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  1. #161
    Quote Originally Posted by Oglaf View Post
    But the Council of Tirisfal is an already existing group in lore, your example is totally different.
    Blizzard tweak lore all the time. Perhaps they felt (if this is legit) that Council of Glades had a snappier sound to it. It sure sounds more undercover and stealthy than "Council of Tirisfal" to me. These are secret guardians of Azeroth we're dealing with, no?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Tauror View Post
    That "leak" was bad fanfic and all posters who do it should be perma-banned.
    I'm not saying you're wrong (because I have no idea), but it doesn't have to be fake simply because most are. Let's take a moment to remember how awful the concept of WoD sounded in its leak. People laughed at it, dismissing it because it was so bad.

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Oglaf View Post
    But the Council of Tirisfal is an already existing group in lore, your example is totally different.
    "The Burning Crusade" is the other name given to the Burning Legion, yet they choose it.

  3. #163
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    It just doesn't sound right. Like a bad translation.

    This is just the application right, like all the other fakes, and not a bought and paid for thing?

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    It just doesn't sound right. Like a bad translation.
    Neither did Cataclysm
    Neither did Mists of Pandaria
    Neither did Warlords of Draenor

  5. #165
    Bloodsail Admiral DrIvoRobotnik's Avatar
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    But... but the Dark Prophet...

  6. #166
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    It just doesn't sound right. Like a bad translation.

    This is just the application right, like all the other fakes, and not a bought and paid for thing?
    OP said this:

    Although this trademark is already reserved and blocked, it has not yet shown up in the public database as
    requested by the applicant. The Intellectual Property Office of new Zealand offers this kind of procedure
    to clients for an additional fee.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by Mojo Risin View Post
    I'm not saying you're wrong (because I have no idea), but it doesn't have to be fake simply because most are. Let's take a moment to remember how awful the concept of WoD sounded in its leak. People laughed at it, dismissing it because it was so bad.
    It's the case of "lets throw so many random speculation/wishful thinking", some might end up true. Which was what happened with WoD and the hints present since SoO patch.

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by Speshil View Post
    The *leak* Thread also mentions
    "- old god minions emerge from the ground in tirisfal"

    But what did Blizzard actually had to say about Old Gods in Tirisfal?

    "Q: Is there truly an Old God underneath the Tirisfal Glade?
    A: Nope! There’s something incredibly unsettling there, but it’s not an Old God. It isn’t recommended to go digging through the Glades, though."

    Myth Busted!
    It's not like Blizzard never went back on anything they've said or retconned the lore in any way.
    They could have had other plans for Tirisfal Glades, but figured people might get confused by a new type of "bad" sitting there, so they've changed it to be an Old God instead.

    Also, what really pisses me off is that if this is true, CoG sounds like another expansion that's more about the Horde than the Alliance.

  9. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by Lokann View Post
    It makes sense, but greatly devalues the potential epicness of it if it refers to one zone alone.

    Instead of having a Council of These Really Important Glades, it's a Council of Some Glades That Just So Happen to Be Here.
    It's not impossible for it to be referring to multiple glades. But it also works fine as just Tirisfal Glades. It's not just some glades that happen to be there. It's tirisfal glades. They're important. Doesn't matter that they're plural. You're getting way too caught up on semantics: "but if it refers to random multiple glades that isn't epic enough." That's not important. This is the same stuff we always go through every time there's a leak. WoW would never have a one word expansion, Mists of Pandaria sounds stupid etc. etc.

  10. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Tauror View Post
    "The Burning Crusade" is the other name given to the Burning Legion, yet they choose it.
    It was first used for the expansion, and then it became the name for the 'war' the Burning Legion is fighting in the Ultimate Visual Guide, published in 2013.

    Quote Originally Posted by Protar View Post
    It's not impossible for it to be referring to multiple glades. But it also works fine as just Tirisfal Glades. It's not just some glades that happen to be there. It's tirisfal glades. They're important. Doesn't matter that they're plural. You're getting way too caught up on semantics: "but if it refers to random multiple glades that isn't epic enough." That's not important. This is the same stuff we always go through every time there's a leak. WoW would never have a one word expansion, Mists of Pandaria sounds stupid etc. etc.
    I still think it'll probably be called Council of the Glades. Otherwise it sounds like Wrath of Lich King.

  11. #171
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Neither did Cataclysm
    Neither did Mists of Pandaria
    Neither did Warlords of Draenor
    None of those sounded like poor translations bad, they just weren't very good.

  12. #172
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Neither did Cataclysm
    Neither did Mists of Pandaria
    Neither did Warlords of Draenor
    There is a difference between those and Council of Glades. I'm starting to question though whether the rules are not different in American English...

  13. #173
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    OP said this:
    Right, so unless it's paid for in the next few hours, we can confirm fake.

  14. #174
    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    OP said this:
    I guess we'll have to wait and see because I'm not sure how we could confirm that:

    a.) The procedure is offered at an additional price or
    b.) That is what's going on right now.

    Unless another person working at the NZ trademark office chimed in, which seems highly doubtful.

  15. #175
    Time for a photoshop Med'an thread.

  16. #176
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrazyK923 View Post
    I guess we'll have to wait and see because I'm not sure how we could confirm that:

    a.) The procedure is offered at an additional price or
    b.) That is what's going on right now.

    Unless another person working at the NZ trademark office chimed in, which seems highly doubtful.
    I've seen things on this forum (like Simca in the Rogue section). Everything is possible.

  17. #177
    Warchief Zoibert the Bear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfclaw95 View Post
    Yeah but I meant have we ever heard of Ragnaros having a son? Perhaps he'd be a new character.

    Perhaps, will be interesting nonetheless.
    Not directly, but when defeating Ragnaros HC in the Firelands, Hamuul (or Cenarius / Malfurion, can't remember) does mention that "Another elemental will rise" and that they must take care and watch over the firelords domain.

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Speshil View Post
    The *leak* Thread also mentions
    "- old god minions emerge from the ground in tirisfal"

    But what did Blizzard actually had to say about Old Gods in Tirisfal?

    "Q: Is there truly an Old God underneath the Tirisfal Glade?
    A: Nope! There’s something incredibly unsettling there, but it’s not an Old God. It isn’t recommended to go digging through the Glades, though."

    Myth Busted!
    They also said we'd need Turalyon and Alleria in WoD, but those two never showed up. They also told us (via gameplay) that we killed Illidan, but lo and behold, he might return soon.

  19. #179
    Quote Originally Posted by KrazyK923 View Post
    I guess we'll have to wait and see because I'm not sure how we could confirm that:

    a.) The procedure is offered at an additional price or
    b.) That is what's going on right now.

    Unless another person working at the NZ trademark office chimed in, which seems highly doubtful.
    Or it isn't a secret trademark, it's just that the public database isn't updated until later in the week, and this guy has access to the one they use at the office.

  20. #180
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Right, so unless it's paid for in the next few hours, we can confirm fake.
    Unless I'm missing something I'm not sure this follows through.

    If that procedure does exist, and they did pay for it, I doubt that fact would be public knowledge.

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