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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by Doez View Post
    This is great. When EU dominated Highmaul, it was endless threads about EU > US, how EU players are better, etc. EU having only 2 guilds in the top 20 for BRF as of this morning totally backs up those claims.
    EU doesn't get mythic for another 10 hours.

    Don't worry EU will be taking the ranks soon enough.

  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Jdance View Post
    if you think anything i said in stream chat today was serious then you're trash
    I was watching your stream this afternoon and was semi-trolling in twitch chat along with everyone else. But, like I said before, anyone who actually thinks you were being serious (or wants others to think you were for ulterior reasons) has concocted a fantasy in their hands and are desperate to maintain that image.

  3. #203
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennoyer View Post
    I was watching your stream this afternoon and was semi-trolling in twitch chat along with everyone else. But, like I said before, anyone who actually thinks you were being serious (or wants others to think you were for ulterior reasons) has concocted a fantasy in their hands and are desperate to maintain that image.
    Hey, there always has to be a target for hate and trolling.

    At least it keeps it interesting.

  4. #204
    Quote Originally Posted by ladatteli View Post
    They still get a whole week before Mythic is unlocked to "test" the mechanics of bosses as much as they want.
    Remember that one week is far less then a few months to do every kind of test, theorycrafting, etc., you won't have addons working fine as soon as the servers are up and all that.

    Take into account that heroic would become a race by itself (so you would get guilds trying to kill it faster and others trying to test all they could instead), they would try to not stream and give strats out, etc. Right now they don't care about anything like that because every guild could do it with so much time to test. Even server problems would just screw them really hard with less time to do tests/theorycrafting.

    Think how crazy things would be with this scenario.
    Last edited by VanishO2; 2015-02-11 at 12:44 AM.

  5. #205
    Quote Originally Posted by VanishO2 View Post
    Remember that one week is far less then a few months to do every kind of test, theorycrafting, etc., you won't have addons working fine as soon as the servers are up and all that.
    Months? Outside the LFR weekends or a couple of days of normals being available this tier, every boss is up for like 2 hours on each difficulty (with half the time going to server downtime, instance downtime and super lag). You do get a general idea to prepare your strategy to tackle mechanics if you do PTR, but you're exaggerating how helpful it actually is, because there isn't that much time to try everything, so especially on harder bosses you basically start from scratch.

  6. #206
    Exorsus' addon should make kromog a bit of a joke on mythic tbh.

  7. #207
    Quote Originally Posted by Floopa View Post
    Exorsus' addon should make kromog a bit of a joke on mythic tbh.
    What addon is that?

  8. #208
    8 hours till Europe enters the race!
    And already 4/10 seems kinda fast.

  9. #209
    Quote Originally Posted by Joyful View Post
    What addon is that?
    This one

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by ladatteli View Post
    I mean, it just simplifies things but a joke, eh? I don't think so. The runes aren't that hard of a mechanic.

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiroh View Post
    8 hours till Europe enters the race!
    And already 4/10 seems kinda fast.
    Not really. The raid has been out for a bit over 6 hours now. In SoO, in the first 5 hours, 8 bosses were downed on Heroic (today's Mythic).

  12. #212
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twilight Cultist View Post
    Not really. The raid has been out for a bit over 6 hours now. In SoO, in the first 5 hours, 8 bosses were downed on Heroic (today's Mythic).
    I remember that. People were in full panic mode that day, rofl.

    If anything it seems kinda slow, and I've even say that fights like Gruul look really unforgiving though mechanicly easy.

  13. #213
    Quote Originally Posted by Naer View Post
    I mean, it just simplifies things but a joke, eh? I don't think so. The runes aren't that hard of a mechanic.
    its the hardest part of the fight tbh. otherwise it's just damage and running from 1 pillar to the next

    besides, inferno slash and cave in aren't difficult abilities either but guilds still manage to wipe on them Kappa

  14. #214
    Quote Originally Posted by laplacedemon View Post
    Months? Outside the LFR weekends or a couple of days of normals being available this tier, every boss is up for like 2 hours on each difficulty (with half the time going to server downtime, instance downtime and super lag). You do get a general idea to prepare your strategy to tackle mechanics if you do PTR, but you're exaggerating how helpful it actually is, because there isn't that much time to try everything, so especially on harder bosses you basically start from scratch.
    You do know that they didn't test the tier at the beta's end, right? The amount of testing time for each difficult was a lot higher than one week with normal/heroic only (plus all addons working, strats layed out, etc.). Blizzard tested bosses for way longer than one week or just a few hours before WoD going live. You only had problems testing if you logged in and expected to find a pug. The top guilds don't enter giveaways or pray to get a beta key dude... they don't stay in queue waiting to log on beta like the rest on "testing days", etc... Blizzard want them testing stuff.

    It's not exaggerating, it helps a freaking lot. Even the top guilds say that. Now imagine all that effort in just one single week, including the gearing theorycraft, etc. it's insane to do all that in just one week.

    Just remember the damn raid race from blizzcon, both guilds just blazed through the 4 main bosses in Heroic HM in less than a hour, they knew where to go, trash to skip, how to do the rest, etc. and every single mechanic/timers from the bosses (including Imperator). And WoD was still in beta, if beta/ptr wasn't helpful, they would not be able to do that race that way. And executing normal/heroic mechanics very well, is basically the foundation to have a better time in mythic. For any group in fact, not only top guilds.
    Last edited by VanishO2; 2015-02-11 at 01:29 AM.

  15. #215
    Quote Originally Posted by Floopa View Post
    its the hardest part of the fight tbh. otherwise it's just damage and running from 1 pillar to the next

    besides, inferno slash and cave in aren't difficult abilities either but guilds still manage to wipe on them Kappa
    Hmm perhaps. I just worry the tank damage is going to be a struggle for some guilds with current gear. I may be way off the mark though. Insane healers do insane things (looking at you Jhazrun.)

  16. #216
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Depending on how much people have to move around and the ammount of damage going out on the fight, Kromog would still be no joke, considering he has like 260mil on Mythic. We'll see.

    And MW 5/10 with Flamebender lol. They're going hard though.
    Last edited by Shampro; 2015-02-11 at 01:17 AM.

  17. #217
    Quote Originally Posted by Shampro View Post
    I remember that. People were in full panic mode that day, rofl.

    If anything it seems kinda slow, and I've even say that fights like Gruul look really unforgiving though mechanicly easy.
    It's the oneshot mechanic syndrome. Amazing guilds have no problems avoiding every oneshot mechanic and so they clear it very fast, whereas weaker guilds have a lot of trouble with having all 20 people avoiding the attacks that kill in one hit.

  18. #218
    Has Rigg quit yet?
    <Losers Club> US-Alliance

    d u m b c a s u a l s l u t

  19. #219
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Yep MW 5/10 Flamebender.

  20. #220
    Quote Originally Posted by jsz View Post
    Has Rigg quit yet?
    Nah, that's for tomorrows schedule.

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