1. #1

    So I am not new, and bad at the game.

    I started playing League of Legends years ago (I think Draven was the new Champ, he was my login screen at the time), but i never played it much further than two or three custom games as Ashe, but i did keep up with the new builds and i watch all the Champ spotlights and the new champs being released.

    A few years later, after meeting my Fiancee and telling her that i game, she said she used to watch her Father play LoL, so we got laptops and both downloaded it and chilled in Customs games, at this point i was watching Athene play Ryze and i gave it a go (No hate or flame please, hes a good guy raising money for charities) So we played for about a year, a few hours on the weekend. I started meeting people in wow who also played LoL and added them, and then i found that some of my old IRL friends now play LoL.

    Their skill range is from silver to the low Plats, and they are all level 30, and im still level 24, and it is quite difficult to match their play and thought processes especially when we are being matched to their skill range too. I get a lot of flame for what i would perceive as common sense in not chasing, but in actual hindsight if i had chased, i MAY have killed the champ.

    So i started playing normal solo games to try and get better, and i prefer playing Support or Jungling as i tend to lose the lanes because of CS. I know how to SS and how to ward, and my map awareness is good but needs improving.

    What i dont understand is the flame that i get. For example, i just played a normal game, i wanted to go Mid and try Lux out, as when i played her as support it went really well. I didnt get the 'mid' down fast enough in the chat so i went Jungle, and played Xin Zhao, and quickly researched a build order, masteries and a guide, and i did famring pretty well and got the top gank pretty early. I then tried to get a gank on Mid on Zed, and Katarina was on my team. I went in to gank but he got away and got a flame from Kat saying 'FFS Xin noob'. I had waited until he was getting near the tower and Kat wasnt too far off, i charge, knocked him up and he flashed and used a spell that moved him away aswell. I went down to Bot to try and help there but Bot told me 5 seconds after i stood in the bush that it was warded, and so i decided to charge with while they were duelling, by which they all moved off pretty quick, and i moved away where vanye said 'FFS XIN ARE YOU ONLY WANTING KILLS' The vanye was a gold and was in a premade with Olaf, i wasnt too sure who was supporting. I imagined that it was silly to chase under a tower as they had a blitz and vanye and past experiences with Blitz told me to stay away when hes under a tower.
    At the end, the report at the end of the game all vanye spammed was to report me

    Im not exactly new to the game but neither am i well experienced.

    Why the flame? I dont really know what to do when i get flamed except try and make up the levels and gank...
    I try to keep up with my irl friends and i do make silly mistakes, but the more understanding of them just said that i need to play a few games on my own and try all the champs, and just /muteall if i get really bad flame. Id rather not cos i miss out on tacts if there is any but at the same time its not pleasant to see and receive.
    Ive watched some of the LCS and i spectate a lot of the ranked games and i watch a lot of the guides on individual champions. For example i really liked Volibear so i watched and learned how to jungle and best ways to gank. Also how to kill Dragon at level 4 etc.

    I dont tend to have many days where i can sit and play LoL all day, as i work in the community and im at uni too aswell as that i also have a relationship, but when i can play i do play from 9am to almost 1am.

    What can i do? what should i do? How? why? help?!

    If anyone is interested, my name is NomNomMooMoo and if you want to you can search my on LoLNexus or wherever haha.

    Id rather not get any troll comments or flame so please can be keep it constructive, i dont mind if its critical haha i just want to get better.

  2. #2
    You already answered your own question. You're not even max level yet, and queueing up with your mates who are way higher than you. As far as I know matchmaking tries to find a match somewhere in between, and people ranging from silver to plat are a LOT better than you. You can look up all the info you want, but there's one thing that's most important, play the game. Otherwise it's hard to get better at it. The fact that you're not even max level yet makes you someone who is just learning to play the game. You didn't even start ranked play yet.

    Oh and about the flame, it's bad in MOBA's ofcourse, but there's a reason for it. Nothing more annoying than 1 guy screwing up your game.

  3. #3
    I am no master LoL player neither but I feel your friends are right. Sometimes, especially with a new champ I just get bad scores in normal games simply because I play too aggressive on purpose. I do this because I need to get a feel for what and especially what not to do as a champ.

    When I first started playing I also read all the guides, watched all the plays like you. But I noticed that I didn't learn enough because I was playing (in my case especially) too safe, thinking in my mind that the level I was playing on was the same as those LCS pro's and messing up was horrible because I ruined the game for 5 people. "Better safe then sorry, better not die!".
    I didn't really feed and I had good games fin the mix as well, where I outplayed the opponent simply because they were just not that good, but I felt that against equal players I got bullied too much because I was not showing "willingness to be aggressive". Especially early game because you aren't far ahead or something.

    Anyways, this was my problem and even though it might not be 100% the same as yours, I think a similarity with yours is that sometimes you can only learn by messing up a lot. So just stop caring what those flamers say in games. Try not to go 0-10 by 20 minutes of course but definitely stop caring what others say. Learn from your mistakes, that is the fastest way to learn in my opinion.

