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  1. #21
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Everything is up in the air obviously, but the bosses I consider to be 1 - 10 shotted by some of the top contenders: Hans/Franzok , Gruul and Beastlord. Beastlord less likely, because that fight can be punishing if the tuning numberwise is higher, but we obviously can't know for certain.

    Roadblocks to the top contenders not counting Blackhand: Blast Furnace, Iron Maidens (dat last portion doe), and up in the air I would say Kromog could be demanding.

    Everything I didn't mention I expect it to be decently challenging for these guilds, but not too much, or atleast not as much as the ones stated above.

    Expecting a lot from Paragon and Method, but won't be surprised if the Russian guild comes out on the top 3.
    Last edited by Shampro; 2015-02-08 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #22
    I don't see Method having even the smallest chance of beating Paragon. Method will probably lose to Exorsus and quite probably to some other guilds as well.

    While Method has some really good players it seems that Sco is holding them back really hard. When they got rid of Treckie they should have done the same for Sco. He is just bad and doesn't put in the effort. If anyone watched the hilariously disastrous first Highmaul split raid on Sco's stream you will understand. Being the main tank of a world top guild and fucking up so badly multiple times is just unbelievable. Sco is also slacking with alts a lot. He is stuck with his warrior with badly geared warrior (wtf dude?) and druid alts while Sejta has all tank classes leveled and three of them geared well enough to tank mythics. Sejta also seems to have switched to monk which is the best tank class at the moment.

    I really feel quite bad for the raiders of Method. I hope you guys can get rid of your useless GM after this raid and maybe we will have a real race to watch in next tier.

  3. #23
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Is there any chance that this thread could be stickied or something so it doesn't get buried and we don't see lots of them popping up in the next two days :P?
    Last edited by Shampro; 2015-02-08 at 06:12 PM.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzo View Post
    Probably don't have to worry about it getting buried lol.
    Yeah hopefully people will come to this thread I must say I did make it look quite nice

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Tonus View Post

    I'd like to see a real competitive race tho with 2 teams getting out in front and battling. With 10 bosses you might see some separation which is cool.
    Yeah, even though I'm a Finn, I'd still like to see some other guild do the same thing that Paragon did over 5 years ago. That is to come from relative obscurity and take it to the top by storm. Basically no other guild has done it after Paragon; there was the time when they beat themselves by downshifting to 10-man, there was the time when Kin Raiders got kind of lucky by the circumstances...but it just never happened that a guild would come and play more skillfully and better strategically than Paragon. I'm not even sure what could even theoretically be that guild...Practice maybe, that Swedish guild? Or some Chinese guild (not Style)
    Last edited by mmoc7ad773ef26; 2015-02-08 at 06:35 PM.

  6. #26
    Fluffy Kitten Wilderness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shampro View Post
    Is there any chance that this thread could be stickied or something so it doesn't get buried and we don't see lots of them popping up in the next two days :P?
    Yes, there is a chance.

  7. #27
    Style War will not be a factor this time. That they couldn't win despite the big ilvl advantage last tier indicates to me that they're not really at that level. So my prediction is that they will move down a significant number of positions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Stera View Post
    I don't see Method having even the smallest chance of beating Paragon. Method will probably lose to Exorsus and quite probably to some other guilds as well.

    While Method has some really good players it seems that Sco is holding them back really hard. When they got rid of Treckie they should have done the same for Sco. He is just bad and doesn't put in the effort. If anyone watched the hilariously disastrous first Highmaul split raid on Sco's stream you will understand. Being the main tank of a world top guild and fucking up so badly multiple times is just unbelievable. Sco is also slacking with alts a lot. He is stuck with his warrior with badly geared warrior (wtf dude?) and druid alts while Sejta has all tank classes leveled and three of them geared well enough to tank mythics. Sejta also seems to have switched to monk which is the best tank class at the moment.

    I really feel quite bad for the raiders of Method. I hope you guys can get rid of your useless GM after this raid and maybe we will have a real race to watch in next tier.
    I've watched Sco's stream a few times this tier, but I have no idea how good or bad he is at actually playing (besides, progress performance is what matters and that isn't streamed), but I do agree with the alt situation. You're not exactly leading by example when you barely have one well geared alt while you make your raiders do so much more. At the end of the day though, I suspect that Sco is only a figurehead at this point and that the officers are the actual leaders of the guild since Sco is working full time.

    It's quite interesting how different Method and Paragon seems to be from the outside. I get the impression that Sejta is much more hands on and actually running the guild, doing everything from recruitment to coming up with strategy and tactics. He also seems much more proactive about his own characters, like you mention. While Sejta has almost always used Druid before, he has had alts of all the other tanks for a very long time, probably continuously evaluating them and then swapping when it provided an advantage. It wasn't until WoD that druid actually was bad, and he swapped to warrior specifically for Margok, but I'm pretty sure that he has used other tanks than druid on fights here and there before. It seems like he has picked his monk for the next progress (at least that's the character with the highest ilvl), and there's actually a thread on the warrior forum just now that basically says that warriors will struggle a bit on some fights due to high magic damage. Probably not a coincidence.

