1. #1

    annie new support god?

    So I have mained blitz and morgana with some thresh/leona on the side for a while now. Recently i have started seeing annie pop here and there and doing quite well so I decided to try her out. The first thing i noticed is that her damage gets scary really fast and has snowballing potential. If I get to the point where i have bought a zhonyas on top of my hat/roa/sightstone/boots I am the scariest thing an assasin will see. Furthermore her AA harass range is great for procing frost queen and you can e for virtually no mana cost stun building. She doesn't have the utility of morgana or even a fiddlesticks but her stun is extremely versatile and her nuking is makes others more likely to run than to try and finish me.

  2. #2
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    She's fine, honestly mate if you want to play something at support don't wait for others to do it just play it.
    Hey everyone

  3. #3
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    If you, as support, can afford a Zhonya, Deathcap and Rod of Ages on top of your support items, you could as well be building full AD with how far you are and still stomp.

  4. #4
    Eye monster is still number 1!

  5. #5
    The Normal Kasierith's Avatar
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    Annie support has been a thing for quite some time now.. it's been incorporated into the meta for well before this season began.

    Strengths: consistent ranged point and click cc (with easy potential aoe), harass, molten shield (one of the strongest things in her kit that a lot of people overlook)

    Weaknesses: Rotation dependent, cc while consistent can take a long time to wind up and is her only means of control, squishy when shield isn't up, not extremely long ranged if flash isn't up, no natural means of directly supporting team outside of items.

    Overall, I've found the best build for her with my playstyle isn't straight AP (well, if we're already hard winning, but that doesn't count in terms of a serious build in a competitive game) is actually more tanky with high cc, getting ap items with defensive stats like zhonyas as opposed to rabadons, and even going rylais which allows more control. And getting hp and armor is enormous, especially when facing things like a yi. An annie support can actually solo a full build yi depending on her build.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Kasierith View Post
    Annie support has been a thing for quite some time now.. it's been incorporated into the meta for well before this season began.

    Strengths: consistent ranged point and click cc (with easy potential aoe), harass, molten shield (one of the strongest things in her kit that a lot of people overlook)

    Weaknesses: Rotation dependent, cc while consistent can take a long time to wind up and is her only means of control, squishy when shield isn't up, not extremely long ranged if flash isn't up, no natural means of directly supporting team outside of items.

    Overall, I've found the best build for her with my playstyle isn't straight AP (well, if we're already hard winning, but that doesn't count in terms of a serious build in a competitive game) is actually more tanky with high cc, getting ap items with defensive stats like zhonyas as opposed to rabadons, and even going rylais which allows more control. And getting hp and armor is enormous, especially when facing things like a yi. An annie support can actually solo a full build yi depending on her build.
    I have only really built her AP with the psuedo tankiness you get from roa and zhonyas. I have been able to solo yi but he was full build but then again it didn't really matter since he died in my initial burst with no way to dodge and I would just pop my zhonyas every time he just me and come out with my burst immediately to keep him from aa me.

  7. #7
    Elemental Lord Duronos's Avatar
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    Looking back on it, Annie is good if Kalista isn't banned but I'll more often than not take Morgana by preference any day. Morg has low costs on her spells and spam snare (not every time it's off cooldown, lets be smart here) throughout the lane phase, I've really grown to liking her. My Annie needs a bit of work but I don't feel she provides the lane pressure Morgana does unless it's against a very mobile ADC.
    Hey everyone

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Guru Laghima View Post
    Looking back on it, Annie is good if Kalista isn't banned but I'll more often than not take Morgana by preference any day. Morg has low costs on her spells and spam snare (not every time it's off cooldown, lets be smart here) throughout the lane phase, I've really grown to liking her. My Annie needs a bit of work but I don't feel she provides the lane pressure Morgana does unless it's against a very mobile ADC.
    I agree her presence isn't near as good as morgana and morgana can stack her frostqueen easily with 1 ooze puddle that only has 1 rank. I like annie though because she is better for fighting in the minions and brings more damage. However in team fights morgana is a little more versatile since her ult is bigger although takes time to charge that can be good for dispersing the enemy team and doing the divide and conquer. However generally you need your zhonyas in order to not get smashed instantly while annie's comes out guns blazing. They are both on my list of common picks.

