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  1. #1

    Armory Stats - Legendary Quest Line, Poll, Tweets, Heroes - Lt. Morales Trailer

    Scheduled Maintenance, Yellow Items GR 40 Challenge, S4 Support Barb Spreadsheet

    Thijs' European Road to BlizzCon Decks, Budget Cutpurse Aggro Rogue, Not-so-Secret

    Lt. Morales Preview Video, Carbot's Herostorm #5, European and Korean Qualifiers

    Armory Stats - Legendary Quest Line Achievements
    Today we are taking a look at the legendary quest achievement completion rate of players. The data used today is a sample of 2.1 million players active since August 1. We also did this at the end of 2013 for Mists of Pandaria, which you can see here. As a sidenote, 35.86% of players also have a Level 3 shipyard.

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    Name Side Points
    Chapter I: Call of the Archmage Begin Khadgar's legendary quest and prove yourself raid-ready by defeating the spirit of Kairozdormu.
    67.13% 25
    Chapter II: Gul'dan Strikes Back Complete Khadgar's legendary Highmaul raid quests and save his life when things take a turn for the worse.
    51.65% 25
    Chapter III: The Foundry Falls Complete Khadgar's legendary quests within the Blackrock Foundry until the Iron Horde is on the run!
    35.86% 25
    Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate Acquire your legendary ring by completing Khadgar's quests.
    17.37% 25

    Poll - Legendary Ring Progress
    How are you doing on the legendary ring questline?

    Patch 6.2.2 Hotfixes - The Frozen Halls
    Blizzard put back the missing sockets on the hotfixed gear from The Frozen Halls today.

    Level Type Slot Name
    219ClothLegs Rimewoven Silks
    219LeatherWaist Flayer's Black Belt
    219MailHead Polished Mirror Helm
    219MailHead Horns of the Spurned Val'kyr
    219PlateChest Scourgelord's Frigid Chestplate
    219PlateHead Skeleton Lord's Cranium
    219Two-handed MaceTwo Hand Garfrost's Two-Ton Hammer

    Ghostcrawler Tweets
    Ghostcrawler still occasionally talks about WoW. Remember that he no longer works for or speaks for Blizzard.
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    in this case it doesn't seem to be a vocal minority either. Far more people than average posted disapproval
    It's rather difficult to evaluate whether a majority feels a certain way without a relatively scientific survey. (OccupyGStreet)
    And majority rule isn't always great for design either. Cell phone customers always just ask for more battery life not features. (OccupyGStreet)

    Heroes of the Storm - Lt. Morales Trailer
    Blizzard released the trailer for Lt. Morales yesterday.

  2. #2
    35% shityard completion but 17% ring completion...hmm

  3. #3
    The Patient Azelias's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Dec 2010
    These Ghostcrawler tweets are certainly not 'occasional' and in some cases (like these 2) are turning into grand philosophy rather than pure information about WoW.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Azulor View Post
    These Ghostcrawler tweets are certainly not 'occasional' and in some cases (like these 2) are turning into grand philosophy rather than pure information about WoW.
    You need to re-read the statement above his comments. You're totally misunderstanding what it means.

  5. #5
    The Patient Azelias's Avatar
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    Ok fine, but the 'occasional' comment still stands.

  6. #6
    Ghostcrawler still occasionally
    You mean every time you post something on the front page.

  7. #7
    The Lightbringer theostrichsays's Avatar
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    In my douche canoe crossing the Delaware.
    So if only 17% of the players (if I'm reading that right, as in any character on that players account) have completed the ring, then is it fair at all to say that these damned expansion long legendaries are not that popular?
    Just my opinion and nothing more, but I would rather not see a dang legendary at all, then have to find time to run previous raid tiers (and I absolutely detest lfr, but when I'm in a pinch of time it serves its purpose) just to be able to reroll for my guilds needs.

  8. #8
    I have not touched the shipyard since the initial quests to open tanaan. Legendary ring be dammed. It's not worth another garrison mission table.

  9. #9
    2.1m active players dang thats low, cant blame them tbh games stale as hell atm

  10. #10
    Hots running out of originality really quickly if they're throwing in generic SC2 units as "heroes"
    Khadgar: Prepare to heroically CTRL-E through the portal with me!

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooky View Post
    yeah wow about raising the valor cap consider WoD isn't that far away? 1000 valor points gets u a lollipop and kick in the nutsack these days! Back in my day we could get a bucket of candy and a pet ferret with that sort of points!
    Quote Originally Posted by Herecius View Post

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by azazal View Post
    2.1m active players dang thats low, cant blame them tbh games stale as hell atm
    It doesn't feel that stale after a 10 month break.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by azazal View Post
    2.1m active players dang thats low, cant blame them tbh games stale as hell atm
    2.1m players the survey covers, not necessarily related to the sum total of all active WoW players.
    The MoP legendary survey they referenced in the post only analyzed 2m accounts, and presumably more people still played then?

  13. #13
    that hotfix was my bad Somarlane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbnm247 View Post
    I have not touched the shipyard since the initial quests to open tanaan. Legendary ring be dammed. It's not worth another garrison mission table.
    You made the right call. I have level 2 and I've said eff it Khadgar can use the legendary as a cock ring for all I care. The entire design of the shipyard UI and experience is so horrible I'm amazed it passed muster. Then I remember that I'm playing WoD and the amazement shifts to the fact that I came back (even to just show support for player flight). Leaving town for a while anyway, so since I got the flight I wanted now I'm letting my account lapse again. Permanently, in all likelihood.
    23:02 chelly: bobs and virginia

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Azulor View Post
    Ok fine, but the 'occasional' comment still stands.
    GC actually is occasionally tweeting, however chaud usually spreads them out over a period of time to ensure there's stuff for multiple news posts instead of posting 200 tweets at once.

  15. #15
    Finished all chapters, but last, cuz it requires avg 70 HFC (up to 100, if you're unlucky) boss kills and I don't want to do LFR more then once-twice now.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocketsauce View Post
    35% shityard completion but 17% ring completion...hmm
    Because... Hellfire Shitadel.
    Why you think the Net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!

  17. #17
    The Lightbringer theostrichsays's Avatar
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    In my douche canoe crossing the Delaware.
    Quote Originally Posted by Serissa View Post
    Because... Hellfire Shitadel.
    Somewhere there is the makings of a good hemorrhoid commercial jingle, in that pet name.
    Quote Originally Posted by Axelhander View Post
    Thank you for mansplaining how opinions work.
    Also you're wrong, the people who agree with you are wrong, and you're probably ugly.
    Ever been so angry at everyone on the internet you tell a woman she is mansplaining?

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocketsauce View Post
    35% shityard completion but 17% ring completion...hmm
    I finished my ring with only lvl 2 shipyard

  19. #19
    And majority rule isn't always great for design either. Cell phone customers always just ask for more battery life not features.
    But...I do just want more battery life.

  20. #20
    Legendary questlines were terrible, Hopefully there isn't one in Legion so they can focus more on the artifact weapon.

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