Sex is the means by which gender comes about. Your designation into one of the two social categories of gender is determined based upon your genital morphology at birth. Giving social meaning to sex is gender. So I don't see why it should be the means by which we identify others or ourselves.
You are justifying bigotry, and hate. By using words that sound socially acceptable, The mind the center of what it is to be human, is gendered. That has been scientifically established. Transgender n. (ie Transwomen, and Transmen) have the minds opposite of their birth sex. This is established scientifically, and is testable. By saying otherwise is to practice what amounts to a religious concept not based on fact but belief.
I only care how I feel about myself and that's it. I dumped my family years ago, and I will drop a friend in a heartbeat if they judge me in anyway. I tend to isolate a lot, but thats because I like playing videogames, reading, watching Anime, and other solo activities which do not require social interaction. You on the other hand have the gaul to judge me without know a thing about me, which shows how you are, I am sure if I met you I wouldn't like you at all.
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Remarks from Quetzl. follow the conversation, and you'll understand.
Identifies as fully female, yet grows and maintains a beard, an overt symbol and sign of masculinity, and would readily attack others for suggesting that she is not as female as she thinks she is. Which, of course, is a contradiction in and of itself, since she's saying that she doesn't give a fuck about what others think about her
No, it isn't. Social interactions, how people treat you, your predispositions, things you're taught - these are things that construct gender, as well as other parts of your identity. It isn't just what's between your legs. Which is why it's so convoluted, and why people feel like they are something they are not, or not something that they are.
Also, your definition of gender is a good example of applying your sex to your identity. You see your sex, you see other people's sex, and then compare to see which sex your identity most matches up with. This is the current trans dogma. It would be better if one would see their identity, see their sex, and conclude that "this is what it feels like to be [my sex]."
You confuse wanting to do away with enforced gender norms with self selected gender norms. That's why you don't understand.
There is no hypocrisy in identifying oneself as "a woman" (short hand here for a given set of characteristics), while wanting everyone else to get to make that decision as well. There are of course those who argue that a world with entirely self selected gender is a world with no gender, but that's really all one and the same as far as I'm concerned.
Where has it been scientifically established that the mind is gendered? Forget that, where has it been scientifically established what constitutes the mind? You can demonstrate that female babies with more estrogen in their hypothalamus end up having a higher chance of being trans, but that's a far cry from a gendered mind, and indeed has very little to do with my argument, which is that behaviors are only gendered because of preexisting dogma.
As Nixx mentioned back on page 1, trans women and drag queens have a very storied history and the majority of that story isn't one of solidarity. There is a sentiment, albeit not indicative of the whole, among the trans community that drag queens reap the benefits of trans activism without putting their shoulder to the boulder and joining in the uphill struggle trans people have gone through to get the modicum of mainstream acceptance they had before Caitlyn Jenner hit the cover of Vanity Fair.
Be seeing you guys on Bloodsail Buccaneers NA!
Yes, this is all true, and if that's all he was saying, I agree with all of it. But I would also point to that last bit in bold and suggest that this only happens because gender roles are pushed so hard in the first place.
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Which is why I disagree with the video? You're going to have to be more clear, I don't think I understand your argument.
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This is why I say you care what people think. Because you say you do, even when denying it. Look, I'm not saying I know much about you at all. I'm only going on what you've shown me in this thread. But it isn't insignificant.
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Pretty much this.
I am Female, yes.
I have a natural beard, yes.
Sometimes I let the beard grow.
I have Breasts, and need to wear a bra. Sometimes I have a beard and go to the beach with out a top. I should point out I go to the closest point walking from my apartment when I go to the beach, and it is not as busy there. But that's because I hate dealing with people.
Your problem is not understanding, I am gender non-binary and a Transwoman. I just do what feels natural for me, my inner voice says she and her. I have no idea what it means to feel like a man, although for a time I tried to very hard and Joined the Marines, got in to Force Recon ect.