Oh yea, I remember now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1waVSu4adDM Kezan is just a bunch of muted trumpets n' trombones
EDIT: Those are really good Kazoo players, must be singers.
Oh yea, I remember now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1waVSu4adDM Kezan is just a bunch of muted trumpets n' trombones
EDIT: Those are really good Kazoo players, must be singers.
Shhhhh, she's doing magical trig bullshit trig substitutions
Good morning, guys and gals. What did I miss? 64 pages must have something decent in them!
I think the issue here isn't that Draenor is an AU thing, but the fact that WoD in general was disappointing to say the least and made people associate all AU shenanigans with sub-par content. That said, I believe that if WoD was amazing, most people wouldn't mind staying on Draenor for another expansion (of course, if we got to see some parts of the planet that are not populated by the orcs).
I was so on board with WoD and followed every bit of info on it until it launched. Sure some quests were cut out and Farahlon not being there is a bunch of crap (I don't care if it doesn't fit in with your theme subplots keep things interesting Blizz), but what was there was amazing up until I got to max level and the hatred started to slowly build up over how dull garrisons and apexis dailies were after a few weeks. People seem to like the raids, but that really isn't enough to carry an expansion. Especially when the only other alternative for endgame (PvP) is a giant mess from the start (Ashran) that most people don't even bother touching.
I really fucking hate Blackrock Foundry. I hate it so much I pretty much gave up on the legendary ring because I wasn't going to farm that raid for 900 fragments.
But we did save OUR Azeroth from the Iron Horde, which is always something. If the story put more emphasis on that, I think we would be fine.
And, of course, if we were to stay on Draenor, we would have to get a pretty good reason that would tie the events there to our world.
The only way they could prevent multiclassing, in a classic sense, from disrupting balance to a point where the idea would get scrapped, would be to do a class squish before hand; allowing the old classes to be built from the parts of stronger, broader, base classes.
If it's just class swapping like in FF14, then that's pretty neat. I doubt it though. I think I'll see if I can find a deal on 14 to pass some time with it.
On the music note, I wonder if we will hear some bowed vibraphone sounds if we ever get a Azshara expansion. Sounds pretty eerie, hearing new sounds is always interesting.
bowing vibes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uAkaUShxxc
Shhhhh, she's doing magical trig bullshit trig substitutions
I hear you. But now imagine WoD had plenty of fun end-game content, amazing PvP and the garrisons were loved by almost everyone. Wouldn't that make you feel better about staying on Draenor for another expansion?
P.S. Also, I've decided to change my team. No longer am I a proud member of #TeamCouncilofGlades. Now I play for the #TeamNoMoreOrcs!
I thought Mayples said he was trolling? Why are we still talking about multi-classes?