1. #1

    BrM Talents/Glyphs in HFC 6.2

    Is there a resource/post that recommends talents and glyphs by boss for heroic HFC? Looks like some fights are high magic damage, so I'm wondering about Soul Dance, Diffuse Magic, Glyph of Guard, etc. Also, would any fights benefit from Glyph of Leer of the Ox? i.e. slowing Kilrogg Deadeye Globules.

  2. #2
    Soul Dance is 100% out of the question. Stagger nerfs and no buff to Soul Dance makes it even more useless than it has already been.

    Glyph of Guard will be very weird unless it is a boss that does so much Magic damage that the guard drops often enough to keep it 1 charge CD with 4 set bonus. Also the fact that Guard is a big part of our way to deal with mechanics and physical hits.

    Diffuse Magic will probably come into play as all three choices in that talent tier is very even and situational.

    As for any direct source of information I'd look out for the BRM Guide by Misume on Summonstone once he updates it with boss specific information (other info is already updated for 6.2).

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