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  1. #41
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    I hate this ramped up ilevel nonsense. Instead of ALL bosses being interesting cause they might have loot for you it's now ONLY the later bosses that are interesting. Instead of ALL loot being interesting it's now ONLY the later bosses loot that is interesting.

    Not to mention there's the problem of Archimonde not dropping weapons for every class/spec, so some classes will just get screwed over this tier (and being a caster I'm not one of them and I still think this is just a terrible decision).

    All in all this is just a way to artificially lengthen the time it takes for everyone to get gear, since all the pieces you need are on the last bosses, so you need to kill them a significant amount of times to get the drops you need. The fact the blog makes no mention of this is, in my opinion, dishonest.

  2. #42
    evry time they talk about appropriate reward to match the challenge LFR pops in evreyones head like the gigantic elephant in the room that it is. lol.

  3. #43
    We’ve made secondary stats more competitive with one another
    For what classes? Even if some stats are closer together, there are still useless ones around. This will get reverted for the next raid of HFC.

    Man, its like children making the same mistakes as their parents currently at Blizzard - no joke, this is far off of being professional.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by addlemanc View Post
    I think weapons should be all the same ilvl, except maybe off the last boss. Not really fair to those that get one off an earlier boss, but don't have one later that is good for them. Unless they plan on adding many more weapons to the table.
    Well obviously there needs to be larger changes as well to address this but it is a step in the right direction I think. However raid boss difficulty is also subjective in a lot of cases based on group skill level as a whole.
    Last edited by Unholyground; 2015-05-20 at 06:28 PM.

  5. #45
    Is Blizzard just forgetting that Archimonde doesn't drop weapons for Rogues, Hunters, Tanks, or 1h DPS classes? Like, in what world is it a good idea that only an Int Staff, Healing Mace, and 2h sword drop off him?

    Like, holy crap. Weapons are the biggest upgrades that anyone can get and most of us are just getting thrown under the bus? I fail to see how it's fair that some classes will get weapons 5 ilvls higher than others. I don't mind the ilvl ramp up, but it needs to be fair.

  6. #46
    Seriously the point of a raid is the challenge of getting the ach, mount or the excitement of getting that one boss down with your friends or guild along with getting the gear to accomplish this. If your guild is falling apart and you think it is because the "item level of gear does not feel rewarding" has anything to do with it and a increasing item level per boss is going to stop the guild from falling apart it is already too late.

  7. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Layke View Post
    Is Blizzard just forgetting that Archimonde doesn't drop weapons for Rogues, Hunters, Tanks, or 1h DPS classes? Like, in what world is it a good idea that only an Int Staff, Healing Mace, and 2h sword drop off him?

    Like, holy crap. Weapons are the biggest upgrades that anyone can get and most of us are just getting thrown under the bus? I fail to see how it's fair that some classes will get weapons 5 ilvls higher than others. I don't mind the ilvl ramp up, but it needs to be fair.
    The big question is what is the item level of the 5/5 upgrade vs the best weapon in the raid?

  8. #48
    Pit Lord Mrbleedinggums's Avatar
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    People are jumping the gun. Check on PTR; if the last 2-3 bosses don't drop the highest ilvl loot (so everyone has their top end weapon) then you can bitch and moan about it.

  9. #49
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UcanDoSht View Post
    For what classes? Even if some stats are closer together, there are still useless ones around. This will get reverted for the next raid of HFC.

    Man, its like children making the same mistakes as their parents currently at Blizzard - no joke, this is far off of being professional.
    Secondary stats are so close that none are useless. You split hairs between one being valued at .53 and another .45. Yet that may come out to 100 dps in the end. Boring maybe but not useless.
    Essentia@Cho'gall of Inebriated Raiding.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by purebalance View Post
    Archimonde for example only has a caster staff, caster mace, and a 2H str weapon. Kill him on normal and that sets you above players who kill heroic bosses that can't use those drops.
    If you kill Archimonde mythic, your progression is over by then. Achimonde heroic weapons will be replaced by mythic weapons soon enough.
    Karuzo | Drainlife, US-Arthas
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  11. #51
    Does Archimonde drop a hunter weapon? If not, this is a slap in the face to all classes that don't get weapons from Archimonde.

