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  1. #981
    Quote Originally Posted by V3rtige View Post
    Also, some ppl pointed that Khadgar was in fact Medivh (can turn into a crow etc). Khadgar who really wants to help Garona (Medivh's wife) in WoD. That sounds strange to me
    Khadgar got the Atiesh from Med'an. Just that.

  2. #982
    Quote Originally Posted by V3rtige View Post
    Also, some ppl pointed that Khadgar was in fact Medivh (can turn into a crow etc). Khadgar who really wants to help Garona (Medivh's wife) in WoD. That sounds strange to me
    Khadgar who also tortured Garona? Not so sure about that.

  3. #983
    Quote Originally Posted by Theroborabbit View Post
    So, if this is a private filing done manually(in person) is the NZ office open to walkins on Saturday?
    I'm going to guess no. But it's not unreasonable that something filed at close of business and not processed until just after close of business, might show up as the next day. I've seen such things on other government systems here in AU, but no experience with IPONZ systems so no idea what's normal or not.

  4. #984
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tauror View Post
    Khadgar got the Atiesh from Med'an. Just that.
    Tell that to a certain lore nut on a certain watch site. <.<
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  5. #985
    Also, the fun fact is that with Fenix confirming that the site has an option to hide filed applications, it confirms what OP said initially making his further statements much more believable. I'm slowly getting aboard hypetrain to get me some cookies, but I'm not really sold on this.

    Fenix, you working on something?

  6. #986
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Tell that to a certain lore nut on a certain watch site. <.<
    I refuse to read crackpot sites.

  7. #987
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyssian View Post
    Also, the fun fact is that with Fenix confirming that the site has an option to hide filed applications, it confirms what OP said initially making his further statements much more believable. I'm slowly getting aboard hypetrain to get me some cookies, but I'm not really sold on this.

    Fenix, you working on something?
    The site itself doesn't have the option in the online application process. But there's a reference to being able to submit a confidential trademark in person, and the lady I spoke to at IPONZ said that you can have a trademark filed with delayed processing so that it is publicised on a desired date.

    The site lets you set whatever reference ID you want. I'd check if it allows duplicates, but that'd mean submitting an application, and well, $150 haha.

  8. #988
    Dreadlord MabusGaming's Avatar
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    The thing I like most, if this is real.. is how unique and different it sounds compared to leaks of what would seem obvious expansions. Kind of like how out of no where mists of pandaria happened, and no one would guess that would've been the next expansion. Or how out of no where, warlords of draenor, and no one would guess we would go to draenor and do all that. Up to this point most "leaks" or "speculations" are following a path of what seems obvious the next expansion would be, and I feel like Blizzard would go a different route. So if council of glades is real, I am hyped to see what unexpected or at least close to unexpected way the next expansion would go.
    The above post should never be taken seriously in any shape or form. Failure to do so might result in laughing matters.

  9. #989
    I'm gonna call them again, check something.

  10. #990
    Scarab Lord Gamevizier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MabusGaming View Post
    The thing I like most, if this is real.. is how unique and different it sounds compared to leaks of what would seem obvious expansions. Kind of like how out of no where mists of pandaria happened, and no one would guess that would've been the next expansion. Or how out of no where, warlords of draenor, and no one would guess we would go to draenor and do all that. Up to this point most "leaks" or "speculations" are following a path of what seems obvious the next expansion would be, and I feel like Blizzard would go a different route. So if council of glades is real, I am hyped to see what unexpected or at least close to unexpected way the next expansion would go.
    Well blizzard did say that from MoP on the endings of expansions will spill into next expansions. We see Khadgar flying away from HFC looking troubled, maybe he went back to our Azeroth to try and reform the council? Maybe prep Azeroth up for the next invasion?

  11. #991
    Quote Originally Posted by banestalker View Post
    Well blizzard did say that from MoP on the endings of expansions will spill into next expansions. We see Khadgar flying away from HFC looking troubled, maybe he went back to our Azeroth to try and reform the council? Maybe prep Azeroth up for the next invasion?
    I... actually like the idea. To be honest, at this point, whatever that isn't AU Azeroth suits me
    Last edited by ReVnX; 2015-07-27 at 09:46 PM.

  12. #992
    Quote Originally Posted by FenixAU View Post
    The site itself doesn't have the option in the online application process. But there's a reference to being able to submit a confidential trademark in person, and the lady I spoke to at IPONZ said that you can have a trademark filed with delayed processing so that it is publicised on a desired date.

    The site lets you set whatever reference ID you want. I'd check if it allows duplicates, but that'd mean submitting an application, and well, $150 haha.
    Well, that pretty much confirms OPs claims from the first post.

  13. #993
    Yeah so I just had a brief chat with another lady at IPONZ, who stated that they prefer to not delay more than the usual allowable turnaround period for trademark applications, but that it's not unheard of. Either way, they're generally happy to delay during the initial turnaround period - which is 15 business days.

    But yeah. I've tried to disprove OP's claims. I can't do it. If someone else can, I welcome them proving it's a hoax.

  14. #994
    Bloodsail Admiral Mustardisbad's Avatar
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    I would like to see Med'an ingame. Not sure why everyone seems to hate him.

  15. #995
    Remember when a dev said "It's not an old God, but what you'll find is very unsettleing" in that circle in Trisfal Glades, yeah I imagine this is it.

  16. #996
    Couldn't you have asked the lady about the Reference Number stuff?

  17. #997
    Quote Originally Posted by Naxxtreme View Post
    Remember when a dev said "It's not an old God, but what you'll find is very unsettleing" in that circle in Trisfal Glades, yeah I imagine this is it.
    Ya its med'an.

  18. #998
    Quote Originally Posted by Andyssian View Post
    Couldn't you have asked the lady about the Reference Number stuff?
    Didn't even think to, to be honest. I just assumed their systems are shit. I suppose I can go annoy them some more.

  19. #999
    I'm sorry for bothering you, but I don't think they have a free phone number for Poland

    Also, I can't wait for the lady to ask you what the hell is going on

  20. #1000
    The Lightbringer Valysar's Avatar
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    And btw, I've read the Trade Mark name in the file... "Heroes of the Dorm" lol

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