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  1. #241
    Quote Originally Posted by AbsolutVodka View Post
    Just to be clear, I'm not running up to people in my daily life and identifying their gender lol. I know how to be welcoming. I was asking because I wanted to be a little more informed rather than be ignorant of the definitions. It was more to have a better understanding of people I may come across on the internet/forums rather than in the day to day life where it would be much simpler.

    But I do agree Wells in being polite. I'm sure no one would fault me for being wrong, and correcting is something I'd appreciate. Not trying to hurt feelings. NYC breeds some pretty great levels of acceptance.
    That's kind of the pitfalls associated with liberal notions of gender. You won't go into every interaction knowing ahead of time what to use. I've never met a transgender individual though who has a problem with good intentioned mistakes.

  2. #242
    Pit Lord Kivimetsan's Avatar
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    A fascistic nightmare...
    Quote Originally Posted by Austilias View Post
    Always amusing when the Left begins to cannibalize itself with these conundrums.
    TIL being queer is limited only to the left side of politics.

  3. #243
    Legendary! Gothicshark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK View Post
    Sorry, gender is a binary, just like sex. You are either majority female or majority male, there is no "both", and there cannot be a null state.

    You can identify as female and still have a beard, but it's very odd because beards are an overtly masculine feature. It's also odd because if you were undergoing hormone replacement therapy - pretty normal for most trans people - you would likely not be able to grow a beard, or at most it would come across as stubble and not a full beard.

    It's very odd to identify as the gender opposite your sex and then not pursue hormone replacement therapy and possibly surgical reassignment.
    Oh I'm on hormone blockers (spironolactone) and hormone replacement (estradiol), but I have not had hair removable professionally done because it costs more than I can afford. I'm sure I have made this clear in the past, but I am part ogre, gnome, Scottish, Russian, German, and Jewish, which means I have more hair in more places, my hands are twice as large as a normal persons. I am simply massive, see the old work picture I posted earlier in this thread. the fat hispanic guy and the Latin long hair guy are both 5'11", I'm a full head taller, although I refuse to admit being taller than 6'2".


    Found it :

    Last edited by Gothicshark; 2015-07-22 at 02:15 AM.

  4. #244
    If anything trans people are at risk of offending drag, who came first.

  5. #245
    Legendary! Gothicshark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hiricine View Post
    If anything trans people are at risk of offending drag, who came first.
    Back in the day before Hormones and science, if you were trans, your only legal outlet was to do Drag performance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kivimetsan View Post
    TIL being queer is limited only to the left side of politics.
    I'm a Republican, well former Republican, can't wait for the tea party to be kicked out.

  6. #246
    Quote Originally Posted by TheLittleBeast View Post
    And if you do assume, and are corrected, assimilate your world view and respectfully referred to them as they want to be referred to as.
    So if my autistic son tells me he isn't autistic, and my non-autistic daughter tells me she is autistic, then the correct thing to do is to agree with them?

  7. #247
    Legendary! Gothicshark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiporispit View Post
    Black women called. They said you're full of shit.
    As Nixx said, Transwomen are more persecuted than even Blackwomen. We count our dead every week, most are murdered, some by suicide. You might not realize this but in some red states it is legal to murder a transwoman for being trans. "Trans panic Defense" Look it up.

  8. #248
    Titan PizzaSHARK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicshark View Post
    As Nixx said, Transwomen are more persecuted than even Blackwomen. We count our dead every week, most are murdered, some by suicide. You might not realize this but in some red states it is legal to murder a transwoman for being trans. "Trans panic Defense" Look it up.
    Oh, it should be easy to provide sources for that, then.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Cailan Ebonheart View Post
    I also do landscaping on weekends with some mexican kid that I "hired". He's real good because he's 100% obedient to me and does everything I say while never complaining. He knows that I am the man in the relationship and is completely submissive towards me as he should be.
    Quote Originally Posted by SUH View Post
    Crissi the goddess of MMO, if i may. ./bow

  9. #249
    Legendary! Gothicshark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK View Post
    Oh, it should be easy to provide sources for that, then.
    Transgender facts
    Although social acceptance for transgender people is growing, parents continue to abandon youth with gender-identity issues when their children need them most, advocates say.

    49 per cent of transgender people attempt suicide.

    Transgender youth account for 18 per cent of homeless people in cities such as Chicago, but researchers estimate fewer than 1 in 1,000 people is transgender.
    1 in 12 transgender people in America is murdered.

    Transgender youth whose parents pressure them to conform to their anatomical gender report higher levels of depression, illegal drug use, suicide attempts and unsafe sex than peers who receive little or no pressure from parents.

    Less than 1 to 1.5 per cent of individuals experience persistent regret after sex-reassignment surgery.

    Sources: Guidelines for Transgender Care (2006), Gender Spectrum Education and Training, Families in TRANSition (2008)

    legal info on Gay Panic Defense, which has the section on transpanic.