    Another difference between Method and Paragon seems to be how stable their rosters are. It seems like when you join Paragon, you stay until you quit the game, and if you quit hardcore raiding, you still stay on as a casual or whatever. They had that mass exodus after Dragon Soul, which forced them to downsize to 10 man, but I get the impression that they rarely have had to kick members for under performing, except perhaps in the beginning as they were establishing themselves as a top guild. Method on the other hand seems to be quite trigger happy when it comes to kicking people. That reflects poorly on Method's leadership I think because apparently, they are recruiting people that can be in the guild for years and then suddenly not be good enough anymore. I feel like Sejta would have spotted that they weren't good enough from the beginning and never recruited them. Perhaps most of Paragon's success is due to being simply better at spotting talent and cultivating that talent?

    The Paragon going 10 man situation is quite interesting because if you remember, they actually had enough players, but they (Sejta, presumably) decided that the roster they had would be a top 5 guild, and not the best, so it was decided to not do it. There's a quote out there somewhere. I feel like most people would opt to keep the guild 25 man and work with what they had, but he was apparently uninterested in such a compromise, which I think says a lot about his character. Uncompromising, ultra prepared, strong tactical sense, great player, that's how I imagine that other players in Paragon would describe him. Perhaps having someone like that is what makes the difference in the end, not if each individual player's skill is the absolute best in the world, which seems to be the Method approach.

    If you look at Paragon's end boss world firsts, they have often come from simply better tactics and preparation. Recently, on Margok it was identifying in beta already that Enhancement Shaman would be very nice to have, and gearing one specifically for that fight. Method didn't. On Ragnaros, they invented the aoe strat while Method went with an inferior single target one. Moonkins were great there, and Paragon had several while Method had none. On Al'Akir they were thinking outside the box and did the first phase with fewer players, giving them another world first. Another example is the the Feral druid strat on Nefarian, something that I know was changed after their kill, but any other guild could have gone there before Paragon to do the same thing they did.

    But who knows, maybe it will be different this time.
    Last edited by Pokty; 2015-02-08 at 08:16 PM.

  8. #28
    One thing I have noticed is Paragon players changing their mains regularly while Method sticks to their classes.

    Would be interesting to see a compiled list from mop->wod and from hm->brf and compare the two guilds.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by tinatus View Post
    One thing I have noticed is Paragon players changing their mains regularly while Method sticks to their classes.

    Would be interesting to see a compiled list from mop->wod and from hm->brf and compare the two guilds.
    paragon always has less people, and just goes for the best class of their role for the end boss really. compared to methods like mass amounts of people.
    the difference is huge, and yeah itd be interesting to see

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by tinatus View Post
    One thing I have noticed is Paragon players changing their mains regularly while Method sticks to their classes.

    Would be interesting to see a compiled list from mop->wod and from hm->brf and compare the two guilds.
    Been watching their enh shaman stream on twitch, and everyone in Paragon got 2+ mains fully mythic geared for BRF.

  11. #31
    This is going to be a great race I can feel it in the air

  12. #32
    Looks like Mione was not raid in Envy

  13. #33
    Stood in the Fire
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    This is great. When EU dominated Highmaul, it was endless threads about EU > US, how EU players are better, etc. EU having only 2 guilds in the top 20 for BRF as of this morning totally backs up those claims.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Doez View Post
    This is great. When EU dominated Highmaul, it was endless threads about EU > US, how EU players are better, etc. EU having only 2 guilds in the top 20 for BRF as of this morning totally backs up those claims.
    Only heroic opened so rankings now is irrelevant?

  15. #35
    Stood in the Fire
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mellomania View Post
    Only heroic opened so rankings now is irrelevant?
    Sure, I guess heroic progression doesn't matter prior to the release of mythic, so EU obviously didn't try.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Doez View Post
    Sure, I guess heroic progression doesn't matter prior to the release of mythic, so EU obviously didn't try.
    All top eu guild grinded 9/10 first so they know who to give the essence token to people who need tokens to complete tier 18 sets.
    Quote Originally Posted by ViridianWRA - 23/03/2014 View Post
    Seriously. Someone bookmark this. If we go all the way from 6.0 to 7.0 and there is never a paid Garrison feature on the blizzard store, I will go to the store, purchase a hat and film myself eating it.

  17. #37
    Does anyone know what happened to KIN Raiders (world first h spine / madness) ? Did they change their name or something ? Asked in a diff thread and didn't see a reply (though I may have missed).
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Doez View Post
    Sure, I guess heroic progression doesn't matter prior to the release of mythic, so EU obviously didn't try.
    There are 78 guilds atm with Blackhand heroic down, and how fast they got it down depended on how many split farm groups they did most likely, almost everyone just did 9/10 for the set bonuses.
    Last edited by Mellomania; 2015-02-09 at 03:21 PM.

  19. #39
    US also opened a day earlier, on top of previously mentioned factors.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Doez View Post
    This is great. When EU dominated Highmaul, it was endless threads about EU > US, how EU players are better, etc. EU having only 2 guilds in the top 20 for BRF as of this morning totally backs up those claims.
    Boy, are you going to end up eating your words.


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