comenting to find this thread back in search history. thumbs up m8 cant wait to see how this progresses![]()
A little more organized this time, nice. My bet is paragon or Ascension. By the look on how this raid is it looks likes Blackhand will survive the first week. Which means a more nail biter race in my opinion.
I'm pretty excited for next week. Blackrock even on normal is a great raid so far. It'll be pretty hilarious to see the added fun of mythic.
Mythic Blast Furnace sounds like fun alongside the obvious Mythic Blackhand.
Think Paragon will win.
Though will be fun to see if Methods 7 raids will pay out
Expecting Hans & Franz to be 1hit by many.
Ragnar-Os! The only cereal with the Molten Core!
Paragon seems the obvious choice, Method are a close second.
I don't think there will be any upsets this tier, this is quite a long instance with the last boss of each wing + blackhand being difficult fights.
Straight out of the gate I will imagine we will be seeing Ascension, Blood Legion and Midwinter getting 5-6/10 before EU wakes up. Like always, at the end of day 1 for EU; Method, Paragon etc will have passed the US guilds.
Since the last bosses of each wing are apparently as difficult as end bosses I think over the next few days we will be seeing Paragon and Method slowly working to 9/10 by day 2. Exorsus will be 1 boss behind Paragon and Method at all times and the usual top 10 guilds will have hit a brick wall on 6/10.
The race will come down to Blackhand. He is not a push-over and is going to be one of the hardest end bosses in recent memory. It all comes down to who has the optimal comp for blackhand. Paragon have a small roster but slightly more skilled players and Method have a much bigger roster and more alts that are geared in full Mythic highmaul and 4 piece sets.
Apart from Exorsus, when Blackhand dies I think other guilds will be at most 8/10.
1. Method
2. Paragon
3. Exorsus
4. Ascension
5. Envy
6. Rapid Eye Movement
7. Midwinter
8. Blood Legion
9. Scrubbusters
10. Some random guild
My vote is going to the Finns, ALTHOUGH don't underestemate the Chinese/Korean teams. I don't see Blackhand dying the first week, especially if you look at the tuning of normal/hc which is, in ilvl, close to what you can get in the instance. Thus Blackhand Mythic could potentially (theory) not die before certain raids have 692+ ilvl as a bare minimum. Even with the best possible composition, DPS/HPS output, I don't see this as a cakewalk.
This 2nd raid of the 1st WoD tier seems to become an even bigger clash between titans, which is good, because I went to the shop yesterday and got my popcorn already !
"If you are what you HAVE and you lose what you have, what then are you? But if you are what you ARE and you lose what you have, no man controls your destiny".
With the raid most likely being very challenging for even the best guilds, it's hard to see any other outcome besides Paragon winning it in the end. Of course, there are countless possibilities for factors that can skew this setting, such as exploits, bug fixes to impossible fights and how they roll out on different regions, or maybe BMAH gear, chinese guilds and gear-check fights.
Anyhow, what it comes down to at the end is that Paragon and Method have the highest concentration of talent and Paragon is the one that can function as a cohesive team and rise above a simple skill formula of "skill of player 1" + "skill of player 2" + "skill of player x" = Method kills the end-boss 3 days after Paragon
Method-quote: "Names and players are not important." (
So this is how I see it:
1. Paragon
2. Method
3. Ascension
4. Exorsus
5. Style War
I think it's funny how Blood Legion has one bad tier (They lost their raid leader during the most important days of progression and had shitty players since replaced) and everyone forgets them. They were clearing Mythic Highmaul 3 times week with a 4th raid doing 6/7. That is extremely impressive. Method & Blood Legion were really the only contender for world first in Mists; Exorsus & Envy were always miles behind, with Midwinter being the joke of the top 5.
Blood Legion got World 5th Will of The Emperor & got world 1st Grand Empress. Anything can happen.
That being said,
1. Paragon
2. Blood Legion OR Method.
3. Whoever loses ^
4. Exorsus
5. Style Wars
6. Envy
7. Ascension
8. Rapid Eye Movement
9. Practice
10. Some random Asian guild who nobody cares about.
20. Midwinter
Last edited by RamBasher; 2015-02-08 at 11:04 AM.
I think Paragon will down Blackhand Mythic next weekend after this reset. Followed by the third reset Method will down him.
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Can't wait ^^
I think we'll see a similar finish as in Highmaul except Style War will be a little lower and Blood Legion and Midwinter will be a little higher.
Blood Legion definitely had some roster kerfuffles that almost certainly cost them and this time around Style War is barely even ahead on iLvl compared to the large advantage they had in Highmaul. They're definitely still a quality raid team, but you can't pretend the gear advantage wasn't a part of them doing so well. Midwinter will probably do a bit better, but I doubt they'll crack the top 10.
I bet Paragon again, as I did for Highmaul. I want to see Iron Maidens, Blast Furnace and Blackhand being the big walls in progression.
I think a lot of people (Myself included) completely forgot about Style Wars ilvl advantage in highmaul. They were 10 ilvls ahead of everyone else and they still couldn't get world first. Butcher should have been a joke for them at their ilvl. I doubt you'll even see them in the top 10 this time around.
1 Paragon
2 Style Wars
3 Exorsus
4 Method
5 Envy
6 Midwinter
7 Blood Legion
paragon then probly method and blood legion as next. other than the top 3 theres really not many to care about.
I think that alot of the earlier (say 5-6 bosses or so) is all about routing: who can find the bosses that are loot pinnatas (to these guilds atleast) and kill them in the order so they have optimized loot for the harder encounters.
After that, I will say that I think method and Blood legion have good chances of upsetting paragon, they have both strengtened their roster and put an absurd effort into running multiple Highmaul mythic groups for optimal loot, though all the top guilds average ilevels are really close.
Also I think a lot is gonna be decided by set bonus RNG, I don't know about other classes but for rshamans, the set bonusses look absurdly potent