1. #2041
    Quote Originally Posted by THE Bigzoman View Post
    People are sleeping on Mike Zimmer and this Vikings team,

    The Vikings will take the NFC North this year while GB settles with a wild card.
    Is Favre suiting up for them again or something? Cause Id be surprised if Minnesota is even 8-8

  2. #2042
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cantheal View Post
    Spikes will more than likely say he hit a deer that got up then limped away and then walked to get help so they can't nail him with DUI. For it to be hit and run it just depends on if the car could be driven or if it had to much damage or was stuck or something like that. Even then with a good lawyer he could say he left it to get help and did not want to drive it to further the damage.

    Kinda depends on if the people can identify him/his car but since it was rear ended at night I doubt the could see anything but bright lights closing at a alarming rate in the mirror LOL

    Spikes probably thought Hrmmm stay here and get busted FIR SURE for being faded or nobody can see me so I will get the car stuck on the shoulder and hoof it out then see how good my lawyer is.
    Err, if he made any kind of impact with his car on their car I guarantee you that there's forensic evidence that will prove it was in fact his car that hit them. There's always paint rubs and materials that transfer in such a impact (at least I assume). If he did it, he's going to get nailed for both doing it AND trying to not get caught.

    On the Vikings, I like Zimmer, and I think he's a good coach that will probably take the Vikings places once he gets some more personnel that fits what he wants to do AND provided that Bridgewater keeps getting better.

    There's no way they can beat Green Bay for the division crown though, unless Rodgers gets hurt in some way. That's crazy talk.

  3. #2043
    Mechagnome Cantheal's Avatar
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    Ya, that is why I was saying he got himself out of a DUI regardless as there is no way to test now, that was what I was getting at. He knew he would be busted drunk and knew that any competent lawyer will get any resulting charges reduced or dismissed outright.

    I haven't seen anything far as if the other party said they got hit then he passed them and drove away and can describe the car ect or if they got hit and then carried on to a safe place to pull over but the other car turned off before they did, which in that case, at night depending on the road lighting there is no way for them to describe the car let alone who was driving it. Dark road late at night all you can see is headlights not the car/people in it. Either way just a stupid position to put ones self in no matter who you are or what you do for a living.

    The Vikes are going to do better than a lot of people think this year but don't see them overtaking the Packers.

    Personally I am looking forward to the NFC W battle. the Rams and Cards are/were far better than their record last year and solid teams. Just sucks the Niners look like they may take a step back (prob waaaayyyy back) this season or that div would just be insane. As it is Sea, Az and Rams are solid enuff to compete with any team in the nfl and any one of them could make a deep playoff run depending on how injuries look after beating the shit out of each other all season
    Just because I don't care does'nt mean I don't understand

    I know the voices in my head are not real BUT they have some REALLY good ideas

  4. #2044
    The Lightbringer ProphetFlume's Avatar
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    I can't buy into the Rams anymore. I don't think they have that locker room leader to keep them focused, they're so inconsistent. Whatever it is they're missing, I don't think they'll find it anytime soon.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Cowboys going the military route and starting to train QBs with VR simulations.

    The VR headset allows players to see video of a training football play with sound from the quarterback's perspective. One major benefit is that it allows quarterbacks to train without needing the full team there.

    The technology is not interactive yet, but is instead used to teach the quarterback quick decision-making
    Quote Originally Posted by Gumboy View Post
    I'm not sure if you guys have noticed but sometimes I say things that are kind of dumb
    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    I just like reading about the "vigorous rubbing" that might affect ball inflation.

  5. #2045
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    This is cool. Yahoo won the rights to stream a football game: http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/03/medi...ing/index.html

    Hopefully we're working into an age where games can be watched online period.

  6. #2046
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    This is cool. Yahoo won the rights to stream a football game: http://money.cnn.com/2015/06/03/medi...ing/index.html

    Hopefully we're working into an age where games can be watched online period.
    It already exists. It's called GamePass. Any game, any time, live and in very good quality. It's quite expensive though (260$ per season for danes) and you still have to suffer through the "black out" when american viewers have commercials.
    Last edited by mmocff76f9a79b; 2015-06-09 at 02:54 PM.

