Yeah, if I was in your shoes it would be one of those situations where I immediately go to take a power nap and hope that giving my brain a reset helps untangle some reasons. I know that you'd mentioned that Logan gave you similar speeches before, so I assumed he had some sort of weird ingrained self-esteem issues, but I had hoped that he'd sort those out instead of letting those thoughts consume him.
"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator
I'm sorry... *hugs*
This "I'm not good enough for you" has been a plague of my life too. I've never really thought about it, but I suppose it hurts people on the receiving end no less than people thinking that. I think I got over it recently, after a lot of self-digging. Hope your BF gets over it too eventually, regardless of anything!
He won't tell me what's going on, just keeps saying about stuff going on with his family. I don't know why he won't explain what he's dealing with, it's driving me crazy that he's kept all this stress and struggling and stuff from me so that I had no idea what was going on. Makes me feel like a horrible girlfriend that he couldn't even confide in me...
How long were you together for?
If it wasn't an overly long period of time, it's entirely possible he just didn't want to burden you with something serious. I've been with my partner for 5 years and I haven't told her my parents are on the verge of divorce, because I don't want to stress her out with my family issues.
I'm sorry to hear that, Izalla.
I don't know enough about your relationship to say that this is the case, but opening up and being vulnerable is often a difficult thing to do as a man. I'm not saying that I think this line of thinking is correct, but it seems society beats it into the head of men that we must be stoic and not show vulnerability. I know it's difficult not to, but please don't take it personally; I'm certain you're not a bad girlfriend.
"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator
I'm sorry Izallamen can be stoopy heads a lot
"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator