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  1. #1

    Garrison Campaign Rewards and Gladiator Mounts, Blue Tweets, SWTOR, Wildstar, DLC

    Mortal Shroud D1 Remake, Zero Empathy vs GR 74

    Patch 9166 is Now Live - New Heroes Now Available, Tavern Brawl Starts Thursday

    Heroes at E3, Rotation for June 16, 2015, Upcoming Shop Sales

    Patch 6.2 - Garrison Campaign Rewards
    Patch 6.2 expands upon the garrison campaign with a new quest line. Everyone with a Tier 3 garrison can and will want to complete (at least part) of this new line, as it unlocks and rewards several useful things. You will see Yrel, Gul'dan, Vol'jin, Varian and other notable characters.

    Patch 6.2 - Tanaan Faction Hubs
    The Alliance and Horde faction hubs in Patch 6.2 are where you will pick up the new Apexis daily quests, reputation daily quests, and find some of the new faction vendors.

    Patch 6.2 - Gladiator Mounts
    Patch 6.2 adds the Warlords Season 1 (Primal Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), Season 2 (Wild Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling), and Season 3 (Warmongering Gladiator's Felblood Gronnling) Gladiator mounts.

    Blue Tweets
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Character / Items
    Why don’t the trait/ability retraining guides stack? they are devastating bag space right now.
    If it doesn’t stack we usually don’t want you to be keeping it around for too long. Use it! (WarcraftDevs)

    getting different answers from the two of you. Are duplicate Sargares, Archis, and KJs a possibility? If not, why?
    Yeah, i was wrong, don't tweet late at night (Muffinus)

    SWTOR - Knights of the Fallen Empire
    BioWare announced the next SWTOR expansion at E3! It has a story where choices matter, starts at level 60, and more. The expansion releases October 27th.

    Wildstar - On Sale in the Humble Bundle
    Wildstar is going Free to Play this fall, but if you want to give it a try today, it is part of the E3 Humble Bundle now.

    Dark Legacy Comics #493
    DLC #493 has been released.

    Last edited by chaud; 2015-06-16 at 06:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Before anyone goes bonkers on this tweet:

    Last note I saw from "them" was that they were meant to be used and not held onto.
    Yes, if it doesn’t stack we usually don’t want you to be keeping it around for too long. Use it! (WarcraftDevs)

    The reference item in question is Follower Ability/Trait reroll tokens.

  3. #3
    Bloodsail Admiral Byrogan's Avatar
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    Definitely going to be giving that swtor expansion a crack, been meaning to get back into the game and that looks like a prime opportunity.

  4. #4
    PR version: "Why don’t the trait/ability retraining guides stack? they are devastating bag space right now. If it doesn’t stack we usually don’t want you to be keeping it around for too long. Use it!"
    Real version: "cba lol"

  5. #5
    So you need a tier 3 garrison to unlock your faction's hub in Tanann jungle? Damn, the char which has all the achievments for the flying only has a tier 2 garrison. Or is it account wide if you unlock the hub with a char who has a tier 3 garrison, so your alts can use the hub also.
    Last edited by mmoc9a58a87011; 2015-06-16 at 08:18 AM.

  6. #6
    nice star wars trailer!

    hmm.. i must look in this game..

  7. #7
    Herald of the Titans Ratyrel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hypetrain View Post
    PR version: "Why don’t the trait/ability retraining guides stack? they are devastating bag space right now. If it doesn’t stack we usually don’t want you to be keeping it around for too long. Use it!"
    Real version: "cba lol"
    That's probably a checkbox in their item manager database. Just accept the answer.

  8. #8
    So, we're going to get yet another follower that grants an increased mission success chance???? Garonna is less and less "Legendary" than before.....and she was weak enough already since Blook has been in Gorgrond since the expac launched.
    Last edited by Slicer299; 2015-06-16 at 08:35 AM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by fyl View Post
    So you need a tier 3 garrison to unlock your faction's hub in Tanann jungle? Damn, the char which has all the achievments for the flying only has a tier 2 garrison. Or is it account wide if you unlock the hub with a char who has a tier 3 garrison, so your alts can use the hub also.
    you will need to unlock the shipyard / tanaan hub on each separate character.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Ratyrel View Post
    That's probably a checkbox in their item manager database. Just accept the answer.
    Just a value to set to 20 instead of 1 I believe.
    Their answer is a legit one. I don't even see a point in keeping them for later.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Slicer299 View Post
    So, we're going to get yet another follower that grants an increased mission success chance???? Garonna is less and less "Legendary" than before.....and she was weak enough already since Blook has been in Gorgrond since the expac launched.
    Garona has a 100% boost, ie. she counters an entire extra ability, thats far stronger than any other bonus, including Blook or the new guy.
    How is that "weak" if she is stronger than any other follower?

  12. #12
    Hm. So they haven't even been giving out pvp season mounts so far in the expansion, or has the first season still not ended?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by LanceDH View Post
    Just a value to set to 20 instead of 1 I believe.
    Their answer is a legit one. I don't even see a point in keeping them for later.
    I don't see the point of using them on my main. I have a nice spread of skills/traits and don't' want to take the chance on messing them up. So not sure why you'd save them anyway heh.

  14. #14
    Rofl so MMO cham censored Swtor trailer ..... Good to know where this PC website is going........

  15. #15
    Really hope we don't have to do the garrison campaign from 6.0 to do the new one to enter Tanaan, I have only done it on one character...

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Soeroah View Post
    Really hope we don't have to do the garrison campaign from 6.0 to do the new one to enter Tanaan, I have only done it on one character...
    You only need a level 3 garrison to unlock Shipyard+Tanaan outpost.

  17. #17
    Stood in the Fire zrankfappa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sodia View Post
    Rofl so MMO cham censored Swtor trailer ..... Good to know where this PC website is going........
    How is it censored?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by zrankfappa View Post
    How is it censored?
    Phone posting so I can't link it, but there's a longer version of that trailer. That's what he means.

  19. #19
    They did not censor it, the e3 presentation of the trailer was shorter than what was uploaded later on the official website and this video linked here was taken straight from the e3 presentation.

  20. #20
    This SWTOR trailer is just a teaser of a real one. Everyone who is interested in the game should search for the 4 minute one, it's really amazing.

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