Mythic Highmaul. NA has a head start, and below is the current standing from WoWProgress as of 11:30pm EST.

    <style> .rank { font-weight: bold; } .legendary { color: #FF8000; } .epic { color: #A335EE; } table.rating th { background: #CCC; color: black; text-align: left; } table.rating th, table.rating td { padding: 0.3em 0.75em; } table.rating { border-spacing:0; border-collapse: collapse; width: 80%; margin: 0 auto; } table.rating td { border-bottom:1px solid #3D3D3D; margin:0pt; padding-top:0.1em; padding-bottom:0.1em; padding-left:0.7em; padding-right:0; color: #CCCCCC; background-color:#1C1C1C; font-size:0.95em; vertical-align: middle; } table.rating tr { height:26px; } .deathknight { color: #C41F3B } .druid { color: #FF7D0A } .hunter { color: #ABD473 } .mage { color: #69CCF0 } .paladin { color: #F58CBA } .priest { color: #FFFFFF } .rogue { color: #FFF569 } .shaman { color: #2459FF } .warlock { color: #9482CA } .warrior { color: #C79C6E } .guild { text-decoration: none; } .guild:hover { text-decoration: underline; } table.rating .guild { font-weight: bold; } .horde { color: #CD2B00; } .alliance { color: #0C81CE; } .highlight1 { background:#272727; } .highlight2 { background-color:#1C1C1C; } .realm { color: #CCC; font-size: 1em; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <table class="rating"><tbody><tr><th></th><th>Guild</th><th>Realm</th><th>Progress</th></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">1</span></td><td><a class="guild horde" data-hint="Guild <Ascension> US-Barthilas" href=""><nobr>Ascension</nobr></a></td><td><a class="realm" href="">OC-Barthilas</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_725979" style="cursor: pointer;"><b>3/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_725979" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">2</span></td><td><a class="guild alliance" data-hint="Guild <Midwinter> US-Sargeras" href=""><nobr>Midwinter</nobr></a></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Sargeras</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_729590"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_729590" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">3</span></td><td><a class="guild horde" data-hint="Guild <Nightmare Asylum> US-Mug'thol" href=""><nobr>Nightmare Asylum</nobr></a></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Mug'thol</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_743566" style="cursor: pointer;"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_743566" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">4</span></td><td><a class="guild horde" data-hint="Guild <Overture> US-Mal'Ganis" href=""><nobr>Overture</nobr></a> <span style="font-size:0.8em">(<span class="info">r</span>)</span></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Mal'Ganis</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_758648"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_758648" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">5</span></td><td><a class="guild horde" data-hint="Guild <Duality> US-Zul'jin" href=""><nobr>Duality</nobr></a> <span style="font-size:0.8em">(<span class="info">r</span>)</span></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Zul'jin</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_499686"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_499686" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">6</span></td><td><a class="guild alliance" data-hint="Guild <Vulgar> US-Sargeras" href=""><nobr>Vulgar</nobr></a> <span style="font-size:0.8em">(<span class="info">r</span>)</span></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Sargeras</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_509145"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_509145" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">7</span></td><td><a class="guild horde" data-hint="Guild <WHATEVER WERE AWESOME> US-Magtheridon" href=""><nobr>WHATEVER WERE AWES..</nobr></a></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Magtheridon</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_344402"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_344402" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">8</span></td><td><a class="guild alliance" data-hint="Guild <Modest> US-Kilrogg" href=""><nobr>Modest</nobr></a> <span style="font-size:0.8em">(<span class="info">r</span>)</span></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Kilrogg</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_555879"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_555879" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">9</span></td><td><a class="guild horde" data-hint="Guild <Blood Legion> US-Illidan" href=""><nobr>Blood Legion</nobr></a> <span style="font-size:0.8em">(<span class="info">r</span>)</span></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Illidan</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_2414" style="cursor: pointer;"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_2414" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr><tr><td><span class="rank legendary">10</span></td><td><a class="guild alliance" data-hint="Guild <Smitus and Friends> US-Sargeras" href=""><nobr>Smitus and Friends</nobr></a> <span style="font-size:0.8em">(<span class="info">r</span>)</span></td><td><a class="realm" href="">US-Sargeras</a></td><td><span onclick="location.href=''" class="innerLink ratingProgress" id="gk346_925347"><b>2/7 (M)</b> </span> <div id="data_gk346_925347" style="display:none;"><div style="font-size:1.2em;padding-top:3px;padding-bottom:2px;text-decoration:underline">Highmaul</div><span class="progress_heroic">M: Kargath Bladefist</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: The Butcher</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Brackenspore</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Tectus</span><br><span class="progress_heroic">M: Twin Ogron</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Ko'ragh</span><br><span class="progress_normal">H: Imperator Mar'gok</span><br></div></td></tr></tbody></table>

    Hotfixes for December 9th
    Originally Posted by Blizzard
    Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
    • Garrison Buildings
      • Barn: Increased the drop rates for Savage Blood from work orders.
      • Dwarven Bunker / War Mill: Work orders now award more Iron Horde Scraps and increased the drop rates for Follower Enhancements.
      • Gladiator's Sanctum: Characters can now accumulate up to a maximum of 5000 Broken Bones at a time.
      • Salvage Yard: Salvage recovered from a Garrison Mission should now always contain an item.
      • Trading Post: The Savage Friends achievement now only requires the character to become Exalted with 1 Draenor reputation (down from 3).
      • Trading Post (Alliance): The Sha'tari Defense quartermaster now correctly offers the Sky Fry Battle Pet for sale at Revered reputation.