    At the end of the day the best pick between them comes down to the adc. If your adc is aggressive/smart annie is a better support to line things up early. If your laner is more passive/bad then morgana is better at defending aggression. Also if your doing ranked/draft it also depends on the enemy support. If the enemy adc is really mobile (Kalista for e.x.) with a good range poke morgana is better since you don't need to get close as much as you do with annie. Or if the enemy support is blitz/thresh and your adc isn't ez/good a dodger.

  9. #9
    Right now in solo queue she's pretty damn good.

    She can harass pretty well in the laning phase with her autos and can easily go aggressive. Unlike other supports with stuns, her AP ratios are much better because she was designed as a mid laner, aka you won't see an AP Taric nailing you for a 600 hp stun. That being said, he snowballing ability is pretty great seeing as she can get her AP items and burst someone down even with a sightstone. Unlike more organized teams, she won't be looked at in solo queue to get a Radiant Glory or a Locket for her team specifically, giving her much more leeway.

    Also, she is one of the best champions in the game if you have vision control in the enemy jungle. Set up a bait at dragon or baron and she can hit a lot of people in those close corridors.

    I will also say I find myself banning her a lot because as a low elo player she typically finds a way to destroy my team -_-

  10. #10
    I main support and really like Janna and Nami and Thresh but I found myself unable to really affect the game much in Bronze, so I started using Annie again recently and you definitely feel like you have more of an affect on your lane/the overall game with her. I guess you could call her more of a "carry" support than most of the other meta supports.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Sourjoe View Post
    Right now in solo queue she's pretty damn good.

    She can harass pretty well in the laning phase with her autos and can easily go aggressive. Unlike other supports with stuns, her AP ratios are much better because she was designed as a mid laner, aka you won't see an AP Taric nailing you for a 600 hp stun. That being said, he snowballing ability is pretty great seeing as she can get her AP items and burst someone down even with a sightstone. Unlike more organized teams, she won't be looked at in solo queue to get a Radiant Glory or a Locket for her team specifically, giving her much more leeway.

    Also, she is one of the best champions in the game if you have vision control in the enemy jungle. Set up a bait at dragon or baron and she can hit a lot of people in those close corridors.

    I will also say I find myself banning her a lot because as a low elo player she typically finds a way to destroy my team -_-
    I think you summarize what i have a found. I am pretty much a YOLO normals player so outside of a sightstone your team doesn't expect much from you and there a lot of times where your team will start chasing the rabbit and forget about lanes so you can get extra cs from cleaning up forgotten turrets. I tend to go near the same in gold income as the other laners outside the adc. Also i have games where we have lost lane in bot but survived long enough to turn it around since we scale harder than they do.

    That said the enemy team gave me a new idea last night and I am going to try out support AP Nasus tonight. I'm not sure if I will want relic shield for free q stacks or frostqueen for guarenteed spirit fire procs.

  12. #12
    I've played a ton of Annie support over the last year. And she can be strong, but I usually build tanky so I can get off multiple stuns each fight. Though I get told I'm trash when we win or lose so I dunno : /

  13. #13
    The Normal Kasierith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shammypie View Post
    I have only really built her AP with the psuedo tankiness you get from roa and zhonyas. I have been able to solo yi but he was full build but then again it didn't really matter since he died in my initial burst with no way to dodge and I would just pop my zhonyas every time he just me and come out with my burst immediately to keep him from aa me.
    If you're able to build all out, straight AP, than either 1) your team is so far ahead that proper itemization doesn't even matter and you could go straight D blade annie and likely still win, or 2) you're prioritizing expensive ap items, which means that your utility through the majority of the game especially during your roa buildup phase is really, really poor. Going straight ap annie when your team starts taking kills early to secure a win is fine, but it's a really, really bad item route for a competitive game.

  14. #14
    Annie is really strong all round in the bot lane with her cc,damage and the autos/poke in lane. If you ward up and play aggressive early you can stomp the lane just with trades and autos.

  15. #15
    I played with and against full AP Annie support... She seems so op if snowballed. She can solo kill everyone.

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