I wonder if he says hot dog or frankfurter?
So, I am NOT reading 52 pages. Can someone brief me on everything that has happened since it was discovered. Also do we think its real or not? I cant keep up with all these threads...
Andy has a nice summary somewhere. Maybe he'll be so kind as to repost it.
But in short: I've tried everything I can think of to disprove it, but I've been able to explain the minor inconsistencies and at least tentatively confirm some of the things that OP has said. Jury's out on whether it's real or not, since it's not publicly filed yet, but it's plausible.
OP posted a PDF with a trademark leak for Council of Glades. It's supposed to be a leak from New Zealand. It doesn't say what franchise it's for, but it is said to have been registered recently by Blizzard. People started dissecting it and have came up with certain issues. Those have, at least partially, been countered with potential explanations.
The list of major issues and explanations:
- OP's explanation: it's not common, but sometimes happens as the CR doesn't need to be unique for the application to be approved
- It was confirmed that the number can be changed at any time
- This could imply it's either Blizzard being lazy or trying to cover up their asses in case it got leaked
- Some forum users have allegedly worked with goverment systems and though it would seem logical that they'd have a unique CR requirement, their experience says that some of such systems are outdated and/or illogical which technically makes it possible for the NZ trademark registration to not have it (albeit it's rather unlikely)
- OP's explanation - he didn't send the leak from work and edited it at home to remove personal data that could point towards him as a source of the leak
- This explanation seems very reasonable, though keeping the original formatting of the PDF while editing might be problematic
- OPs explanation: other trademarks also have a filling date matching Saturday
- Official listing searches have confirmed this to be true
- The only issue that remains is that the site states that in case of an application being filed on Saturday, it will receive the filling date of the next work day, this could however be explained with the application being fairly new and not updated to match this cryteria on their internal servers (but it's weird considering the official database has listings with dates that are Saturdays)
- OPs explanation: there is an option to hide the trademark until a desired date
- It was confirmed by FenixAU through a phone call to the trademark company that such option is indeed available
- OP doesn't work for Blizzard, so it's not his area to explain
- As other users have pointed out, out of all WoW expansions only WoD had a registered site with a similar name, so it's possible this was an experiment on Blizzard's part and the company decided no to do anything like that in the future
Other than that, people have been discussing lore (Council of Tirisfal seems a likely pick here) and the fact that some people find the name to sound "weird" and be "gramatically incorrect", but ultimately I don't think any conclusion was reached on the last topic.
Does that help us tho?
OP claims "When the examination phase ends, the applicant will be promted to enter a new client reference for this case.".
Would that not indicate that even if it is not acceptable the customer would need to bring a valid client reference when the trademark leaves the examination phase?
Last edited by megasus; 2015-07-27 at 10:27 PM.
As much as I don't like the idea that could be behind this expansion (I want Azshara expansion!) I must admit, that this is by far the most interesting thread with 'leak', even considering the fact that this is only a trademark which says almost nothing about content of such hipothethical expansion. Keep it going folks.
FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)
According to this, strangely coincidental 'leak' a few days ago, there could be some Azshara for you in this expansion.
If you can use a previously-used client reference ID during the application process, then it disproves the idea that a duplicate-ID prevents the application to begin with.
If you can re-use a reference ID at the start of the application process, then the leaked TM application using the same reference as WoD is plausible. It just means that at the end of the examination phase, you have to input a new client reference. Which would be, presumably, after they've already announced so having a false client reference would no longer be necessary.
- - - Updated - - -
You don't have to believe me, of course. You're welcome to duplicate everything I've done. I've been pretty open about it. In fact, I'd welcome you doing so, you have more forum cred than me
If memory serves though, I was the first to confirm that Lost Isles was online using the WoD alpha client back a week or so before the F&F Alpha started. Streamed it and all. Lying isn't my MO.
Last edited by FenixAU; 2015-07-27 at 10:34 PM.
I'm leaning towards this being true, as in 55/45 you know. The OP would've had to go quite a ways to figure out that NZ had the hidden trademark if it were fake, but anything is possible as we've seen from "leaks" these past few weeks.