    California outlawed Gay and Trans panic defense.

    Public record of Transwomen murdered in the US (not a complete list, since it doesn't follow unpublished murders.

    Lamar "Goddess" Edwards of Indianapolis Indiana, and Louisville, Kentucky, died of a single bullet wound to the chest at Fern Valley Motel on January 9. Henry Richard Gleaves was arrested for Lamar's murder and is being held on a $500,000 bond. The Advocate has confirmed that Lamar Edwards identified as a gay man who likely participated in drag.

    Lamia Beard of Norfolk, Virginia was found with life-threatening gunshot wounds on the morning of January 17. She was taken to the Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, where she died.

    Ty Underwood of Tyler, Texas was found in her car, dead from three gunshot wounds, on January 26. Her roommate feels she may have been targeted because she was a transgender woman.

    Yazmin Vash Payne of Van Nuys, California was found stabbed and burned to death in her apartment on January 31. The following day her boyfriend confessed to the murder and surrendered to police. <- in my social Circle

    Taja DeJesus was stabbed to death in San Francisco, California on February 3, 2015. She was 36 years old. The man believed to have stabbed her, James Hays 49, was found dead hanging a short distance away.

    Penny Proud of New Orleans, Louisiana was fatally shot multiple times on February 10.

    Bri Golec of Akron, Ohio was stabbed to death by her father, Kevin Golic on February 13, 2015. Bri was 22 years old. According to a bandmate, Brian dropped the trans identifier about a year ago. He now identified as an androgynous pansexual man. His father called 911 after the stabbing claiming it was "the cult" that had broken in and stabbed Brian. The cult he referred to is believed to be a local trans support group. Police determined that no one had broken in. Kevin Golic is being charged with murder and felony domestic violence.

    Kristina Gomez Reinwald of Miami, Florida, was found dead in her apartment on February 15. She was 46 years old. The case was initially considered a suicide, but news broke on February 19 that police are now treating it as homicide.

    Sumaya Ysl of Toronto, Canada, was found dead on February 22. She was 26 years old.

    Keyshia Blige, a 33 year old from Mongtomery, IL, was killed March 7, 2015. Blige was shot while driving and crashed while attempting to drive herself to the hospital. "Police declined to comment on the motive for the shooting, but described it as "not random."" Though she had performed for many years under the name, Blige just started transitioning in January of 2015. "Stiff's mother said, though her son had begun taking the hormones in January, already she noticed a new glow to his skin." Blige was reported as male in the news.

    Vanessa Santillan, a 33 year old from Miami, Florida, was fatally beaten on the head and neck in an apartment in Fulham, London, England on March 28, after responding to a neighbor's phone call.

    Mya Hall, a twenty-seven-year-old transgender sex worker from Baltimore, Maryland, was killed by police on Monday, March 30, after taking a wrong turn in a stolen SUV and crashing into a security post on the National Security Agency's campus. Police assumed that the accident was a terrorist attack and immediately opened fire on Hall and her companion, Brittany Fleming, aged twenty. Fleming survived.

    London Chanel, a 21 year old, died May 18 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania after being fatally stabbed in the back and neck by Raheam Felton, who was the boyfriend of one of her roommates.

    Mercedes Williamson, a 17-year-old from Alabama was killed in George County, Mississippi by Josh Vallum. Her body was found June 2 after Vallum told his father about the murder.

    here is an article:

    Here is breaking news (ie just posted to my feed as I was looking up data for this post)

    You want more, I can give you a bunch, none of which is pleasant, I've also just stuck with murder, this doesn't include assault, rape, and suicide.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frogguh View Post
    So if my autistic son tells me he isn't autistic, and my non-autistic daughter tells me she is autistic, then the correct thing to do is to agree with them?
    Autism is a developmental disability, with easy to notice symptoms. Transgender is also birth related, but it's symptoms are internal and only discernible with a Cat scan or by the person acknowledging openly that they feel different. Yes, it is theoretically possible to do a prenatal test for a trans child, however no one is working towards that right now.
    Last edited by Gothicshark; 2015-07-22 at 03:20 AM.

  10. #250
    What a drag

    Did somebody already make that joke?

  11. #251
    Legendary! Gothicshark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nixx View Post
    That's a combination of two.
    so true.

    To the deniers.

    Things people Discriminant against.


    Now what if you have a person who was born male, but becomes a woman. They instantly count as a Minority, 1 in 1000, they count as a woman, and they count as homosexual even if they are not. Basically Being Transgender is the worst thing possible to be on Earth. Trust me when I say this, no one willingly chooses this. We can try and hide it, we can pretend it's not who we are. But eventually everyone of us is outed, and it's never a happy time.


