1. #6381
    Congrats Method.

  2. #6382
    nice exploits from Method

  3. #6383
    Gz to Method!

  4. #6384
    Blackhand is dead but we still can't even get a Furnace kill video... Going to be waiting a while I think

  5. #6385
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowfeather View Post
    at this point is all-but-guaranteed that Paragon's gonna be 2nd and MW 3rd. All those guilds worked damn hard to get where they are, but I'm really proud of how far MW's come this tier.
    Yeah it's really damn sad how the competition are just well, completely stuck on BF. So the results are pretty much laid out infront of us. But still really fun Tier to watch.

    Now time to go back to my pesant guild to wipe on Mythic Gruul.

  6. #6386

  7. #6387
    So who got the mount by the way?

  8. #6388
    Paragon world first imo. method clearly exploited.

  9. #6389
    Going to be interesting race between MW and Paragon now.

  10. #6390
    Quote Originally Posted by Angrybathtub View Post
    Paragon world first imo. method clearly exploited.
    Clearly quite salty. It's okay mate, maybe next time. Chin up .
    This is my signature. It states my prediction of the next expansion. Not only is it correct in my eyes, but should also be in yours too.
    Anyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot, a bad, and a pleb.

    - A Quote from every narcissistic, defiant, self-absorbed theorist on these forums. True story.

  11. #6391
    The Patient kingpinuk880's Avatar
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    Gotta love all the salt in here. Some people find it so hard to just say grats. Pathetic

  12. #6392
    Quote Originally Posted by Blitzo View Post
    Nevermind. Viklund is streaming their Blast Furnace kill on his Twitch channel
    No he isn't

  13. #6393
    Oh man these tears - like a treat!

  14. #6394
    Gz Method !

  15. #6395
    Quote Originally Posted by Saaremaa View Post
    Oh man these tears - like a treat!
    Non nom. Their anguish sustains me :3
    This is my signature. It states my prediction of the next expansion. Not only is it correct in my eyes, but should also be in yours too.
    Anyone who doesn't agree with me is an idiot, a bad, and a pleb.

    - A Quote from every narcissistic, defiant, self-absorbed theorist on these forums. True story.

  16. #6396
    Closing the thread up as the race is over.

    Please note that the hostility exhibited over the last few pages isn't okay. Additionally, posts just to stir the pot and create drama are also not okay.

    When victory seems worth any sacrifice,
    there is a price to be paid for such a gift

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