Just a few ideas I had that I think would revitalize the PVP aspect of the game, seeing as how content changes are few/far between for PVP far more than for even PVE...

Tear em down or whatever it is y'all normally do as usual. I'd rather post and get flamed than not say anything constructive.

1. Make unrated BG's available regardless of whether or not the player is subscribed.
* Allowing everyone to play unrated BG's regardless of subscription status will surely increase the pool of available players dramatically.
* Obviously this needs to come with some new rules/restrictions. Read point 2 for those.

2. Playing unrated BG's while unsubscribed will yield no exp bonus, but will gain honor at half rate (maybe full rate? I don't know, opinions?)

3. Trial accounts and/or accounts that do not have at least 1 max level character are not eligible to play unsubbed.
* This is more an idea for "bringing back" people who love playing BG's but don't want to sub for just BG's, not necessarily to attract new players.
* Also these restrictions would limit the amount of bots/farmers are trying to abuse the system.

4. Unsubbed accounts can't chat outside of a select grouping of macro's that will enable them to communicate required bg-specific information; such as "Reinforcements needed at Tower Point!", or similar.
* This restriction will be lifted based on an unlock that is determined by achievement unlocks. The idea is to prevent gold sellers from spamming chat, maintaining strategic usefulness of the chat system as unsubbed, and eventually allow dedicated BG players to enjoy the community of the battlefield.


Obviously there are other changes needed for any of this to be effective. For starters, there needs to be an actual solution in place for AFK-farmers. I think personally that strict punishments for repeat offenders are in order. I advocate that for the current game too. Maybe something to the effect of; Forfeit all honor points, -10 levels, 2 week ban from BG's. It really needs to hurt and invalidate attempts at purposely afk'ing in bg's if its going to be effective.

Additionally, as I stated elsewhere - the BG scene itself could benefit from many other changes. Visual/gameplay updates for the pre-wrath BG's would be great. Implementation of anti-zerg mechanics in AV for starters, would be great start. Further, there are a lot of newer BG's that are simply broken (strand of the ancients), or are designed as poor imitations vs. older bg's (gilneas < AB, twin peaks < WSG, etc). Those would need to be fixed or removed as well.

Lastly, as a long time player - I would love to see the return of the "weekly BG" from days long passed. For those who are unfamiliar, there would be NPC's in the capital cities belonging to specific factions related to BG's. They would inform you that extra rewards were available for joining a specific type of BG (such as the Frostwolf Clan advocating for more recruits to fight in Alterac Valley). I know I personally miss this system and would love to see it implemented again.

These are by no means all of my ideas, but they are the ones I think are most important to rejuvenating the BG scene. For folks like me it was the best option for endgame, but due to mismanagement and neglect it has fallen into such disarray that skill and strategy have been omitted for the sake of laze and cheap mechanics.

Thanks for reading!