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  1. #1

    "Council of Glades" trademark filled

    Gamescom is an upcoming gaming trade show in Germany. Exhibitor Blizzard Entertainment is likely going to
    announce a new game since they recently filled a new trademark at New Zealand's IP office titled
    "Council of Glades".
    An internal computer-generated report of applicant Blizzard Entertainment's trademarks shows a recently
    submitted ip application on July 25th.

    I've uploaded a copy of this document; you'll find the relevant case on page 72:

    73 Page Document Showing Blizzard Trademarks -- Page 72 (shown below) shows possible Expansion Trademark

    Although this trademark is already reserved and blocked, it has not yet shown up in the public database as
    requested by the applicant. The Intellectual Property Office of new Zealand offers this kind of procedure
    to clients for an additional fee.

    Fixed the links so they work and added in the thumbnail so you can click for further viewing. -Lucetia
    Last edited by Lucetia; 2015-07-27 at 09:03 PM. Reason: duh peeps

  2. #2
    Ok saw it on page 72 . My bad.
    Last edited by mmoc1005b9109f; 2015-07-27 at 05:52 PM.

  3. #3
    Filing Date: 29 Oct 1996
    Mark Name: STARCRAFT

    EDIT: Strike that, go to page 72
    Last edited by Paula Deen; 2015-07-27 at 10:16 AM.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Paula Deen View Post
    Filing Date: 29 Oct 1996
    Mark Name: STARCRAFT
    Scroll down to page 72

  6. #6
    I stand corrected, will edit my above post with the correct information so others don't get confused. This does have some promise though, mainly because of the "of"

  7. #7
    Council of Glades? Sure sounds like a Council of (Tirisfal) Glades expansion to me.

    Some people have speculated that Khadgar of WoD was in fact Medivh in disguise. With the Burning Legion, there's also a clear link.
    Last edited by mmocf747bdc2eb; 2015-07-27 at 10:19 AM.

  8. #8
    Anyone with more knowledge can confirm is this is legit? It could be the expansion.

  9. #9
    Herald of the Titans Ratyrel's Avatar
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    While it seems specific enough to be an expansion title, it doesn't send a particularly strong message. That alone makes me very dubious. The premise might relate to the order of Tirisfal, possibly merging with the druids (Moonglade) to counter a Legion threat to Azeroth? That would mean Med'an is coming to WoW.
    Last edited by Ratyrel; 2015-07-27 at 10:20 AM.

  10. #10
    I just wanted to post, if it is real it is most likely referring to this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    Anyone with more knowledge can confirm is this is legit? It could be the expansion.
    My friend is awake, I could ask, but her track record the last few weeks has been to be a bit of a trickster, I probably won't get an answer.

  11. #11
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Are you kidding me I just woke up.

  12. #12
    Also going to add, this is an interesting title indeed, especially for an expansion. Warlords of Draenor involved us going back in time to see the Warlords...... oh no.... if this is real..... oh dear god no....

  13. #13
    lol fake

    Council of Glades is such a stupid title anyway

  14. #14
    Seems grammatically weird, doesn't it? Unless it's meant to be multiple locations across the world referred to as 'glades'.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Oglaf View Post
    lol fake

    Council of Glades is such a stupid title anyway
    Do you have any actual counter to why this official-looking PDF would be fake other than you disliking the name?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Seranthor View Post
    So you 'uploaded' it... but its obvious you didn't bother to actually READ IT!

    I direct your attention to page 2 of the document you 'uploaded' in the section labeled TM App submitted, you will clearly see the DATE it was submitted was 29 Oct 1996... which means Congratulations are in order... you found a trademark application from 19 years ago.
    So you 'responded' the thread... but it's obvious you didn't bother to actually READ IT!

    Page 72, Council of Glades trademark.

  17. #17
    The acronym though... WoW:CoG

  18. #18
    I direct your attention to page 2 of the document you 'uploaded' in the section labeled TM App submitted, you will clearly see the DATE it was submitted was 29 Oct 1996... which means Congratulations are in order... you found a trademark application from 19 years ago.
    Did you only read the first page, didn't even bother to look at any other pages? Scroll to the 2nd to last page.

  19. #19
    Oh god.... that means Medan........ *shudders*

    Basement Wizard Extraordinaire!

  20. #20
    So we are going to help Sylvanas and stop whatever is under Tirisfal Glades, about time.

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