    Quick edit, to be born a racial minority, and to be trans is actually the worst possible combo.

    a large number of Sex workers are Black and Hispanic Tranwomen, and they get murder quiet often.
    Last edited by Gothicshark; 2015-07-22 at 03:31 AM.

  12. #252
    How tolerant and inclusive of them.
    Quote Originally Posted by True Anarch View Post
    Never claimed I was a genuis.
    Quote Originally Posted by Furitrix View Post
    I don't give a fuck if cops act shitty towards people, never have.

  13. #253
    No drag queens at a gay pride event?

    Isnt that like banning strippers at a stag/bachelor party?

  14. #254
    Titan PizzaSHARK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicshark View Post
    legal info on Gay Panic Defense, which has the section on transpanic.
    Cool, nothing on it actually being legal anywhere. In fact, the section specifically about transpanic even indicates the shitbags that killed that innocent girl were convicted of murder by the second jury.

    You posted a bunch of superfluous and irrelevant junk. I'm sure you have proof, somewhere, of it actually being legal to go out and murder trans people in certain jurisdictions, right?

    I don't mean "the local law is bigoted and will look the other way," I mean LEGAL. As legal as driving down the road while obeying the speed limit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Cailan Ebonheart View Post
    I also do landscaping on weekends with some mexican kid that I "hired". He's real good because he's 100% obedient to me and does everything I say while never complaining. He knows that I am the man in the relationship and is completely submissive towards me as he should be.
    Quote Originally Posted by SUH View Post
    Crissi the goddess of MMO, if i may. ./bow

  15. #255
    Quote Originally Posted by PizzaSHARK View Post
    Cool, nothing on it actually being legal anywhere. In fact, the section specifically about transpanic even indicates the shitbags that killed that innocent girl were convicted of murder by the second jury.
    Don't worry, basically everything Gothic said was either patently bullshit or intentionally misleading.
    For example, that 1/12 statistic...
    For reference, we're going to try to stick to 2013 statistics.
    0.3% of the U.S. population identifies as transgender, relative to the U.S. population of 316,128,329, with about 16 transgendered individuals being murdered in the U.S. that year.
    There were about 14,196 murders committed in 2013, with a lifetime murder risk in the U.S. of about 1/240.
    From this, we can tell that the number of transgender Americans would have been around 948,385 (U.S._Pop * 0.003), rounded up.
    We can also get the rate of murder for the U.S. population in 2013, which would be at around 1/22,269 (U.S._Pop / Total_Murders) per year, rounded up, relative to the U.S. population.
    For transgender people to be disproportionately targeted, then we would expect to see more than 43 ([Total_Murders * 0.003], alternatively [Transgendered_Population * (1/22,269)]) transgendered people murdered per year. Instead we see less than half that many transgendered people murdered every year. We would also expect to see the rate of murder for transgendered people to be higher than 1/22,269, but instead we see a murder rate of about 1/59,274 (Transgendered_Population / Real_Transgender_Murders), rounded down, relative to the size of the transgendered population.

    I can't speak to the validity of the 1/12 statistic, though I am fairly sure it's bullshit. However, I can say with a level of certainty that it's at least misrepresented.
    Deathknight's do it using disease, blood and the power of the unholy. Warlocks do it with dark demons by their side. Mages do it with summoned arcane powers. Druids do it using the forces of nature. Rogues do it through stealth, poison's, shadows and....from behind. Paladins do it by calling to the light for aid. Shamans do it with the help of the elements. Priests do it through the holy light.
    But warriors....
    Warriors just fucking do it.

  16. #256
    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicshark View Post
    Honestly, we should have never allowed SJW into the LGBT community.
    Missed this pearl.
    But it essentially comes down to it: some organizers wanted a safe space for the demographic they deemed more worthy.
    There is tons of bad blood between some drags and some trans women; and it is an incredibly complex topic to untangle*. These people simply exacerbated it (on an inclusive parade, no less) for no reason other than stupidity.

    (*): To the uninitiated, think how some feminists see MTF as pervs, and FTM as gender traitors. That's a more well known effect, and it has some overlap with the topic at hand: advocacy groups that have lost their north, or never really had one to begin with.
    Last edited by nextormento; 2015-07-22 at 08:47 AM.

  17. #257
    Trans people are drag-phobic. There. You heard it here first.

    Lord, this is hilarious.

  18. #258
    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    They aren't gay why should they be in a gay parade?

    I don't why everyone is missing the obvious.
    That's how it always goes. First you try to get everyone for your movement and once you've reached a certain goal you start getting rid of certain fringe elements.

  19. #259
    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    They aren't gay why should they be in a gay parade?
    Pride event.
    If they wanted to have an exclusively gay event, trans women should not be there anyway.

  20. #260
    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    They aren't gay why should they be in a gay parade?

    I don't why everyone is missing the obvious.
    Pride isn't about being gay... It's about celebrating the multitude of forms of sexuality and identity.

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