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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Anna pls View Post
    This also means you can disenchant all eairly loot. and get the option to pass bosses, cuz when progress is over. first 10 bosses out of 14 will be retarded to do and waste of time. since they drop shit loot...
    Is there a skip option though? I highly doubt they'll let you do just the end bosses and Archimonde. Maybe a pass to Archimonde at best. So here we know you farmed those lower bosses, but fight them some more to gate you from the higher ilvls.

  2. #22
    Stood in the Fire zrankfappa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna pls View Post
    This also means you can disenchant all eairly loot. and get the option to pass bosses, cuz when progress is over. first 10 bosses out of 14 will be retarded to do and waste of time. since they drop shit loot...
    everyone will be wanting to sub in alts for them too ... sounds delightful

  3. #23
    Personal Loot is garbage in a guild group. The only time I ever see it used is in PUGs, but I'm glad they're upping the drops for those individuals and making it a set number of drops per group. The only problem with that random distribution is that I may not need anything on a boss, and I might get loot when someone else needed it; that's sort of how it is now but since the personal drops are now so-many-per-group, it can create some tension if I win something that I don't need because that means I took away someone else's loot. Eek. But anyway, that's why we roll with Master Looter under MS/OS in guild runs to avoid all this chaos.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Deuse View Post
    Personal Loot is garbage in a guild group. The only time I ever see it used is in PUGs, but I'm glad they're upping the drops for those individuals and making it a set number of drops per group. The only problem with that random distribution is that I may not need anything on a boss, and I might get loot when someone else needed it; that's sort of how it is now but since the personal drops are now so-many-per-group, it can create some tension if I win something that I don't need because that means I took away someone else's loot. Eek. But anyway, that's why we roll with Master Looter under MS/OS in guild runs to avoid all this chaos.
    Master loot is running rampant with ninjas in pugs now since Blizzard has pretty much all but officially sworn off dealing with it.

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Crtarel View Post
    Having read over this i am liking the changes to the Personal Loot system, the Secondary stats area of this im still confused on,

    and the last system just baffles me high hell as to why it might be good or bad
    basically they are saying that imp normal gear should have been 660 instead of 655 like the rest of the bosses despite the significantly high difficulty ramp compared to the rest of the raid

  6. #26
    I have no faith in Blizzard's ability to balance classes, so I don't like these stat changes considering the patch will hit live in about 6 weeks.

  7. #27
    Why don't the last boss just drop items that upgrade gears? Instead of creating new table of loots.

  8. #28
    Good, but too late: should have been implemented back in Cata or even WotLK.

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by purebalance View Post
    Because it won't be 1%, but don't cry to me later when back water guilds sit and tell you that you're not wanted.

    Melee have never been bad and yet sure min maxers carry less, but sure enough the whole "melee are bad" went like wildfire in Cata and melee shot themselves in the foot since nobody would take them.
    Man dont project your problems on to me. I have been raiding with the same ~15 people for 8 years. I do not get "benched" no one on our team does. I HIGHLY doubt masses of solid raid teams are going to shake up their roster just to maybe get 10 ilvls. Im sure some will but those progression guilds are not at ALL representative of raiders as a demographic.
    READ and be less Ignorant.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Good, but too late: should have been implemented back in Cata or even WotLK.
    Should not have been implemented now. WotLK had it right where LK dropped a higher ilvl but not the rest of the bosses. This would even be ok if there was 1 difficulty, but there's 4. So when your BiS has items from multiple difficulties..... there's a problem.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by WowIsDead64 View Post
    Good, but too late: should have been implemented back in Cata or even WotLK.
    erm it was there in wrath and cata, LH and DW dropped better loot compared to the rest of their raid tho i don't know why it was removed in mop and wod

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by IIamaKing View Post
    Man dont project your problems on to me. I have been raiding with the same ~15 people for 8 years. I do not get "benched" no one on our team does. I HIGHLY doubt masses of solid raid teams are going to shake up their roster just to maybe get 10 ilvls. Im sure some will but those progression guilds are not at ALL representative of raiders as a demographic.
    You say that now. i'll wait for your tears later.... they'll come.

  13. #33
    The parts about secondary stats and item level ramp feels completely contradictory...

    First they talk about how you should care about the right item with the stats you want, then they talk about how you should care about the items from the later bosses...

    Imagine that an earlier boss drops boots with your best stats, and a later boss drops boots with your worst stats. How does Blizzard intend for this to work?

    Either you'll have to throw away the higher ilevel boots because the secondary stats are too bad, or you'll have to throw away the lower ilevel boots because the higher ilevel ones just have too many stats.

    Either of the two options feels bad.

  14. #34
    Old God Shampro's Avatar
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    Finally now people might actually fucking use personal loot once in a while, not that I pug that much anyway outside of my guild run. Inb4 people still won't. Good changes though.

  15. #35
    When can we expect release of 6.2?

  16. #36
    Stoked about the Personal Loot system changes. I've hatedddd the system since its release, given it focuses on "me me me!" not the group. Displaying other's loot and evening the spread to group-loot level are great updates to get the whole group involved.

    Secondary stat changes in Hellfire... I'll have to see for myself. I like the concept of trying to steer away from solely picking items based off ilvl, but I could see some complications when mixed with...

    Level ramp. This I am glad to see. Vanilla and BC had better loot from at least the end bosses of an instance. No reason to have completely even items across the board, as it feels dull and unrewarding as they point out. However, mixed with the secondary stat changes, there could be a few classes that feel gimped if the majority of their BiS items are in the lower-end of the raid tier.

    Time will tell, but I think these are all great changes to mix up WoD raiding for the better.

  17. #37
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    The lack of a higher ilevel weapon on Archimonde for all specs is concerning. Other than that this is how it should have been.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Herpsabop View Post
    When can we expect release of 6.2?
    2 weeks after they announce the 2 week end of the arena season.
    Essentia@Cho'gall of Inebriated Raiding.

  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    That item level thing should have based on wing progression long ago, but at least they decided to do it, and it makes good sense. Are we sure this is a Blizzard Dev?
    They did do it to an extent in Dragon Soul, but backed out during MoP due to they not liking what happened with people more focusing on the bosses that gave the highest rewards.

  19. #39
    Dev Watercooler made no sense.

    Why they want us to choose gear based on stats (are we back to bloated loot table again?) and just after saying that, they say that we should use gear with high ilvl, so they're buffing the ilvl inside the raid?

    They're probably shooting themselves with that since the game already has serious problems with stat/ilvl scalling... One thing is to improve the last boss loot (even better in the last raid of the xpac), another is to make earlier drops from higher difficulty useless... (especially because of the scalling problem making everything easy that fast).

    Also, of course people don't care about loot from mythic/last bosses, since you can get them from garrison missions... I'm yet to kill Iron Maidens Mythic, but I don't care about it since I've got trinket and etc from the BRF garrison mission box... except from a tier token IF it's the piece I want/need for my 4pc I would care... a little...

    And the personal loot buff... crazy... but well, at least it seems we won't have to deal with group loot again in pugs...
    Last edited by VanishO2; 2015-05-20 at 06:19 PM.

  20. #40
    I am Murloc! DrMcNinja's Avatar
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    Nail on the coffin for 6.2

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