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  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by KrazyK923 View Post
    Unless another person working at the NZ trademark office chimed in, which seems highly doubtful.
    There is only two ways we are going to get a confirmation on this one, actually three.

    1. OP shows proof of who he is and or someone else confirming who they are confirms this is real.
    2. Admins and Moderators tell us if this guys IP really is from NZ, confirming it.
    3. We see a forum appear for it on MMOC or we see the staff talk about it in a non"this is a fake" way.

  2. #182
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo Risin View Post
    They also said we'd need Turalyon and Alleria in WoD, but those two never showed up. They also told us (via gameplay) that we killed Illidan, but lo and behold, he might return soon.
    They said we'd need those two for what comes after WoD actually.

    As for Illidan, he's partially a demon. People have been speculating about him getting resurrected since TBC.

  3. #183
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    Or it isn't a secret trademark, it's just that the public database isn't updated until later in the week, and this guy has access to the one they use at the office.
    Well yes, of course.

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by Tauror View Post
    "The Burning Crusade" is the other name given to the Burning Legion, yet they choose it.
    The Burning Crusade is not the name of The Burning Legion.

  5. #185
    Doesn't that mean we'll finally see the old god below tirisfal (or whatever it might be rofl)?
    Last edited by mmoc925aeb179c; 2015-07-27 at 11:23 AM.

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by Oglaf View Post
    The Burning Crusade is not the name of The Burning Legion.
    Myeah, what the Burning Legion does is called the Burning Crusade.

  7. #187
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    3. We see a forum appear for it on MMOC or we see the staff talk about it in a non"this is a fake" way.
    Well we can't quite count on Boub since he said he's not in the loop anymore. Chaud is probably sleeping as always. SIMCA WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by Speshil View Post
    The *leak* Thread also mentions
    "- old god minions emerge from the ground in tirisfal"

    But what did Blizzard actually had to say about Old Gods in Tirisfal?

    "Q: Is there truly an Old God underneath the Tirisfal Glade?
    A: Nope! There’s something incredibly unsettling there, but it’s not an Old God. It isn’t recommended to go digging through the Glades, though."

    Myth Busted!
    They then later said that they have no idea what's under there, nothing planned.

  9. #189
    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    Well we can't quite count on Boub since he said he's not in the loop anymore. Chaud is probably sleeping as always. SIMCA WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU
    Simca is sleeping as well, but there's not much he or anyone can do to confirm this at the moment.

  10. #190
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    It was first used for the expansion, and then it became the name for the 'war' the Burning Legion is fighting in the Ultimate Visual Guide, published in 2013.
    The first reference to the Burning Legion "crusade" was in Warcraft III manual. Unfortunately, can't know if the "Burning Crusade" in online encyclopedia is before or after the expansion came out, but the wording of the text points to before (Dark Portal being rebuilt by Kazzak, but still closed).

  11. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by Lokann View Post
    Myeah, what the Burning Legion does is called the Burning Crusade.
    So the Council of Tirisfal does the Council of Glades? I hope there are hot chicks on the Council of Glades.

    Sylvanas fanfic confirmed.

  12. #192
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    I still think it'll probably be called Council of the Glades. Otherwise it sounds like Wrath of Lich King.
    The Lich King is always referred to with a The though. If it was multiple lich kings, wrath of lich kings would be grammatically correct. Or if it was just someone's name. Like Wrath of Garrosh. The Council of Glades sounds much better.

  13. #193
    This concept would tie into the movie as well.
    Think this would be it.
    Kinda quit wow, but think i'll wait till gamescon before diving into final fantasy since this could show a lot of promise.

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    Well we can't quite count on Boub since he said he's not in the loop anymore. Chaud is probably sleeping as always. SIMCA WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU
    They would not be able to confirm it either, even if they knew, I doubt they would say something for fear of not knowing things in the future :P

  15. #195
    Quote Originally Posted by Oglaf View Post
    The Burning Crusade is not the name of The Burning Legion.
    It's what they do, another reference to the entity.

    Anyway, if the trademark is real, what does it matter?

  16. #196
    Quote Originally Posted by Oglaf View Post
    So the Council of Tirisfal does the Council of Glades? I hope there are hot chicks on the Council of Glades.

    Sylvanas fanfic confirmed.
    With Azshara. In the Dance Studio. In Farahlon. Just past the Path of Titans.

  17. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    There is only two ways we are going to get a confirmation on this one, actually three.

    1. OP shows proof of who he is and or someone else confirming who they are confirms this is real.
    2. Admins and Moderators tell us if this guys IP really is from NZ, confirming it.
    3. We see a forum appear for it on MMOC or we see the staff talk about it in a non"this is a fake" way.
    That would be true if MMOC staff actually knew something, but they don't.

  18. #198
    Council of Glades does not have the expansion sound, more like a 6.3 patch or something, if they ever need to file a trademark for that. Or a HS expansion?

  19. #199
    Quote Originally Posted by Dakushisai View Post
    That would be true if MMOC staff actually knew something, but they don't.
    A few of them probably do, they just aren't saying anything.

  20. #200
    Quote Originally Posted by alach View Post
    This concept would tie into the movie as well.


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