Lets do this, last night til maintenance.
Yes, took it from Manaflask. :P
Lets do this, last night til maintenance.
Yes, took it from Manaflask. :P
http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/kr/...B2%A9%EB%8C%80 - Server transfer/faction change.
did US start already?
At what time, if no delay ofc, do the US Servers come up? Want to watch some mythic streams
US servers are up, I don't think mythic is available yet though. As of this post, 11/20 Ascension players are in BRF several more are in Gorgrond.
Oh man its starting again! Lets hope some streams come up shortly, pity I don't have any popcorn.
Overture is in : http://www.twitch.tv/jdance_ot
If you want to check streams, be sure to click on the link at the first page/OP.
Love this time of the WoW season. Should be a great race.
BL killed Darmac according to http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...Ahdehll/simple
Blood Legion 1/10
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nvm just fixed
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Midwinter just killed gruul
midwinter killed gruul
Next in line would be Hans&Franzok probably, apart from Gruul/Darmac.
Is there an IRC chat during WF progression?
Overture is firing shots at midwinter.