1. #1

    Legion Pvp some answers


    Its not much but it answers some of the questions people have been asking.

  2. #2
    Thanks for this.. They say they want to take out pvp gear cause its imbalanced (even though it's piss easy to gear this expan) but decide to add pvp talents. These look to complicate thing and be more imbalanced than ever. Its gunna be a rush to get all your talents which I presume will be different for each class, adding in the usual problems, then reseting to prestiege (had to mention the fucking C word, god forbid games try to be different to a over done shooter)

    And then this whole gear mystery, I dont want to raid or quest (leaving it to luck and grinding) to get me gear for pvp. PvP gear gives everyone a somewhat equal footing

  3. #3
    You get gear by doing PvP.
    The only mystery is (and issue at all with pve gearing) is trinkets with unusual effects (like current HFC ones)

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