1. #1001
    Titan Gumboy's Avatar
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    Lost in Space
    So, so many moonkins. Is this real life?
    You're a towel.

  2. #1002
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHolyOne View Post
    you seem pist m8 someone bash BL and ur jimmies are rustled; 20 hour raid a day to get beat by MW?
    Just sayin, the post history is pretty weird, his first post on mmo is putting Riggnaros' phone number and email address in a public forum?

  3. #1003
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumboy View Post
    So, so many moonkins. Is this real life?
    no its not real life half or more of those "moonkins" arent even moonkins. they are mirroring one of the moonkin's image. get trolled

  4. #1004
    Titan Gumboy's Avatar
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    Is six specs, out of 20 raid slots, considered broken? I mean...thats slightly less then 1/3, of all slots, taken by one spec.
    You're a towel.

  5. #1005
    Quote Originally Posted by R033 View Post
    during early world first progress? debatable on 25 man. On 10 man klaxxi was a joke. But for world first 25 they both took roughly around the same amount of attempts and time.
    and Garrosh was a joke on 25man

  6. #1006
    Today is the most important day of the race to see where guilds are at, especially Paragon to see if they can catch the rest of the pack. I personally think this time a lot of guilds will be working on blackhand at the same time so this is anyones race.

  7. #1007

    Blood legion - kromog's final hour

  8. #1008
    Quote Originally Posted by Vashi View Post
    Not sure man. Did copy just 25mans. Looks +- the same.

    Blood Legion:

    + H: Paragons of the Klaxxi (25) Sep 27, 2013 22:30
    + H: Siegecrafter Blackfuse (25) Sep 22, 2013 20:16
    + H: Thok the Bloodthirsty (25) Sep 19, 2013 07:32


    + H: Paragons of the Klaxxi (25) Sep 24, 2013 21:22
    + H: Siegecrafter Blackfuse (25) Sep 21, 2013 17:58
    + H: Thok the Bloodthirsty (25) Sep 18, 2013 23:47


    + H: Paragons of the Klaxxi (25) ~Sep 29, 2013
    + H: Siegecrafter Blackfuse (25) Sep 25, 2013 21:20
    + H: Thok the Bloodthirsty (25) Sep 19, 2013 22:21
    I think for a lot of people it was more about what made Seigecrafter hard vs what made Paragons hard. Paragons had a healthy dose of RNG near the end in terms of which abilities were used and their targets. Some of these pulls felt impossible and others felt doable. Whereas Seigecraft was like a hard puzzle you had to consistently work through. Much preferred the latter.

  9. #1009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeenge View Post
    So BL did not do heroic clears this reset? Since he got an elemental rune drop...
    Great race so far
    Afaik all guilds aside from paragon went straight for mythic, we will probably see most of the start farming once they hit a cockblock.

  10. #1010
    I am Murloc! Kaneiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R033 View Post
    10/10 blizzard

  11. #1011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumboy View Post
    Is six specs, out of 20 raid slots, considered broken? I mean...thats slightly less then 1/3, of all slots, taken by one spec.
    boomkin god class finally confirmed

    hunter stacking REM - 8 hunters for Hans and Franz kill


  12. #1012
    Quote Originally Posted by jasdasm View Post
    and Garrosh was a joke on 25man
    Meh apples and oranges really. Garrosh was sort of an easy mechanical boss but was way to tightly tuned from a dps perspective on 10 so you had to do crazy stuff like 1 heal it or wait for more gear which both worked. Klaxxi was just a very annoying boss mechanically on 25 that was just well annoying in ways that are hard to put into words. There are some great examples on 10 of fights like that I just cant think of any right now but its not fair to compare 2 fights that could not have been more different.

  13. #1013
    Zoomskin and Zoomkins, look at that account sharing! i.imgur.com/yxCyl8E.png

  14. #1014
    so is double brewmaster the dream now? what makes them so good for mythic that everyone is running that comp now?

  15. #1015
    Quote Originally Posted by Angrybathtub View Post
    so is double brewmaster the dream now? what makes them so good for mythic that everyone is running that comp now?
    they can take a beating and not die

  16. #1016
    Garrosh was a huge number check. Back in early 2013 SoO you had to do the encounter flawlessly, sure the mechanics were simple but the fight had 0 room for any sort of mistake. It was very unforgiving.

    Blackhand will be as well because if heroic is tuned for 680, normal for ~665-670 then mythic will be tuned for 695. Only difference between garrosh and BH is that in SoO you would overgear the encounter in time with ilvl upgrades etc but now you can't really get that much higher than 695 without a lot of luck or a lot of farm time now.
    Last edited by mmocd4e31813e4; 2015-02-12 at 08:13 AM.

  17. #1017
    Style War 5/10 now. They're catching up very quickly.
    When we looked at the relics of the precursors, we saw the height civilization can attain.
    When we looked at their ruins, we marked the danger of that height.
    - Keeper Annals

  18. #1018
    Quote Originally Posted by corebit View Post
    Style War 5/10 now. They're catching up very quickly.
    Is that the guild that exploited server transfers to basically be full mythic blackrock already or was a different guild?

    Edit: I wanna make sure because I want to know there are a couple good guilds from that region and I want to make sure that I dont feel "meh whatever" about a guild that actually pulled that off strait up because that is very good if they did that fast.
    Last edited by Unholydevil; 2015-02-12 at 08:19 AM.

  19. #1019
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholydevil View Post
    Is that the guild that exploited server transfers to basically be full mythic blackrock already or was a different guild?

    Edit: I wanna make sure because I want to know there are a couple good guilds from that region and I want to make sure that I dont feel "meh whatever" about a guild that actually pulled that off strait up because that is very good if they did that fast.
    It was that guild.

  20. #1020
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholydevil View Post
    Is that the guild that exploited server transfers to basically be full mythic blackrock already or was a different guild?

    Edit: I wanna make sure because I want to know there are a couple good guilds from that region and I want to make sure that I dont feel "meh whatever" about a guild that actually pulled that off strait up because that is very good if they did that fast.
    What has it to do with the current race in Blackrock Foundry?

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