So I see a lot of people making new threads or asking for weakauras random threads or just asking for other addon help. And im here to say. REMEMBER CLCINFO. Its the only addon i use for tracking cooldowns, trinkets, spells. It even can track your energy holy power or shadow orbs etc. All with simple code setup explained here and with examples here

Once you get used to the code or just copy pasting from the website you could have everything tracked.

Want to track Final verdict buff? THERES A CODE FOR THAT return IconAura("HELPFUL", "player", "Final Verdict")

Want to track the ICD of your trinket? THERES A CODE FOR THAT return IconAura("HELPFUL", "player", "Tectus' Heartbeat")

Want to track the cd of your wings,how long it last and when its ready. THERES A CODE FOR THAT.(TL Didnt want to post)

Anyways I just wanted to bring the addon back into the limelight as something other than a rotation helper. You can use it for a majority of things. As mentioned above. So if your tired of asking for weakauras help. Just try this.