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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by zer View Post
    Hmm why not... it is doable: 11 lvl 100 chars doing just gold missions.
    maybe you should READ. The kid said: "with one garrison" ONE... and if you read my post, I mentioned only one garrison too...

  2. #42
    I didn't do any of the legendary quest-lines because it felt dirty, its not legendary at all. I'd rather have an actual legendary exist and not be able to get it than for everyone to be able to obtain the "legendary". I'm sure many who did the whole line probably felt that they had to. I really hope there isn't one in legion.

  3. #43
    Blademaster MeAjur's Avatar
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    Why does Lt. Morales' shield have the caduceus on it? The caduceus is NOT the medical symbol, the Rod of Asclepius is.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Penguinizer View Post
    I didn't do any of the legendary quest-lines because it felt dirty, its not legendary at all. I'd rather have an actual legendary exist and not be able to get it than for everyone to be able to obtain the "legendary". I'm sure many who did the whole line probably felt that they had to. I really hope there isn't one in legion.
    Yup, it's a requirement for raiding, especially for Mythic. I took a big break from the game after we finished HC BRF, but we're getting into Mythic HFC now, and not having my ring isn't great.

    The average person in the raid team is at 760+ on the ring and I still need those silly Tomes to get mine. Which from what I saw in the legendary questline cut scenes aren't even used to upgrade the ring from 715. It's just a useless RNG grind for an item that hardly feels or looks Legendary.

    Quote Originally Posted by MeAjur View Post
    Why does Lt. Morales' shield have the caduceus on it? The caduceus is NOT the medical symbol, the Rod of Asclepius is.
    It is in the USA, where the Military adopted it as their medical symbol in the 19th century.

    "Despite widespread acceptance of the caduceus as a medical symbol in the United States, it has been observed that the rod of Asclepius has "the more ancient and authentic claim to be the emblem of medicine".[14] Most attempts to defend its use in a medical context date from the last quarter of the 19th century through the first quarter of the 20th, and have been characterized as "based on flimsy and pseudo-historical research"

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Penguinizer View Post
    I didn't do any of the legendary quest-lines because it felt dirty, its not legendary at all. I'd rather have an actual legendary exist and not be able to get it than for everyone to be able to obtain the "legendary". I'm sure many who did the whole line probably felt that they had to. I really hope there isn't one in legion.
    So because it's dirty and everyone could get it and hence refuses to get it, we're now having figures that less than one in five has it. By the same line of reasoning we could call Mythic 'dirty'.

  6. #46
    I'm still on the Tome gathering stage. I just cannot bear to grind away in LFRs for the chance of getting a couple of tomes. And it's all to get a ring that isn't even a personal CD, it's for the entire raid, and is hardly what I'd call "legendary".
    If Tomes were a guaranteed drop, I'd just grit my teeth and finish the chain, but when it's a chance drop, I'm just not masochistic enough to go through with it.

  7. #47
    I have actualy finished the shipyard part. ran out of steam around 2 tomes. keep thinking that I should go back and finish the damn thing already, after all - I'm only a single grind away. but that grind is just.. ugg... maybe few more weeks, who knows, maybe they will implement a buff like during pandaria when that grind will be drastically shortened? one can only hope....

  8. #48
    I'm quite glad people are too lazy to finish the chain, makes the ring more exclusive

  9. #49
    Scarab Lord Espe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeAjur View Post
    Why does Lt. Morales' shield have the caduceus on it? The caduceus is NOT the medical symbol, the Rod of Asclepius is.
    Yep, it's stupid. Someone back in the day chose it for a medical context because it "looked better." One of the Blizzard artists made the same choice, probably for the same reason.

    It's the lack of polish I've come to expect from Blizzard the last few years.
    There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." - Isaac Asimov

  10. #50
    Gave up on the ring after my eighth week of farming BRF. At this point, I'm just waiting for Gaze of the Black Prince, WoD edition, to pop up.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Backjauer View Post
    I'm quite glad people are too lazy to finish the chain, makes the ring more exclusive
    There's not so much reasons to grind Hellfire Shitadel.

    * Pre-legendary ring is good enough for everything up to mythic HFC. Considering how miniscule mythic raiding community is... why bother for legendary ring?
    * You will replace it with first green dropped in legion so why bother?
    * Assuming Blizz will remove transmog restrictions for legendaries you will not be able to use ring anyway so why bother?

    Just for single achievement and title? Nah...
    Why you think the Net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Oishi View Post
    Well you don't. If you use a brick nokia you'd get months of battery life nowadays. But instead you buy iphones.
    I have an iPhone and I have no issues with battery life, I only charge it every 2-3 days

    I don't think this is about what phone but what you are doing ON that phone. This is a message to everyone, put the phone down, go outside, stop twittering and snappy chatty or whatever the hell you do and talk to someone. You will find it's much more enjoyable

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Oishi View Post
    Yeah, I'm just waiting until the shipyard/mission table spits out enough. One tome to go.
    Ya you aren't even on the hard part yet.
    The last part does not drop from missions, you have to run the raid to get 33 tomes at 50% drop rate.

    It's about 5-6 weeks of pure hell and I refuse to do it.

    What's the point of killing the same bosses 15 times?

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne25uk View Post
    I wonder if MMO-C has got the hint yet that nobody wants to work for them lol
    I want! But when I click apply I receive instant "you do not meet req" message.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by middling View Post
    I have an iPhone and I have no issues with battery life, I only charge it every 2-3 days

    I don't think this is about what phone but what you are doing ON that phone. This is a message to everyone, put the phone down, go outside, stop twittering and snappy chatty or whatever the hell you do and talk to someone. You will find it's much more enjoyable

    You know some of us use our phones for work related purposes too? I wouldn't touch an iphone with a 10ft pole anyway

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Shockeye View Post
    I'm still on the Tome gathering stage. I just cannot bear to grind away in LFRs for the chance of getting a couple of tomes. And it's all to get a ring that isn't even a personal CD, it's for the entire raid, and is hardly what I'd call "legendary".
    If Tomes were a guaranteed drop, I'd just grit my teeth and finish the chain, but when it's a chance drop, I'm just not masochistic enough to go through with it.
    That's the thing, the ring is really not suited for casual players. If you're in an organized raiding guild, the ring is somewhat cool in the sense that it's something you coordinate together to get the most potential out of. (There's still arguments to be made about the whole concept in general, but in this environment it is mostly acceptable.) But if you're just queuing for things by yourself, it's awful. Anyone can just pop it when they feel like it, and it affects everyone else. I personally am in a raiding guild so I'm fine with it, but I can definitely understand the lack of enthusiasm about it from "casual" players.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Serissa View Post
    * You will replace it with first green dropped in legion so why bother?
    Cape wasn't replaced until you got something better from heroic dungeons. And even then it might still have been better in some cases due to the three secondary stats.

  17. #57
    the legendary questline this time around was an embarrassment. it started off promising, and i was excited to have the token grind over with.

    then there was another token grind... and another... and the shipyard missions. ughhh. i can't think of anything less legendary. the cool little quests scattered inbetween are all eclipsed by the repetitive ones

  18. #58
    Pandaren Monk Tart's Avatar
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    9 tomes and i just cant do it. I actually have a new char i would like to focus on and raid with, but thats a pipe dream as i just cant bring myself to go through that again.

  19. #59
    Between abysmal queues (I play late nights) and even more abysmal drop rates I got stuck at around 11 tomes and I haven't stepped into a raid in weeks because of it.

  20. #60
    Haha, I just noticed that the link to the legendary chart for MoP has a poll asking if people would like to see Ghostcrawler tweets for the next few months. That was in Dec. 2013.

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