Ladies and Gents,

I'm proud to direct your attention to another new feature on Races Fraction over Rating. In this new section your find two types of graphs:

Races Fraction over Rating

The first shows the percentage of races over rating. It is available for Arenas and RBGs on

Races Fration History

The second graph shows evolution of above fractions for 2k2+ players over time. Since data collection for these graphs startet mid of June, that history is a bit short so far. Sorry for that

Of course the second type of graphs is also available for all types of arenas and RBGs. And as always all graphs are updated frequently to show up-to-date information.

Besides this, you can see the fractions of factions on our page That page includes history data for 1k5+, 1k8+ and 2k2+ ratings as shown below.

For everyone interested in where this charts come from: data in these graphs is from Top 5000 ladders of each bracket combined with and expanded by data from our character database (which is source for most graphs on our project site).

I would be glad to hear any feedback,