1. #1

    Another Holy trinkets question

    Hi guys.

    I'm playing Holy priest and I'm lucky with trinkets drop but really can't choose best ones for me. I have Everburning Candle, Quiescent Runestone (mythic), Elementalist's Shielding Talisman (heroic) and Ironspike Chew Toy (heroic socketed). Now I prefer Candle+Runestone for short fights and Candle+Toy for long or mana intensive fights. But we haven't done Blackhand hc and any Mythic BRF bosses and I don't know how much regen I will need for harder encounters.

    Any advices will be appreciated.

    (sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language)

  2. #2
    Ideally you have 2 Regen and 2 Throughput trinkets and switch them depending on the mana-intensity of the fight.

    Here is a list of the current healing trinkets sorted by stat weights.
    There are additional tabs where the weights are adjusted to prefer only Throughput/Regen trinkets. So you can easily sea which ones are ideal depending on the scenario.

  3. #3
    Thanks! Just realized that my 680 Elementalist's Shielding Talisman is better in regen and overall terms than Ironspike Chew Toy. I will give it a try in our next raid.
    Last edited by Miresse; 2015-03-07 at 07:16 PM.

  4. #4
    You might wanna re-check those numbers.
    After your comment I looked at the EST entry again and noticed a small error for the HC version.
    It's not changed dramatically, but it dropped slightly in rank.

  5. #5
    Hakhu, quick question since I can't edit the spreadsheet. How would a socket on 670 Runestone change its value overall (+50 multistrike) for throughput. Specifically do you think it would push it ahead of 685 Shards of Nothing?

  6. #6
    Hi Negato,

    you can download or copy spreadsheets and then modify them.

    50 additional MS would add 50 * 0.555 (or your own ms stat weight) ~= 28. The new score would be 460, putting it still slightly behind SoN685. Though with the passive stats on Runestone it might overall be better.

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