Friendly! \o/
Friendly! \o/
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
Friendly shouts abuse at those foul flying shit machines! Vanyali fools May by playing dead, how dumb do you have to be to fall for that? Prik is blessed by the starchy one! Icedwarrior and Mayhem team up for some mischief!
You bastard Chronosul, I shall have my vengeance in the afterlife! Yeti takes tumble for the worse! Xanjori is attacked by the autistic swarm! The Potato God is pleased today!
"El Psy Kongroo!" Hearthstone Moderator
Chrono..... You dick!
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.
Lower your tail Dyra! Tahuun tries to ambush Mehman but is too slow! Ami heads to the high ground to better spot her victims! The swarm turns their attention to Izalla this time!
You stink Gemini! Reek busts his ankle fleeing in terror! Manwell maps out the arena and looks for possible ambush positions! On this weeks episode of ambushes go wrong.....
*pretends to be working at work*
I'm here... Sort of.