    • Druid
      • General
        • Resolved an issue where Druids may sometimes lose Flight Form (and fall) when logging in or exiting from a Battleground or Arena match.
    • Hunter
      • General
        • Kill Shot should now correctly reset its cooldown when it fails to kill the target due to Cauterize (Mage) or Guardian Spirit (Priest).
    • Mage
      • Armor Sets
        • Mage Tier-16's 4-piece set bonus is no longer guaranteed to trigger for characters above level 90.
    • Warlock
      • General
        • Dark Soul's cooldown should now work correctly when used in conjunction with the talent Archimonde's Darkness and Glyph of Dark Soul.

    • Spires of Arak
      • Orders, Commander?: Resolved an issue where characters that have performed a faction change may be unable to complete the quest.

    Dungeons, Raids, and Scenarios
    • Raids
      • Highmaul
        • Iron Flame Technicians should no longer be incorrectly dropping Normal difficulty loot on Raid Finder difficulty.
        • The Butcher's Heavy Handed attack should now be correctly counted as an attack for abilities that require an attack to trigger its effects.
        • The Butcher should no longer become unresponsive if a Rogue in stealth gets too close.
        • Brackenspore: Unit frames for Living Mushrooms and Rejuvenating Mushrooms should now display properly.
        • Imperator Mar'gok: Arcane Aberrations that have been Banished should now continue to use Collapsing Entity.
        • Imperator Mar'gok: Added a portal transporting players back to The Coliseum from Throne of the Imperator after Imperator Mar'gok has been defeated.
    • Dungeons
      • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
        • The portal that appears after Ner'zhul has been defeated should now transport players back to the beginning of the Dungeon.

    Battlegrounds and Arenas
    • The level 90 bracket has been merged into the level 91-99 bracket.
    • Priests should no longer be able to continue to hold onto the flag while in Spirit of Redemption form.
    • Rated Battleground flag carriers in a tanking specialization should no longer be taking more damage than flag carriers in a non-tanking specialization. Previously, flag carrying tanks took 50% more damage and that stacked with an additional 25% damage received while in RBGs (additional 75% damage received total). This change removes the 50% additional damage taken while carrying a flag in an RBG.

    • Enchanting
      • Resolved an issue that could cause Enchanter's Illusions to be reverted from an item.

    • General goods vendors across Draenor now offer Crystal Vials and Enchanting Vellums for sale.
    • Consumable items that summons a fast mount can no longer be used while in a Challenge Mode.
    • Elixir of Deep Earth now increases armor by 67 (down from 268).
    • Primal Spirit is now only eligible for Greed rolls in Need Before Greed loot mode.

  2. #2
    First 2 bosses are insanely fun on mythic so far. Hope it stays this way.

  3. #3
    Ascension just claimed Ko'ragh on Mythic!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Samfisher View Post
    Ascension just claimed Ko'ragh on Mythic!
    go figure (and good for them!)

    Ill update the table due to it being so soon after posting.

  5. #5
    method gods inc

  6. #6
    How is Ascension kicking everyone ass so hard?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by awebz View Post
    How is Ascension kicking everyone ass so hard?
    They've been kicking ass for a long time. World number 9 in SoO, and they started raiding 9 hours ago just after Mythic was available.
    Quote Originally Posted by nnelson54 View Post
    More amusing than that is the fact that the entire basis behind Sinestra as a lore character is that she was the only dragon who was able to withstand the power of Deathwing's cock.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by awebz View Post
    How is Ascension kicking everyone ass so hard?
    high altitude training. When you do well on a 200-300 ms ping, you get amazing at 50 ms.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Samfisher View Post
    They've been kicking ass for a long time. World number 9 in SoO, and they started raiding 9 hours ago just after Mythic was available.
    World 30th, US 9th in tier 16 according to wow progress.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by awebz View Post
    How is Ascension kicking everyone ass so hard?
    People under-estimated Australians ability to play at low MS. Now Oceanics servers exists, Aussies are on an even playing field for World firsts.

    I wonder though, If Oceanic gets world first if they will still call it "NA world first"

  11. #11
    High Overlord R0ninX3ph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverblade Paladin View Post
    People under-estimated Australians ability to play at low MS. Now Oceanics servers exists, Aussies are on an even playing field for World firsts.

    I wonder though, If Oceanic gets world first if they will still call it "NA world first"
    You know.... until Australians get lumped back on the US instance servers and we are back to 200ms-300ms.

  12. #12
    Aussie aussie aussie, oi oi oi!

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by eem5 View Post
    high altitude training. When you do well on a 200-300 ms ping, you get amazing at 50 ms.

    Puhleease. If you're in NSW, being over 40 ms means you're lagging. Plenty of people < 30. People lucky enough to have the NBN literally have 1ms in Sydney.

  14. #14
    Australia get Local servers to reduce ping, and straight away are at No.1..... Damn Straight!

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by CTwin View Post

    Puhleease. If you're in NSW, being over 40 ms means you're lagging. Plenty of people < 30. People lucky enough to have the NBN literally have 1ms in Sydney.
    im in melbourne with nbn and get 12ms.. so i'm considering that pretty good

  16. #16
    The Lightbringer starkey's Avatar
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    i get 20ms and im in nz just over the road :P

  17. #17
    Before we say they are the world first, lets wait the time they had advantage. If no one clears in that time, they can be world first.

  18. #18
    Pit Lord Kivimetsan's Avatar
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    A fascistic nightmare...
    inb4 one of the usual world first guilds comes along and finds a gimped mechanic to win the race.

  19. #19
    Orcboi NatePsy's Avatar
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    Told you Aussies would give all the others a run for their money lol

  20. #20
    So when do they take into account the time difference?

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