  12. #52
    Screw loot. Just remove it and lift the level cap. Then ppl that kill Bosses and trash gets exp and lvl ups. The higher lvl you are the More power You become. Bosses reward Möre exp than trash ofc.

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Kryos View Post
    Does Archimonde drop a hunter weapon? If not, this is a slap in the face to all classes that don't get weapons from Archimonde.
    Well to be fair bows, crossbows, and guns are all extremely under utilized/itemized because Hunters are the only class that can benefit from them so they cannot justify putting more than a few in the game making it extremely hard for a Hunter of any kind to get a weapon upgrade outside of crafting. Hopefully once they add the Dark Ranger in as a class it will solve this issue.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    Well to be fair bows, crossbows, and guns are all extremely under utilized/itemized because Hunters are the only class that can benefit from them so they cannot justify putting more than a few in the game making it extremely hard for a Hunter of any kind to get a weapon upgrade outside of crafting. Hopefully once they add the Dark Ranger in as a class it will solve this issue.
    That's not my problem. I'm a hunter and I see no reason why my BiS weapons should be worse than those of casters and 2 hand weapon wielders.
    Atoms are liars, they make up everything!

  15. #55
    Immortal Tharkkun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrbleedinggums View Post
    People are jumping the gun. Check on PTR; if the last 2-3 bosses don't drop the highest ilvl loot (so everyone has their top end weapon) then you can bitch and moan about it.
    You can check wowhead right now by clicking PTR at the top. Only Archimonde drops the 635 weapons and doesn't have one for all classes.
    Essentia@Cho'gall of Inebriated Raiding.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrbleedinggums View Post
    People are jumping the gun. Check on PTR; if the last 2-3 bosses don't drop the highest ilvl loot (so everyone has their top end weapon) then you can bitch and moan about it.
    I'd imagine Archimonde will have weapons for everyone like Lich King that will be the highest ilvl obtainable and the rest of the bosses will have at least 1 option of a weapon per bracket of ilvl difficulty thus not having disparity.

    Kinda like this (fake ilvls just for the example):
    - Bracket 1 (Boss 1,2,3,4): ilvl 705 weapons
    - Bracket 2 (Boss 5,6,7,8): ilvl 715 weapons
    - Bracket 3 (Boss 9,10,11,12): ilvl 725 weapons
    - Bracket 4 (Archimonde): ilvl 735 weapons

    I think this would be the only way to be fair about it, else they'll have shitstorm brewing if there are only a few weapons that have the highest ilvl possible thus screwing over the classes that can't use them.

    Since the PTR isn't done yet we might see way more items added to the bosses.

  17. #57
    Geniuses at blizzard think that having raids only care about the last boss (and therefore guaranteeing a disenchant of all bosses before him eventually) is better than the current system where you still might get an upgrade from a previous boss.

    Did they forget how much it sucked to run a 2-3 hour molten core just for rag?

  18. #58
    what about getting the same items again with personal loot? ;3

  19. #59
    The Lightbringer theostrichsays's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    I hate this ramped up ilevel nonsense. Instead of ALL bosses being interesting cause they might have loot for you it's now ONLY the later bosses that are interesting. Instead of ALL loot being interesting it's now ONLY the later bosses loot that is interesting.

    Not to mention there's the problem of Archimonde not dropping weapons for every class/spec, so some classes will just get screwed over this tier (and being a caster I'm not one of them and I still think this is just a terrible decision).

    All in all this is just a way to artificially lengthen the time it takes for everyone to get gear, since all the pieces you need are on the last bosses, so you need to kill them a significant amount of times to get the drops you need. The fact the blog makes no mention of this is, in my opinion, dishonest.
    Honest question here.
    Would you rather see something like Madness of Deathwing, where there are other weapons dropping throughout the instance, but the final boss has all the really good weapons? Its not an amp in Ilvl, but it is clearly an amp in player power.
    Quote Originally Posted by Axelhander View Post
    Thank you for mansplaining how opinions work.
    Also you're wrong, the people who agree with you are wrong, and you're probably ugly.
    Ever been so angry at everyone on the internet you tell a woman she is mansplaining?

  20. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by Kryos View Post
    That's not my problem. I'm a hunter and I see no reason why my BiS weapons should be worse than those of casters and 2 hand weapon wielders.
    I am just saying they have math reasons, I am not disagreeing with you, and it will likely be fixed.

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