By the way, if this is real I highly doubt that Med'an will make an appearance. No one really likes him, he has been said to have stepped down from the council. He will probably just stay a comic book character. I still really wonder what is under Tirisfal, I'm just gonna say something something Sargeras even though that's most likely not it.
Yeah, I crossed out my 5th point after reading that.
My biggest qualm is still that any halfway decent database would literally not allow a duplicate identifying ID (It would be like an old school catalogue allowing 2 items to share an item number). Regardless of who put it there, Blizzard or IPONZ, it should not be allowed to go through in that state (even a pattern of 1's and A's would go through, as long as it matches the regular expression they use), so either it's not legit, or IPONZ's database is ancient or was designed by an intern with little to no database knowledge. (Which, with some other government databases I've seen, I wouldn't 100% rule out... >.>)
so Warlords of Draenor is /'woɹː.loɹːdz ʌv 'ɖɹæːn.oɹː/.I've always loved how in an attempt to make pronunciation through text easier to understand people have created a seemingly alien cypher for which few people without a degree related to language would ever been able to understand.
--- Want any of my Constitutional rights?, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ
I come from a time and a place where I judge people by the content of their character; I don't give a damn if you are tall or short; gay or straight; Jew or Gentile; White, Black, Brown or Green; Conservative or Liberal. -- Note to mods: if you are going to infract me have the decency to post the reason, and expect to hold everyone else to the same standard.
So, if this is a private filing done manually(in person) is the NZ office open to walkins on Saturday?
Also, some ppl pointed that Khadgar was in fact Medivh (can turn into a crow etc). Khadgar who really wants to help Garona (Medivh's wife) in WoD. That sounds strange to me
About goverment systems.
I remember my country buying a system to count votes for the elections... Everyone claimed it will be awesome and we'll get voting results faster. As far as I remember we usually needed like 3-4 days to count votes manually and the electronic system was meant to speed things up. Wanna know what the result was?
WE WAITED OVER A WEEK FOR THE DAMN RESULTS. *if I recall correctly, but - it was definetely much longer
So, yeah, if New Zealand is anything like my country - Poland then hell, I can totally believe that some goverment systems might be outdated and illogical as