1. #12681
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Good thing there aren't any St. Louis fans around, we might seem as petty to them as those Pats fans seem to us.

    I got my team back, their leaving definitely set me back as a football fan; I was just getting into sports when the Rams and Raiders left town so it took longer before I got interested in football compared to other sports. Raiders I couldn't be mad at, they went back to Oakland, but I really held a grudge against the Rams. New Orleans eliminating them during their title defense was a big part of why I became a Saints fan. Fox has local games to cover! No more shitty Cowboys games, I might even watch some games on TV. Its gonna be fun this year.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also, there's no way free agency is gonna be as fun as last year. Chip Kelly was doing all kinds of stupid shit and entertaining everyone but Eagles fans. Now he is with the 49ers and they don't have any good players for him to inexplicably trade. They've skipped all the hilarity and gone straight to the aimless and depressing morass with Kaepernick.

  2. #12682
    Fluffy Kitten Pendulous's Avatar
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    Falcons coach makes a social faux pas http://www.csnphilly.com/blog/700-le...f-he-likes-men

  3. #12683
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendulous View Post
    Falcons coach makes a social faux pas http://www.csnphilly.com/blog/700-le...f-he-likes-men
    Not just social, apparently there's some debate on if he's actually in legal trouble (or the Falcons are, because of him). He probably didn't mean it that way, but it can be explained as if he were trying to decide wether to hire Apple based on his sexual preferences, which he maybe yes, maybe not legally isn't allowed to do.

    So, this might not be over just with the HC apologizing.

  4. #12684
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryzek View Post
    It hurt when we let go of Smith, Williams and now Johnson but this is a business and it was our over paying of fan favorites under Hurney that got us in the cap situations in the first place.
    and it's Gettlemagic showing that change can be a good thing!

  5. #12685

  6. #12686
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Vikings locking up one of their safeties, Andrew Sendejo, for 4 years $16M.

    Last time they locked up an unnoticed defender on a reasonable deal it was with Everson Griffen, and that turned out VERY nicely for them.

  7. #12687
    Titan Gumboy's Avatar
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    Sendejo made some really nice plays this year, glad we are keeping him
    You're a towel.

  8. #12688
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    Manning's agent seems intent on forcing the issue and making the Broncos release him.

    They made an offer to Brock too.
    Last edited by draynay; 2016-03-05 at 11:09 PM.

  9. #12689
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Alright, THANK YOU ALL! It's been a great season, and I had fun chatting with everyone but the season is at an end and we must move on to the new season thread.

    Join us over here for the 2016-2017 thread: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...5#post39137205


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