1. #1

    Shadow DPS please check me!

    Click here for logs
    And here for my character

    Well hello! Im looking to improve my self! Also i would like to see if with my ilvl im doing enough dps.

  2. #2
    You should have a room to improve. 20900 dps on Butcher is the case of pre-raid gear something like 636 ilvl.
    Think about movement.
    Usage of PW:S, it's worth casting over Mind Spike when some boss ability is going to hit you.
    Minimalize MB cooldown time (always 3 gcd between MBs, But what if u had to move and missed up some time ? How often I do this.. start casting 3rd MS when MB has only like 0,3s cd remaining because i had to move before. Dont think its worth it).
    Dot weave properly, so you never Mind spike before dots fall and never have to cast mind flay without insanity.

  3. #3
    well, by checking what is happening, you are screwing up the DotWeaving or you are priotirizing MS over Flay? Btw you died, that is kinda relevant aswell, you could not spend as much time as you would love in the execute range.
    just some relevant non moving fight was not dotweaving at that time. Dotweave is here
    If you check it my Insanity is at the MS dmg done, so If you don't mind, check out Ariadne's Post about how to DOTWEAVE, as it might help you a lot, and just spend some minutes at the garrison doing it until you have it written in your mind so you know what follows, when to recast.
    I'm not some SP Extraordinaire but I can help you derivate some stuff from great minds behind this.

  4. #4
    Yea, looking at logs you got 4 insanity ticks off most times, however you want to be aiming for 6, sometimes its possible to get 7 but not ideal to aim for if MB comes off CD.
    In terms of weaving properly you should be looking at:
    (from 4 orbs) - MS > MS > SW: P > MB > VT > DP > Insanity > MB off CD > Insanity full channel > (Not missing last tick on Insanity) DP > MB > Insanity x2 (2nd channel cut short from MB)

    The best way to see if your achieving this is opening a log, clicking your character and in the filter putting this:

    isMultistrike = false and (ability.name = "Insanity" or ability.name = "Mind Blast" or (ability.name = "Devouring Plague" and isTick = false))

    Then click Event view and it will be easier to see if you reach that. Likewise what was mentioned previously missing any of execute range is huge and a fair chunk of an increase is from this.

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