  7. #2047
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Too bad they picked a stinker game for it.

  8. #2048
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by draynay View Post
    Too bad they picked a stinker game for it.
    Can't say no to free shit.

    (Yes, pun intended)

  9. #2049
    The Unstoppable Force THE Bigzoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    Err, if he made any kind of impact with his car on their car I guarantee you that there's forensic evidence that will prove it was in fact his car that hit them. There's always paint rubs and materials that transfer in such a impact (at least I assume). If he did it, he's going to get nailed for both doing it AND trying to not get caught.

    On the Vikings, I like Zimmer, and I think he's a good coach that will probably take the Vikings places once he gets some more personnel that fits what he wants to do AND provided that Bridgewater keeps getting better.

    There's no way they can beat Green Bay for the division crown though, unless Rodgers gets hurt in some way. That's crazy talk.
    NFC North in a nutshell.

  10. #2050
    Titan Gumboy's Avatar
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    Aaron Rogers: We have the talents to make the super bowl

    Well no shit. You should have been in it last year, and would have if you had almost any other coach currently in the league...

    Replace mccarthy with pretty much anybody, including teenager madden players, and they are in the super bowl last year.
    You're a towel.

  11. #2051
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yilar View Post
    It already exists. It's called GamePass. Any game, any time, live and in very good quality. It's quite expensive though (260$ per season for danes) and you still have to suffer through the "black out" when american viewers have commercials.
    Far as I know, it isn't available in the U.S., also, that's a lot of money.

  12. #2052
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    Far as I know, it isn't available in the U.S., also, that's a lot of money.
    It is! Although it's quite a work around to get it working it's very nice if you don't own a TV (Or just want to watch games online), want to enjoy something more detailed than GameRewind or don't mind paying extra to avoid.. *Shivers*.. DirectTV...

    And that said, same system used to make it work locally also helps remove the 'blackouts' for non-U.S residents, Yilar. Since it's not TECHNICALLY endorsed by the owners or operators of the product I believe linking sollutions is against the rules of the forum but I don't believe informing that they EXIST breaks any code of conduct, right?

  13. #2053
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Patriots stacked TE group just got unstacked a bit: they released Tim Wright, part of the Mankins trade last year.

    Rather surprising to see that happen, cause it means we didn't get much out of the Mankins trade; one year of Tim Wright (26 receptions and 259 yards in 2014, six touchdowns) and 4th round pick Trey Flowers, DE.

    I'm pretty sure there's going to be a team that picks up Wright. I think he;s still on his rookie deal and he's at least got potential. Just not enough potential to unseat anyone in the Patriots TE depth chart.

  14. #2054
    Scarab Lord Norganon's Avatar
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    Evan Mathis got released.

    Elway pls.
    Ohio State Buckeye

  15. #2055
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norganon View Post
    Evan Mathis got released.

    Elway pls.
    Yeah that seems like a no brainer. Much depends on what kind of contract Mathis wants though. I think Elway is smart enough to not give in on a problematic contract for the future just to fill a hole right now. We'll see if they can work something out.

  16. #2056
    Immortal Vetali's Avatar
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    Matt Flynn going to the pats. lol

  17. #2057
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vetali View Post
    Matt Flynn going to the pats. lol
    they needed somebody shitty enough to run the scout team before Jets and Bills games

  18. #2058
    Obnoxious Patriots Fan Darth Belichick's Avatar
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    I assume the Matt Flynn signing is just protection behind JimmyG if Brady's suspension is upheld.

  19. #2059
    Quote Originally Posted by Norganon View Post
    Evan Mathis got released.

    Elway pls.
    He's a great guy and a fantastic guard. I hope he gets his money as long as it's outside the NFC East.

  20. #2060
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mentia View Post
    He's a great guy and a fantastic guard. I hope he gets his money as long as it's outside the NFC East.
    considering he was unhappy with the contract he had and not a single team in the league was willing to trade for him on that contract it seems unlikely that he could get more

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