    Every time I play for instance Morgana support in normals and end up against a blitzcrank or thresh I am playing very aggressive just to get them to throw the hook and I can shield/dodge. Just to practise. Failed many times in the past, got shouted at many times, but I am much better now. I feel a lane vs (equal skill level) blitz is much more 50/50 or simply in my favour. Now I often have games where I can almost feel that the opponents are raging simply because they don't hit anything and they get smacked with bindings and our ADC in their face . In this case I learned quickest by simply messing up a lot.

    In normals that is, in ranked please try your best and only start playing it if you really feel comfortable with champions and their possible match ups.
    Last edited by Bolson13; 2015-03-03 at 02:31 PM.

  4. #4
    Herald of the Titans Drunkenfinn's Avatar
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    Just keep playing with your higher ranked friends and you'll get good eventually. That is, if they are nice people and will actually give you advice along with all the flaming and laughing.

    I've played with Diamond/Plat players ever since I was like lvl15 on my account and I've been flamed and laughed at so much that its funny :P But eventually I learned my lesson and now I'm not a liability to the team anymore when I play with them.

    If you want to learn how to "own" you need to get "owned" first... repeatedly.

    I havent touched ranked in a while but the last time I seriously tried 2 seasons ago I got to gold by the end of the season... No idea where how I'd rank up now as I just mainly play normals with my friends :P

  5. #5
    welcome to LoL, one of the worst gaming communities there is. If you're a jungler, prepare to take the blame for EVERYTHING. lost dragon? entirely your fault. lane is feeding? well you're not ganking enough. you get invaded? well it's your fault

    edit: to be more constructive it doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong. it takes practice is all. playing with your high level friends is a good way to learn new tactics/advanced late game stuff. maybe ask them for help. picking a champion you like to main is a good thing as well, then play with the team builder so you don't lose out on the position you want to some insta-locking fucker.
    Last edited by mmoc06b16d6b77; 2015-03-13 at 10:17 AM. Reason: more constructive

  6. #6
    First rule of lol: jungler and support always get blamed.

    There was a chart on reddit at some point with correlation between champion played and average toxicity of players picking it. "Carry" champions like assassins, marksmen, or bursty melee (examples: Akali, Jinx, Riven) are often picked by toxic players who only care about their penta and will blame everyone around when they don't do well, and often they don't because they're greedy for kills and tunnel vision, don't use any gold on wards etc. Toxic players way more rarely picked champions that do not carry, like supports or tanky junglers. So yeah, every time you get sent to the jungle or support because mid, top and adc got instalocked by "mid or feed" "top or afk" kids, you know they'll be prone to blame and flame as soon as the team starts losing or they die...

    The only way to deal with it is insta-mute anyone who starts whining about noobs, ks, retard team no help, etc. and keep doing your job. Ignore them and try to improve your playstyle, if you lose because they threw the game, too bad, if you win, because opponent threw even harder, good, but only factor you can control is you yourself and your impact on the game. Getting into arguments, ragequitting or feeling bad because they flame you only sets you back, that's why use mute function liberally and early in pvp games. It helps a lot. Many people who got banned or chat-blocked for flaming discover that insta-muting ragers helps them keep their calm, while fighting back doesn't help (you spend time typing instead of playing and if you flame back you expose yourself to chat ban even if "they started it").

    Second rule in lol is you'll only get good if you play a lot, first because of practice, second because you'll be able to afford runes (you can buy them from lvl 20 on) which give a lot of starting stats, third because you'll find what roles and champions are worth "maining", if you play a game here and there you'll have it hard to know a champion inside out.

    If you want to play specific role, let's say Lux mid, I suggest trying team builder mode instead of blind pick or draft. It takes a bit longer to assemble a team and go into a game, but at least you don't end up forced into a leftover role you don't feel like playing at that moment.

    Also watch some videos and read guides, a lot of pro junglers say if you wanna win, be selfish, don't gank losing or overextended lanes, don't give blue to feeding midder, don't babysit a lane for ages while you could be killing jungle camps for gold and lvl ups, in the end if you cater to everyone's wishes you'll end up being useless, underlevelled and with no items, because you tried to gank 24/7.

    And you're right, chasing people is often a waste of time, if you spend 5 mins chasing leblanc or fizz you could have taken cs, tower, dragon, do something useful instead. Also I'm a noob, my top rank was silver 1, and when I play with people of similar or lower skill I see a lot of them can be baited into diving low health target and then killed by a turret or ganking team mate, so yeah, don't be that guy - your instinct tells you correctly.

    Btw mute option is used by bringing up the score board with tab and then clicking on chat bubble right side of a person. Most people who blame you won't teach you anything anyway, because they're same or lower skill, so it's a waste of nerves to listen to them. If you want to learn from the pros there are plenty of youtube material about how to become a better player.

  7. #7
    Bloodsail Admiral Beery Swine's Avatar
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    Rule 1 of lol: the community is toxic. Yes, even me, although I'm trying to be less toxic. I feel for you, tho. I rarely queue with others bc I usually bring them down or they usually bring me down. I wonder why I still play the game sometimes and it always comes back to "its an addiction". I've played Garen for a couple years now and am just BARELY better than noob with him. Try more support tanks is my recommendation. The tankier you get, the more mistakes you can make. That's really why I'm so good with Garen, because his W passive makes his armor and mr items more valuable, which makes up for my lack of early CS.

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